duderium [he/him]

  • 34 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020

  • I’ve been asking this question too because I also don’t understand it. Biden has been incoherent for years. He (or his handlers) does/do whatever the bourgeoisie wants. As shitty as he is, whoever replaces him will probably have a worse chance of winning than he has. These people also don’t want trump to win. So why are they suddenly doing this? Yes, the debate was bad, but nine months of genocide is so much worse, and they are totally oblivious to that. If they had wanted to get rid of him earlier, he would have had a serious primary challenger. My only guess is that it’s Palestine. Maybe the bourgeoisie are so concerned with Israel that they want to forget about Ukraine and divert everything they’ve got to Israel. This means letting Trump win and sacrificing Biden the way they sacrifice everyone else.

  • Cool and interesting. I’m american but married overseas. When we moved back here to raise our kids (I was still a liberal at the time), my oldest ended up in elementary school here. During some ceremony in the gym everyone had to stand up for the flag, but because he was still new to the country he didn’t know what was going on and remained sitting. He was basically accidentally based. We ended up homeschooling our kids for the first three years of the pandemic (when we spent a lot of time reading leftwing theory and history). They wanted to go back to school last September so we let them. There’s massive liberal influences there but my kids are generally still pretty contemptuous of american society (they also keep getting betrayed by liberal teachers whom they initially looked up to) and I have high hopes for them.

  • “I am the hero of the universe, I cannot be a bad person, and Trump is worse than me because of his crassness, so if I attack Trump, I am proving to the world how good I am (as if anyone could doubt this!), plus I get to enjoy the benefits of Trump’s racist counter-revolutionary policies via Biden, so it all works out.”

    Lots of trump supporters are also not the rabid chuds we see online. They’re reluctant or quiet trump supporters and remarkably similar to biden’s huge boomer contingent in their class position and ideology. I’ve heard them say that they support trump, “if only he’d keep his mouth shut!” They were also pretty nervous about his troubles with the law and only supported him because biden/killary was worse, etc.

    I think the labor aristocracy and petite bourgeoisie has a few different wings. Unproductive office/nonprofit workers exist to make capitalism seem more palatable and therefore tend to support Biden. Blue collar workers support Trump or RFK or have checked out of corporate politics. Airbnb landlords and restaurant owners are probably more on the lib side since they deal with a diverse customer base, while business owners who deal with resource extraction tend to be much more obviously conservative (since their businesses are clearly destroying the environment). Race, gender, and/or sexual orientation can complicate this picture.

    There’s little reason for these people to change their minds since they belong to the global 1% and capitalism is still working for them. If they’d been really truly fucked hard by capitalism, convincing them would be a lot easier.

    Regardless, as capitalism heads toward the singularity of revolution, the whole universe is concentrated into a single point of light behind it, one so small that the differences between liberals and conservatives become impossible to see.