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[Image description: a dining room with teal blue walls, with a pink neon sign saying “let them eat cake” written in cursive.]

    13010 months ago

    For those who don’t know, the phrase “let them eat cake” is commonly attributed to Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France in the late 18th century. However, there’s no concrete evidence she actually said this. The phrase is used to portray her as out of touch with the suffering of the French people during a time of widespread poverty and famine.

    Having the phrase “let them eat cake” in a super luxurious house is incredibly insensitive because it symbolizes a callous disregard for the struggles of those less fortunate. It’s a reminder of the kind of detachment and insensitivity that can perpetuate social inequalities and exacerbate class divides, which is particularly tone-deaf in a setting of opulence.

  • @kimpilled
    11510 months ago

    Is it still “tone deaf” if they know exactly what they’re saying?

      6210 months ago

      Yeah, tone deaf isn’t the right word. Overtly evil and stupid is probably the phrase they were looking for.

    • moosetwin
      10 months ago

      Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

      I could easily see an out of touch rich person thinking of it only as a thing that goes along with rich people, (and not realize the actual meaning).

      • Echo Dot
        10 months ago

        Like the rich person equivalent of “live laugh love” and “it’s wine o’clock”?

        By the way if anybody has any of those on their walls, I hate you and you deserve death.

  • @0ddysseus
    3710 months ago

    I mean we already have a solution to this don’t we?

  • @mashbooq
    2710 months ago

    It’s like they’re trying to get eaten at this point

      1010 months ago

      Your wife probably needs to have a charitable angle to her core business plan or people may get mad if it’s solely catering to wealthy people. Something like weekly cupcake donations to a local shelter.

      610 months ago

      That might make it difficult to get an online presence since the name is a common phrase.

      Elon is having the same problem with X because… well it’s a letter that’s part of the friggin language.

    • Flying Squid
      610 months ago

      I wouldn’t. That’s just begging for a guillotine shop to open up next door.

  • Obinice
    2310 months ago

    The bourgeoisie know EXACTLY what they are, and what the joke is. They get it. They’re laughing at us.

    Constantly laughing at us. They know how stupid we are for doing exactly what they want like their little slaughter pigs. Generation after generation, we obey them with a smile on our faces.

    So I mean, can you really blame them for laughing at the joke, when we’re the ones making it funny for them? :-(

  • Seraph
    1710 months ago

    I very badly want to know what that pattern is in the pool. The striping is tacky but what’s that crest/logo?

        810 months ago

        Watching a basic human need go unrealistically out of reach for average hard working people should radicalize just about anyone.

          • D1G17AL
            910 months ago

            Its so simple for you but for those of us that actually grew up in places like California we don’t want to move 800 miles just to afford a house. We don’t want to move away from our friends and family members just to be able to afford a house in the middle of butt-fucking nowhere.

            610 months ago

            Well I mean some people have to live in California, New York, Ontario and other obscene high COL areas. There are also a lot of jobs that really ONLY exist in Los Angeles in any meaningful way. Doesn’t have to be 18m but go ahead and try to find a house in one of those regions within your budget and imagine having no alternative.

            Plus they are nice places to live with more progressive state laws and protections some people don’t feel safe leaving. I know what you’re trying to say and I understand. Just want to point out that people are able to look at RIDICULOUS real estate to laugh at or daydream or cure curiosity, and then get frustrated because honestly all their options feel just as ridiculous and unachievable.

    310 months ago

    I didn’t realize at first that the property manager decorated it all this way to be ready for renting out lol

    The over-the-topness of it all makes more and less sense that way- let them eat cake and monopoly man, naked newspaper reader and swimmer ladies, cocaine ad bench cushion by the pool