• @Jaded@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    10 months ago

    Because they are using it to incite violence and hate. I’m big on the fuck all religions bandwagon but burning a religious text in front of said religious group is just being a dick.

    We tell people they can’t do stuff with their property all the time, if it’s affecting their surroundings negatively as is clearly the case.

    It’s also always the same book that gets burned, there’s clearly a heavy undercurrent of xenophobia. You wouldn’t be asking this question if it was a Torah instead.

    • @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world
      1210 months ago

      You wouldn’t be asking this question if it was a Torah instead.

      Can you expand on this assumption for me?

      Yes, burning a Koran in front of Muslims is a dick move but it shouldn’t be against the law in a secular Western country.

      • @Jaded@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        10 months ago

        There would be a justified outcry if a Torah was burned in front of a synagogue. The instigators would quickly be villefied and called Nazis. At the minimum, no one would be actively defending it.

        It shouldn’t have to be against the law, but people are abusing to the point of starting riots. It’s disturbing the peace. I lump this in with following people and screaming racial slurs constantly at the top of your lungs. Freedom of speech only goes so far, I’m okay with banning clear hate speech and similar actions.

        • @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world
          410 months ago

          It makes no difference to me if someone is burning a Torah, Koran, Bible, or any other religious text, as long as it’s their property they can do whatever they want with it.

          I think we’re placing too much emphasis on the person being provocative and acting like a dick and not nearly enough on the people who resort to violence over these provocations.

          • @Jaded@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            210 months ago

            What about burning crosses on someone’s lawn, or flying Nazi flags? Lmao, they could just not burn the damn book. Usually, people being dicks don’t have a army of people coming to their defence.

            Obviously you don’t care, you aren’t the one being personally attacked so you can just overlook it. But if this happened in a vaccum, you wouldn’t be defending the Nazi burning a Torah infront of a synagogue yet here we are.

            Look, I hate the policies in the middle east as well, but I’m able to differentiate between individuals and governments. This is Muslim hate and nothing else.

            • R0cket_M00se
              110 months ago

              What about burning crosses on someone’s lawn

              That would be their property, not yours.

              • @Jaded@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                410 months ago

                No one is upset about people burning a Koran in their backyard firepit. The example is very similar to what is happening.

              • livus
                10 months ago

                To build on @Jaded’s analogy,

                What about burning a cross on your own front lawn where your Black neighbours have a clear view of it through their own front windows?

            • @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world
              010 months ago

              You should stop trying to misrepresent my position, it doesn’t help you at all.

              If an asshole is trying to get a rise by burning things the worst thing to do is to give them what they want. Where I live we have an old guy who regularly flies the confederate flag. He’s a sick old fuck who only wants attention, or better yet, a chance to shoot someone if they try and take the flag down. What can be done?

              The only solution that makes sense is to ignore the loser and not give him the attention he so badly needs.

        • diprount_tomato
          010 months ago

          “Allowing women to drive is starting riots, it’s disturbing the peace, we must outlaw it”

    • @FireTower@lemmy.world
      810 months ago

      Burning an item be it a flag or a book is a quintessential form of free speech. It’s a clear way of expressing discontent towards an idea.

      Controversial speech is the most important kind of free speech. If we only allowed speech we agreed with society wouldn’t advance and grow.

      Ideas like ‘Women should get to vote’ once were controversial and that expression might have been met in an incendiary manner by it’s opponents, none the less that speech was important to protect.

      If you only support free speech for ideals you agree with you don’t support free speech at all.

        • @FireTower@lemmy.world
          610 months ago

          On that black man’s lawn? No. On their own? Knock themselves out.

          Like I said if you draw the line at the ends of your own beliefs you don’t believe in free speech. I have enough faith in the general public to come to the correct (read: not the kkk’s) conclusion on that matter.

          Let them speak, and the world will hear their points don’t have merit.

            • @FireTower@lemmy.world
              010 months ago

              I never suggested that those changes would be instant. You point out concentration camps, racism, & antisemitism as counterpoints. But they are more widely accepted to be wrong today then they’ve been historically in no small part due to their opponents speaking out against them.

              I’d counter do you faith in yourself to make the right conclusion when presented all the information? Have you never changed your stance? If you have what makes you better than the general public?

      • @generalpotato@lemmy.world
        010 months ago

        Why can’t trans people just grow up instead of throwing violent tantrums?

        Why can’t women just grow up instead of throwing violent tantrums?

        Why can’t jews/muslims/insert group of your choice grow up instead of throwing violent tantrums?

        See how fucking stupid you sound?

        Equality means equality and we shouldn’t be selective about enforcing it. If a group of people are offended by something, grow the fuck up and stop doing it. Period.

      • diprount_tomato
        010 months ago

        Because politicians and ideologues that use religion as their tool want them to stay childlike

        • @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world
          010 months ago

          I partly agree but this is about personal responsibility. If someone is trying to provoke you, your reaction is entirely your decision. Someone burning your holy book didn’t “make” you retaliate. You made this decision yourself and should own the consequences.

          It reminds me of the rationale for requiring women in some countries to cover their faces, lest the sight of an uncovered female face “makes” the men rape the woman.