I do t know why you’re trying to explain to me how someone with ASPD could be “good” or “bad”…
That’s the point I’ve been trying to make, at least you got there I guess.
Just super weird you’re acting like you’re explaining it now
I do t know why you’re trying to explain to me how someone with ASPD could be “good” or “bad”…
That’s the point I’ve been trying to make, at least you got there I guess.
Just super weird you’re acting like you’re explaining it now
s a personality disorder defined by a chronic pattern of behaviour that disregards the rights and well-being of others
That is one of the diagnosis criteria…
But it’s not a checklist where you gotta score 100%.
And to keep the Harriet Tubman example, legally under society’s laws she wasn’t freeing people. At the time and place she was at she was stealing property from people, relatively expensive property, and in large amounts.
Most people’s experience with someone diagnosed with ASPD are because they have the real bad ones in addition to the others, and someone without them would also almost never go see a shrink of their own free will, because they still have the other parts where they think (maybe rightfully) that they know more than everyone else.
This also skews what the medical community sees.
If someone doesn’t give a fuck about others, they still may realize the benefit of social nicities and benefits from being part of a community.
This ain’t an idea I just had, people have been talking about this undercount since way before we stopped using outdated terms like “sociopath”, and that was decades ago.
if you consider sociopathy to be a mental illness.
Nah, because that’s just Antisocial Personality Disorder, which basically boils down to trusting your own judgement over society’s.
That can be very bad, or very good.
Like, Harriet Tubman put her own values over society’s laws, so she broke a shit ton of laws with zero remorse. Hard to say she had a mental illness. But her actions we celebrate today, met a lot of the diagnosing criteria.
It’s just human variation, but it’s likely incredibly undercounted because regardless of if the person is more on the “good” or “bad” side, they all think they have a better line of thinking than society. And fuck man. Take a look around.
Society as a whole isn’t doing too hot lately, it’s a pretty low bar to say you trust your own morals than society’s.
Make the US people feel higher gas price
It’s why I spent four years saying rather than tax incentives for electric vehicles, we need to just level the playing field and take away gas subsidizes. But good luck getting either party here to hurt fossil fuel profits. Both our options this election were pro-fracking.
It’s fucking insane that we can’t socialize healthcare, but everyone needs to pitch in so Bill can drive his giant truck an hour to sit at a desk for 8 hours twice a day.
There is literally zero reason for gas subsidizes when we’re trying to get people to move on from gas.
“Look how fucked up my shoes [are]. This shoe cost me three bands. All because of Trump. Now I like him lesser!” she said. “Now I like him lesser because you didn’t have to go to no Super Bowl. Fucking up my shoe. Now I don’t really like him.”
Everybody has a line…
Don’t judge a fish by how fast it can climb a tree…
A lot of the “lines” we have to explain why we’re better than other animals is because back in the day someone made a list of what we can do and other species can’t.
When we find out another species can do that thing, we drop it from the list and say the others were what realy mattered all along.
The difference is the same it’s always been: the amount of effort that goes into educating the next generation.
Which builds exponentially once you start getting things like agriculture, language, and writing.
Or the mentally ill…
Similar protest emails have been sent to the Office of Personnel Management, or OPM, which is trying to get reports of noncompliance with their anti-trans efforts. Sending messages to defendingwomen@opm.gov, people are attempting to use a flood of complaints to prevent snitching from targeting federal workers upholding trans inclusion.
Normally I’d say something about how overwhelming emails prevent an agency from doing their work…
No one that reads emails for the new publicized OPM emails are doing actual work. So this has no negative effect on the important work OPM does.
To clarify this is about someone identifying a vulnerability and getting $10k from Google for it
Believe it or not, a lot of us are able to be mad about more than one thing at a time.
You can, I can, lots of people can.
But not everyone, and certainly not the media. They only have so much airtime, it’s a zero sum game. And so is attention on a personal level.
What you’re doing is like being in a room and saying “none of us are stupid enough to vote trump. No one is that stupid”.
While ignoring that obviously lots of people were dumb enough to vote for him.
