Social media companies are receding from their role as watchdogs against conspiracy theories ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

    810 months ago

    Facebook was the start (though Yahoo and YouTube weren’t far behind). All conservatives and the rich have is money, so what’s it to them to buy out the company or their CEO? This may end up being a worse propaganda machine than FOX, but time will tell…Haven’t been on Reddit but not sure how their algorithm has been doing but their ads were very conservative before I left…

    • chaogomu
      710 months ago

      Facebook Hired Joel fucking Kaplan right after he left the Bush White House. Kaplan personally exempted rightwing conspiracy news sites from Facebook’s truth standards, while also deprioritizing more overtly left leaning sites.

      He personally nixed any change to the Facebook algorithm that would reduce the radicalization pipeline.

      Oh, and he also stuffed Facebook management with right-wing yes men.

        310 months ago

        Thank you. At least someone remembers that Facebook/Meta has been a right winger echo chamber earlier than Musk’s version

        010 months ago

        Best we can do is migrate…I always had this thought (stick with it): a lot of police are conservative, because how many progressive people do you know who want to have that difficult job? It seems true for management to: progressives don’t enjoy bossing people around and often enjoy the process of producing/making something. So who is left to fill the void? Conservatives. Worse, it doesn’t seem rare that “progressives,” turn hyper capitalist or all together conservative - they simply joins the rich club and most of their ideology. Even most politically left politicians only pander to progressive social issues but tend to bend to special interests. It’s going to take a major shift to change our power structure and who knows how that will come about…