Especially since they keep doing it to prove that “Oh anyone can be a millionaire, ya just gotta not be lazy.”, and despite each of them failing when they fail to prove this, they still proceed to learn nothing form this.
If only I could show the world what rich people really think of the common man, but if thousands of films like “Joker” and “V For Vendetta” where that’s the sole point didn’t do it, then what the fuck else will?
Especially since they keep doing it to prove that “Oh anyone can be a millionaire, ya just gotta not be lazy.”, and despite each of them failing when they fail to prove this, they still proceed to learn nothing form this.
If only I could show the world what rich people really think of the common man, but if thousands of films like “Joker” and “V For Vendetta” where that’s the sole point didn’t do it, then what the fuck else will?