At least 13 people have been killed in a blast outside Gaza City’s biggest hospital, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says.

BBC Verify has verified graphic videos showing badly injured and possibly dead people lying outside the hospital.

The Israeli military has confirmed it struck an ambulance that it says was being used by Hamas operatives.

It did not say where the air strike took place.

“An IDF aircraft struck an ambulance that was identified by forces as being used by a Hamas terrorist cell in close proximity to their position in the battle zone,” it said in a statement.

  • @mwguyOP
    38 months ago

    I’ve never seen the same from Hamas leadership (and even less from other Palestinian groups - like Fatah and PFLP) that what they want is to either kill or expel all Jews from Palestine…

    Have you looked?

    This is from just three days ago :

    Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, praised the brutal attack the group carried out in Israel on October 7 and said if given the opportunity, they would carry out similar assaults repeatedly in the future with the goal of eliminating Israel, The Times of Israel reported.

    And they’ve said similar shit my entire life.

      -18 months ago

      Eliminating Israel == calling for a genocide.

      Israel is an apartheid fascist state. It should be dismantled. And a new secular state with equal rights for all should be made in its place.

      That is the position of most Palestinians. Some even wish for a two state solution, for some reason.

      But saying Israel shouldn’t exist is not genocidal, anti-semitic or anything. It’s just fucking human.

      • @mwguyOP
        38 months ago

        Eliminating Israel == calling for a genocide.

        Did you read the articles on it? Are you aware of what happened on Oct 7? Advocating for the repeated indiscriminate killing, raping and enslavement of civilians is calling for a genocide.

        I don’t think we have the same definitions of genocide if mass murder and rape isn’t part of yours.

          18 months ago

          Rape and enslavement? Bro that is PURE propaganda juice.

          And the Palestinians are saying “until we are free we will keep fighting”.

          WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU EXPECT? A colonized people will keep fighting, forever.

          • @mwguyOP
            18 months ago

            Rape and enslavement? Bro that is PURE propaganda juice.

            On 10/7 they not only raped multiple women, but they paraded raped bodies through the streets of Gaza to cheers.

            And they have hostages. Those hostages aren’t being paid. They’re being enslaved.

            And the Palestinians are saying “until we are free we will keep fighting”.

            Gazans are free and have been since 2004.

            WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU EXPECT? A colonized people will keep fighting, forever.

            There are zero colonies in Gaza. I’d expect this sort of violence out of the West Bank which is actively being colonized. But not the strip. The violence out of the strip largely justified the colonization efforts in the West Bank in the West and is the #1 reason the US doesn’t push for an end to West Bank colonization.

              8 months ago

              Hostages don’t work…? Why would they be paid? They are just held for ransom. Are you dumb?


              The Nakba destroyed the villages and cities of, and displaced over 70% of Palestinians to fund the state of Israel. The land Israel is built on is literally stolen from NATIVE Palestinians.

              That is the definition of settler colonialism. A bunch of Europeans went to a land, murdered and forcibly expelled the natives to build an ethnostate.

              Gaza is a concentration camp. The West Bank is a bantustan.

              HOW CAN YOU DEFENT ISRAEL???

              • @mwguyOP
                18 months ago

                Hostages don’t work…? Why would they be paid? They are just held for ransom. Are you dumb?

                Yes because they’re currently being enslaved. Just because that makes Hamas look bad doesn’t make it untrue.

                The Nakba destroyed the villages and cities of, and displaced over 70% of Palestinians to fund the state of Israel. The land Israel is built on is literally stolen from NATIVE Palestinians.

                Nakba happened in 1948. If it was 1960 we’d have an argument (there was a war in the 60s). But several generations of people have grown up with this reality now. And since then the state has absorbed millions of refugees from the rest of the Middle East and North Africa which expelled and displaced Jews from their societies. From Iran alone as an example, Israel accepted nearly 150,000 refugees forced out.

                So ya Nakba was bad, but so was the Trail of Tears or Wounded Knee or any of the millions of atrocities humans have committed. Most societies are built on land stolen from Native populations. The atrocities of yesterday can’t justify the atrocities of today because everyone has an atrocity they can point to.

                HOW CAN YOU DEFENT ISRAEL???

                Easy. They’re not the ones conducting slave raids and parading raped women and girls through their streets to cheers. They didn’t kill 40 children (beheading admittedly only some). They pushed for a return to the 1967 borders going so far as to evict all settlers from Gaza as a “prove it” deal for peace. They’ve shown a willingness to trade land for peace as evidenced by the Sinai deal, sending the peninsula back to Egypt.

                And Gaza has proportionally received aid from the west (adjusted for inflation) at about 6x the Marshall Plan, which more than pays for the land stolen. The Gaza strip should be the Singapore of the Middle East but they’ve squandered the aid they’ve been given attempting to implement endless warfare.