It’s even more ludicrous because he’s facing so many criminal and civil charges for provably not telling the truth. I swear reality has turned into a Mel Brooks movie.
Mel Brooks movies are good though…
I agree they are fantastic as satire! Maybe a little less as reality. It’s like how The Onion content from 15 years ago wasn’t meant to be prophecy. I swear when I saw Trump selling those gold sneakers I was reminded of this Spaceballs clip - the only difference is Trump is spraypainted orange instead of gold.
Yeah I watched Idiocracy recently for the first time in a long time and damn that movie holds up.
I tried watching it in 2020 for the first time ever, and I had to turn it off. It was too depressingly accurate.
You’re missing the point. They’re saying Jesus was a pathological liar. /s
I believe he was extremely devout. Check out The Passover Plot. Fantastic book about how cleverly he engineered the situation to become the prophesied messiah. I finished it last week and loved it.
Irony died somewhere before CPAC accepted the label domestic terrorists and Trump saying Republicans eat their own young and instead of correcting himself when he catches it he doubles down instead. We held a funeral but I misinterpreted the invitations.
gotta hand it to them, christofascists make the funniest shitposts and theyre not even trying.
It such an incredible shitpost it’s hard to believe it wasn’t created by an intentional shitposter specifically to troll my great aunt Joyce, who will frown at this shitpost with approval and unironically share it with her Facebook friends, who unfollowed her years ago
Blasphemous bullshit.
What about his book makes you think he’s conservative?
White Jesus telling the truth?
Bitch you ain’t jesus.
They bonded over their abusive, racist pieces of shit fathers.
Hey, leave Joseph out of it. He was a standup guy, hard working carpenter. Even took care of his wife after she cheated on him
Yeah, but one turned out okay and the other was an abusive, racist piece of shit like his father.
You mean the parts where Jesus ran merchants out of the temple with a whip, called all the religious leaders hypocrites, and said rich people getting saved is harder than shoving a camel through a needle’s eye? (Which, yes, does mean exactly what it sounds like it does).
Those are the truths they’re talking about, right?
I’mma leave this here for y’all
The only way I can justify these pictures being real and not made as jokes are that they are propaganda to get religious people to vote for Trump. I don’t believe religious people are doing this.
Have you met some religious people? It’s entirely plausible there are plenty of white “Christians” making these super sacrilegious things. Remember he literal golden idol?I mean, these people aren’t actually christians anymore. They’re the “religious right.” It’s a political faction more than an actual denomination.
I have but not American Christians
“Well sure THIS is fake. But can you imagine what it’d be like if it were real? Just imagine bro. Just twist this fake BS in your head to something that could be plausible. Now use that twisted BS to reinforce your beliefs. Just think about it!”
As another commented pointed out, look at the watermark under trump’s arm.
“Mike Oxmaul, American Patriot”
It’s satire.
This is terrible sacrilege.
Look at the name of the artist under Trump’s arm.
It’s satire.Poe’s Law means that I don’t know for sure if these are satire by looking at the content alone.
When I see these I start thinking about who made it and I can’t decide which scenario is worse. Is it a grifter trying to motivate the rubes or a true believer? Either way it’s cringey as hell.
Um… Isn’t that Steve Carell from Evan Almighty?
JC got an upgrade?
I don’t really understand this, but there could be Navalny.
Ffs, is this real? Is this seriously where we are at?
My first impression was that somebody probably made it as a joke, but then many people took it seriously and liked it. A take on poe’s law.
I take occasional trips into rural America, and if this was available to purchase on a flag or a banner, people would fly it 100% seriously.
That jesus should be brown skinned, if we talk about truth.
And with shorter hair.
And be a dusty remains of a skeleton
After 2000 years it’s probably butt dust.