You (and lots of others) desperately need to realize that people think differently than you do. Because not realizing that hasn’t been working out well for us as a society
The reason they do dumb shit like this is to distract from the evil shit they’re doing.
The crazy part is it clearly still works from what people are commenting
Dude literally has bipolar disorder and doesn’t take his medication
I said:
Because the people around him always say “yes”.
Meaning the reason he doesn’t take his pills is people telling him he’s a genius.
I hope that finally made sense, but when you need as much help to understand things as you do, you shouldn’t act like that when people try to help you understand
You think you’re being cool and edgy, but the truth is people who can help you just give up on you.
Online it’s easy, if I block you its like you never existed.
Dude literally has bipolar disorder and doesn’t take his medication
Because the people around him always say “yes”.
They’re like an improv group, no matter what Kanye says, they call him a genius. Because if you do t, you’re out of his orbit.
Not taking his medication is a symptom of the problem, not the cause. But it 100% exacerbates the problem.
A good benchmark is Windows 95, and that was only 30 years ago.
It’s easy to remember because the 95 means 1995. And 19 means the before fore times our ancestors are from.
someone well known as him he deserves special treatment
Kanye wouldn’t be this crazy if he wasn’t famous, so it’s not really special treatment.
The constant positive reinforcement no matter what just makes them go crazier.
Like, “pushing the envelope” isn’t sustainable, eventually you get to the point where you’re only paying attention to topping yourself, it’s not “is this better?” anymore its just “is this crazier?”
It apparently doesn’t take long till you’re throwing swastikas on everything just to get people to notice.
Most people grow out of that shit. But Kanye got paid insane amounts of money to act like that, he’s going to keep doing until it stops working.
Rather than them being “state sources” is rampant corruption in a capitalist setting…
The only way the media can afford to operate is “advertisements” from the government, and right now that means Modi.
So the only way they stay on the air is by airing propaganda, and if the rest of what they cover isn’t what Modi wants, he can cut off funding and destroy any of them.
Indian media is a whole nother level of fucked up.
LGBT has always been a target.
The “good guys” still (chemically) castrated one of their greatest minds that won the war for ten, just because he happened to like dicks.
Theres a reason people wanted to reduce the victims of the Holocaust to just being Jewish and ignored all the other groups that both sides wanted to persacute.
They did the same thing this time, target LGBT to build the movement and are now expanded to other groups.
Hopefully everyone stands up while we still have the numbers, otherwise they’ll keep chipping away fringe groups.
Too fast, too furious…
The craziest thing cartels buying guns in America and smuggling them into Mexico isnt that the US government was selling to people they thought were smugglers.
It’s that the people at the gun store are doing the same shit people are doing all over the place.
The used gun market is insane, I know a couple people that constantly buy new guns and sell them less than a year later. They don’t question why some person is willing to buy $200 over new price for a used gun.
And the way the law is structured, that’s in their best interest.
If a random person walks up and asks to buy a gun, you don’t have to ask any other questions as a “private seller” and since you can only get in trouble if you know that person can’t own a gun, the less questions the better.
The “private sale” loophole makes every other gun law just a slight hassle to get around. But no one wants to actually close it.
It also incentives those sales.
No gun store will pay as much as someone who can’t buy from a gun store.
So to make sure someone ends up with that can legally have it, the seller loses money.
They really buried that this is an 11 month old quote…
But yeah, I was guilty of expecting a groachical experience like Seluna’s without realizing the trade off was an N64 level of being stuck on rails.
5ish years from now it could be different.
But it’s not about making the best games, it’s about making the most money.
If you have a propitiatory engine, your hiring base is limited. And studios don’t want long-term employees, so they want generic engines with a readily available labor pool.
I’ve sunk a lot of time trying to help you against your own will.
I know you think talking like that is a “slam” and that you’re winning an argument, but no one else is arguing. I’m trying to help you, and you’re getting an attitude like that
The only reason I’m replying again, is a hail Mary that you at least realize acting like this doesn’t mean you “win” when someone stops replying…
It means someone wrote you off as a lost cause.
And I bet you think you “win” a lot, so it was worth typing that.