Following months of negotiations with Teamsters, UPS announced in June that it would install air conditioning in new trucks starting next year. The company said it would send new trucks to the hottest parts of the country first, if possible. The company also said it would retrofit its existing package cars with cab fans, exhaust heat shields, and cargo area ventilation.

“While these improvements will make a difference in the months and years ahead, we had to fight like hell to secure them,” the Teamsters union said in its social media post Thursday. “Chris Begley should still be alive to experience them. All companies, including UPS, need to remember that their past failings to protect workers can have deadly serious consequences in the future.”

Chris Bagley should still be alive and it’s a damn shame the Teamsters failed to protect him from social murder. Only new trucks? Only next year? They drove trucks without fans, heat shields, and ventilation? What the fuck.

The Teamsters could have, at the very least, demand a total halt on driving trucks without fucking fans. “Oh but that’ll cause package delays!” Well I guess we just have to murder drivers for the sake of logistics.

If anyone tells me how great and historic the new contract is one more fucking time I’ll fucking lose it.

    1 year ago

    Why don’t vehicles have some sort of heat shielding on the roof? even a car becomes like an oven if it sits out in the sun for an hour. Any vehicle should at minimum have a good heat protection at the roof so that the vehicle roof doesn’t transfer heat below and heat up the interiors.

      1 year ago

      The UPS vehicles are open. The roof itself shields the driver from a lot of harmful radiation, but if they deliver in 100°F+ weather, basically everything around them will radiate heat: the cars, the asphalt, the concrete. A heat shield on the roof would be pointless.