At least 13 people have been killed in a blast outside Gaza City’s biggest hospital, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says.

BBC Verify has verified graphic videos showing badly injured and possibly dead people lying outside the hospital.

The Israeli military has confirmed it struck an ambulance that it says was being used by Hamas operatives.

It did not say where the air strike took place.

“An IDF aircraft struck an ambulance that was identified by forces as being used by a Hamas terrorist cell in close proximity to their position in the battle zone,” it said in a statement.

  • @mwguyOP
    -18 months ago

    Hamas has had genocide in its charter since it’s establishment.

      18 months ago

      Saying they want Israel to stop existing is VERY different from calling for a genocide. And calling for “landback” is very far from genocide…

      • @mwguyOP
        38 months ago

        Oh they (Hamas leadership) explicitly have called for genocide separately too. In another place in this thread I linked an article where their spokesman said their goal was to continue to do more Oct 7 attacks until all the Jews were killed.

          08 months ago

          They never said “until all Jews” are killed.

          Palestinians and Hamas can make the distinction between Jewish people and Israel.

          Something Israel is incapable of doing. On purpose of course.

          • @mwguyOP
            18 months ago

            I’m going to ask what I’ve asked others who have made this “point” have you googled it.

            Like this is a pretty basic, fundamental goal of Hamas. It’s not even denied by them when asked.

              08 months ago

              Literally no evidence, just mainstream propaganda and manipulated quotes lmao. Like we really ought to believe articles that come out the Atlantic? Bro try harder.

              • @mwguyOP
                28 months ago

                Click the link. Hamas doesn’t deny their desire to kill every Jewish person.

      • @mwguyOP
        28 months ago

        Their leadership when given the opportunity has consistently clarified that they indeed want genocide.

          -18 months ago

          Can you clarify what they said then?

          I can say confidently that I’ve seen plenty of Israeli leaders saying they clearly want to either kill or expel all Arabs and non-Jews from Israel.

          I’ve never seen the same from Hamas leadership (and even less from other Palestinian groups - like Fatah and PFLP) that what they want is to either kill or expel all Jews from Palestine…

          • @mwguyOP
            38 months ago

            I’ve never seen the same from Hamas leadership (and even less from other Palestinian groups - like Fatah and PFLP) that what they want is to either kill or expel all Jews from Palestine…

            Have you looked?

            This is from just three days ago :

            Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, praised the brutal attack the group carried out in Israel on October 7 and said if given the opportunity, they would carry out similar assaults repeatedly in the future with the goal of eliminating Israel, The Times of Israel reported.

            And they’ve said similar shit my entire life.

              -18 months ago

              Eliminating Israel == calling for a genocide.

              Israel is an apartheid fascist state. It should be dismantled. And a new secular state with equal rights for all should be made in its place.

              That is the position of most Palestinians. Some even wish for a two state solution, for some reason.

              But saying Israel shouldn’t exist is not genocidal, anti-semitic or anything. It’s just fucking human.

              • @mwguyOP
                38 months ago

                Eliminating Israel == calling for a genocide.

                Did you read the articles on it? Are you aware of what happened on Oct 7? Advocating for the repeated indiscriminate killing, raping and enslavement of civilians is calling for a genocide.

                I don’t think we have the same definitions of genocide if mass murder and rape isn’t part of yours.

                  18 months ago

                  Rape and enslavement? Bro that is PURE propaganda juice.

                  And the Palestinians are saying “until we are free we will keep fighting”.

                  WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU EXPECT? A colonized people will keep fighting, forever.

                  • @mwguyOP
                    18 months ago

                    Rape and enslavement? Bro that is PURE propaganda juice.

                    On 10/7 they not only raped multiple women, but they paraded raped bodies through the streets of Gaza to cheers.

                    And they have hostages. Those hostages aren’t being paid. They’re being enslaved.

                    And the Palestinians are saying “until we are free we will keep fighting”.

                    Gazans are free and have been since 2004.

                    WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU EXPECT? A colonized people will keep fighting, forever.

                    There are zero colonies in Gaza. I’d expect this sort of violence out of the West Bank which is actively being colonized. But not the strip. The violence out of the strip largely justified the colonization efforts in the West Bank in the West and is the #1 reason the US doesn’t push for an end to West Bank colonization.

        08 months ago

        It’s an interesting question, because normally forcibly evicting an entire nationality would be genocide. But is it genocide if it’s evicting the colonizers? What if it’s been 50 years? A hundred?

        I’m not sure one way or another, it’s just interesting to think about.

        • @mwguyOP
          28 months ago

          But is it genocide if it’s evicting the colonizers? What if it’s been 50 years? A hundred?

          Yes. To all of them yes.

          Like if it was 1946, there’s be no question that supporting the partition plan Britian was working on would be a bad idea.

          But to call for the return of the land to Israeli would be the equivalent of calling for the return of the Dakotas to the Lakota in 1960/70s (during the AIM movement). Or calling for the eviction of all whites from Oklahoma in the 1970/80s.

          That’s about the same 70-80 year timeframe from “original sin” to today that we have going on in the West Bank.

          8 months ago

          That is indeed tricky.

          But I don’t think WE can find the solution. Only the people who suffered the injustice of colonialism can say what is “enough justice”. Only they know what would help mend the wounds.

          (Of course there are some extremist violent minorities in the resistance, but most Palestinians would agree they just want a land and freedom).

            08 months ago

            The original reason for a Jewish state, before it got corrupted by extremism, was to live in peace and be respected, instead of constantly persecuted and killed. That may have been true in the 1800s, but I’m not sure if it still is. It certainly doesn’t seem like it’s enough to really stop it. That original reason is also a bit ironic considering what most Palestinians want.

            Perhaps the best solution would be to form a unified state with a secular government that fiercely protected the ethnicities living in the country. That I think would displace the fewest people.

              08 months ago

              No ethnostate can exist with peace. Jewish people are safer in the US than in Israel. And that was also true after WW2.

              Creating a COLONIAL settler apartheid state where a bunch of people already lived? That is fucking dumb.

                18 months ago

                Typical British colonial thinking, I agree. The ethnostate made sense at the time it was first discussed. This was Russian revolution era, so the European states were each effectively ethnostates.