• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I could see maintenance costs increases being not insignificant over time. Parts/appliances had gone up notably, as has materials and the cost of people to do the work. There’s also some issues with receivables which may end up needing to be written off, and deliberate damage over time. Generally, these do need to be accounted for on a going-forward basis.

    That said, none of these should have increased nearly so much as the cost of property and overall rents. They should account for a reasonable increase over time, instead what we see is increased to cover the cost of the mortgage on additional rental properties etc

  • I could see this for ice but I’m thinking more snow and slush, which where can be near bumper-height on cars (not to mention the double-digit degrees below freezing for temperatures).

    It’s one of those things where it’s probably a good idea for bigger cities with nicer weather (or better maintenance of dedicated bike lanes), but in smaller centres a better investment in public transit would make more sense