lilypad [she/her]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • I had a similar thing around my facial hair before i began transition. I hated it, but i also loved it because it hid my face. I had a big dysphoria beard, and shaved it a couple times, but every time i just let it grow back because what was underneath was so alien and weird and bad. Do you think youd like your face more if it were more feminine? Like dont try to focus on specific parts of your face, maybe dont even look in the mirror.

    I think focusing on specific things can be a bit of a trap, both in that one can develop dismorphia, and in that ones transition might not change those things.

    hrt risks (also just my opinions and not comprehensive and are specific to me and my risk assessment i did before starting transition)

    Trying hrt is low risk in some ways, but that doesnt mean no risk. One should be ok with the risks before starting. The big one is that one may become sterile depending on how long one is on hrt. The others include genital atrophy and breast growth, but with genital atrophy it can be combatted to a certain degree by maintaining bloodflow for ~10 minutes every few days, and with breast growth one can always get a mastectomy (its probably easier to get if the doctors think their patient is a cis man, cause gender affirming care for cis people is common and simple to get comparatively)

  • Its really late for me and its been a very busy day (i finally have housing, in the nick of time, im not gonna be homeless, im so relieved 😭🤗) so i will come back to this tomorrow, but I just want to say that I actually really like that colour palette! I really agree with using the colour scheme to communicate that this is for all skin tones and hair colours.

    Ill try to see take a look at sourcehut pages and ways of publishing to both web and print that are (relatively) easy as I have time in the coming days :)

    As always, you rock! Im really impressed by how quickly everything has moved for this project; youre incredibly productive!

  • Har ikkje sett nok anime for å kjenne mange av disse bortsett fra de med hovedkarakterens navn i tittelen. Altså, Komis kommunikasjonsvansker må jo være Komi cant communicate, ikke sant? Har ikkje sett serien en gang men så nok reklamer da den først ble utgitt.

    Må si at lutesøster skremmer meg… Lutefisk e faen mæ nok, vi treng ikkje lutesøster! Og lutefisk er nesten bare en måte å spise bacon på, men hva ville man spist med lutesøster? (Jeg antar at denne er himouto umaru chan? En til som jeg ikke har sett men har bare hørt om)

    Men jeg må si, det viktigste med norske dubbinga er jo dialektene. Tenk hvor fantastisk han Sid var i istid, dialekten passa han perfekt. Da kommer spørsmålet: velg en anime. hvordan ville du tilpassa karakterene mtp dialektene?

  • Sorry for writing copious amounts of text and treating this kinda like a journal, i know im pretty self centered right now, sorry.


    I went on a really nice date to some gardens with this wonderful woman this past weekend.

    It was magical and felt so perfect. Shes also trans and idk if its that or just her but like she gets me in a way that I doubt cis people ever could. We had hooked up a couple times before this, and it was really nice to be in a more romantic/nonsexual setting with her. Gosh i feel intoxicated when Im with her, like theres gotta be something wrong with me right? She makes me feel such wonderful things, shes smart and passionate and strong and really fucking attractive and shes pursuing me of all people, i just feel so lucky. Idk where its going, if it’ll last a month, a year, who knows, but im here for it.

    Its also shone a light on my insecurities and fear of abandonment, and given me a really fucking good reason to get those managed. I mean, theyre mostly managed, kinda, and partially managed on a bad day, but still i want to have them completely managed. Idk, she just makes me want to be the best version of myself.

    I guess thats all to say: yall, im falling hard for this woman and its at a time when I dont have the bandwidth for a serious relationship. I guess happiness comes when you least expect it? Im taking her to the movies this friday, and thinking to cook up a desert themed for the movie (but its a ton of work and im kind of dying right now, housing instability and all that (side note fuck landlords, housing should be a basic human right))

    I just want to snuggle up with her forever, lay on her couch wrapped in each other, talking about nothing and everything. And kiss her, like a lot.

    On the less wonderous side of things, ive been realizing the extent of my mothers codependency/fucked-up-edness and it shifted how I view her and made my discomfort relating to her more understandable. Im tired of being responsible for her emotional state, of being there for her in situations where I shouldnt have to be. For example, shes set a hard boundary about me leaving her house after 3 months, which is fine, but when I express anxiety around my housing instability and frustration with not being able to find a place to rent, she gets very upset and distraught that Im facing homelessness, and then I have to take care of her and soothe her and take care of her emotions when she is the one contributing to/forcing that situation in the first place! You cant tell your daughter to get out of your house and then turn around and be distraught by your daughter not having a place to live!? Make it make sense, please.

    Ive got a great monster of the week campaign going on that im continuously excited for, its really fun :) plus everyone is trans and its great.

    Anyway, life is life, and life is wonderful and terrible.

  • I haven’t looked into it at all, but I know sourcehut has a pages feature that lets you deploy a website hosted by them. I havent looked into it and it might not be suitable, but since youre already using sourcehut to host the repos it might be worth checking out.

    I must admit Im a sucker for basic PDFs for A4 paper when it comes to assembly guides and manuals. I love having something printed that I can bind and leaf through. Perhaps considering a documentation format that can be published to multiple formats would be nice? I have used org mode to publish to both web and pdf (via latex) before, and the syntax tends to be unobtrusive enough that people who arent familiar with it can understand it with relative ease, but theres certainly other formats that would work (maybe texi? Though ive mostly used that for generating info manuals, i know theres texi to pdf and texi to html processors, though i dont know how featurful they are)

    As always, youre doing amazing work and its super exciting to see this all coming together! meow-bounce

  • Im so glad this is coming along so well! And im so happy you liked the sphynx name! swole-chonk

    Ive been checking out each of these posts and love seeing them, i just havent been commenting cause lifes been busy (week from homelessness and kinda sorta seeing someone new who ive fallen head over heels for), but ill just say it again: this is seriously game changing!

    Ill ask some of my design friends if theyre interested in making a logo, and maybe someone will make something for the project!

    And as always, you fucking rock! I dont have much to contribute right now, so im just cheering you on from the sidelines! Youre amazing and wonderful and making my dreams of being hair-free come within reach! cat-trans bridget-vibe

  • Life is going really well this week (well, big asterisk, cause ill probs be homeless come end of march) and ive been connecting with people and like having a lovely time being social. Idk having people who you like being around is really nice. Went to the local t4t night at a bar that is i think a socialist bar, which was fun. Went with some friends and just hung out and talked, which was really enjoyable, even if my anxiety was through the roof the entire time.

    Life is just wonderful right now, even if I have no job prospects and all the housing ads i respond to say nah.

    I also started P a week ago, which has been really nice and stabilized my mood a bit. Ive also been debating compounding my own P, but im afraid of ordering a kg of white powder to my door lol.

    Its also my birthday soon which i have such mixed feelings about.

  • This is really good but also some things I struggle with in there. I know i have to do some kind of corpo-speak esq shit, but like

    Para 2: Talking about yourself and selling your ‘passion’. e.g. “This role really attracts me as I am a self-described [industry] fan/nut/enthusiast. If successful, this role will help me deepen my industry knowledge and round out my aptitudes. The professoonal growth opportunities presented by [company] are compelling including its business connections, enthusiastic staff and positive reputation.”

    This is so hard for me, like I know its not lying but selling myself is something im really bad at lol.

    But genuinely thank you this is a helpful form to follow stalin-heart