Israel’s military has informed the United Nations that the entire population of northern Gaza should relocate to the southern half of the territory within 24 hours, the U.N. spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, said late on Thursday night, adding that such a movement — involving over one million people — would lead to “devastating humanitarian consequences.”

“The same order applied to all U.N. staff and those sheltered in U.N. facilities — including schools, health centers and clinics,” Mr. Dujarric said.

The U.N. was told that the marker dividing the north from south was Wadi Gaza, the statement said.

The U.N. Security Council is scheduled to hold an emergency meeting on Friday afternoon in a closed consultation format

  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    19 months ago

    From December 2012 to late June/early July 2014, Hamas did not fire rockets into Israel, and tried to police other groups doing so.[111] These efforts were largely successful; Netanyahu stated in March 2014 that the rocket fire in the past year was the “lowest in a decade.”[29][111][112] According to Shabak, in the first half of 2014 there were 181 rocket attacks[113] compared to 55 rocket attacks in whole 2013.


    • @mwguy
      19 months ago

      Lowest isn’t none.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        19 months ago

        It literally says “Hamas did not fire rockets into Israel, and tried to police other groups doing so”. That’s fulfilling their end of the bargain.

        • @mwguy
          19 months ago

          Allowing rockets to be fired from your territory is an act of war.

            • @mwguy
              19 months ago

              Yet somehow the PLA in the much larger West Bank manages.

              • NoneOfUrBusiness
                19 months ago

                They… Don’t. There are resistance/terrorist organizations based out of the West bank; they just aren’t as famous as Hamas. And it doesn’t help that there are people who don’t want peace and will actively work to disturb it.

                • @mwguy
                  19 months ago

                  They largely do. Almost every rocket attack has come from the Gaza Strip.

                  • NoneOfUrBusiness
                    19 months ago

                    I mean yes, your point? Tell you what I don’t need to hear it. You’re arguing in circles now and I have better things to do with my life.