• BombOmOm
    -635 months ago

    They are also damn helpful for defending life. A Smith and Wesson puts the daintiest of women on an equal field with the burliest of asailants.

          • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
            65 months ago

            The argument doesn’t sound as convincing this way:

            A Smith and Wesson puts the daintiest of assailants on an equal field with the burliest of women.

              • @aidan@lemmy.world
                45 months ago

                Okay, but they did. I see how it sounds sexist, but how is it actually sexist? Dainty women do exist, and are on average, more dainty than dainty men.

                  • @aidan@lemmy.world
                    15 months ago

                    Well, using the stereotype is to reinforce their point. It’s a argumentative tactic. Like if someone said “eating greasy McDonald’s or whatever”, they could have just said “eating unhealthy food” but using specific imagery that plays into stereotypes gives a more emotional reaction.

              • @postmateDumbass@lemmy.world
                45 months ago

                In the example only the initial victim had a gun, presumably the ‘burliest of asailants’ was using physical strength as their weapon.

              • @aidan@lemmy.world
                25 months ago

                No it is not, you are saying two completely different things.

                Does having a pilots livense reduce your likelihood of dying in plane crash?


                Does having a pilots license give you the ability to be responsible for your own safety in plane?

                Two completely different things

                  • @aidan@lemmy.world
                    45 months ago

                    having a gun to defend yourself from someone with a gun works

                    No, it’s that it grants you the opportunity to defend yourself, not that you can.

                    (more guns reducing gun crime)

                    That is not what that means. Nowhere is that claimed. Maybe ask ChatGPT to rephrase it for you.

    • Ann Archy
      05 months ago

      Ho ho, buddy! I don’t agree, but I won’t keep kicking ya. The mob has spoken. In this particular instance, they’re right. But don’t take it personally, it could be any one of us tomorrow!

    • Андрей Быдло
      05 months ago

      God brought us different, but Colt made us equal, blah-blah-blah.

      The difference between trained criminal who started and dictate the situation and an unprepared civilian is just too big. Not to say about how seeing a gun or a sudden movement would trigger an instant attack. You overestimate reflexes of a regular person and their ability to use firearms. Self-defence gun in a bag is more of a risk for an owner and others rather than an affective detterent.

      Guns should be. Under the lock. People who casually carry them around just in case aren’t a solution but a problem themselves.