I just recently cleared my place of much bullcrap and have consequently been able to keep cleaning up after myself moment to moment so it doesnt build up and its basically alwaya clean 🤩

  • truxnell
    7 months ago

    My doctor/specalist suggest I will likely not have it ‘come back’ if i keep weight off and stay healthy, but no 100% guarentee. This is more to do with catching it early and actually making lifestyle changes to deal with it - talking to healthcare professionasl about it most people dont really bother. They very specifically use the term ‘remission’ when discussing it to drill home that you can’t go back to bad habits and expect to be fine long-term.

    Type 2 Diabetes is usually a trajectory you end up on that progressively gets treated with levels of medication, but heavily depends on where you catch it, what action you take and your personal body makeup/individual circumstances.