At this point, I’m not even going to bother trying to go on there anymore.

  • @henfredemars
    13 months ago

    Hmm, I’ve had that fail on some cheap Chinese phones. They have other software that kills things in the background irrespective of the setting. I developed a VPN client and was never truly able to solve this problem on some low memory devices.

      23 months ago

      The VPN may get killed, but the killswitch in network stack prevents any connection outside, unless you have some really weird noname phone with poorly developed custom Android build. If you have any brand phone you hear, Google, Huawei, Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Oneplus, Asus or any such big name, I do not think this issue will occur, atleast I have not heard or seen this on any decent budget specced device. Besides, I think having a device with less than 3-4 GB RAM is going to cause issues, because they are computers just in handheld form.