plan to meet it’s climate goals by increasing LNG production
Smith & co. are truly Orwellian - rereading that quote it’s remarkably on-point.
Shouldn’t burn the SUV, causes pollution ;)
As an interviewee in the article says, “unabated” is a weasel word.
Despite his creds, Guilbeault has shown disappointingly little backbone.
I hate the word “soon”.
We’ve been saying “soon” for decades. Just rip the bandaid off & fscking do it!
Incrementalism will literally be the death of us - by wild fire or drowning.
Think of Team Lemmy behind you! 👍
Good catch. Not sure if PEG can be made from renewable sources. Maybe this technology could provide a feedstock.
Depending on increased Arctic and Antarctic glacial instability the rates could well accelerate even more.
James Hansen & colleagues at Columbia have published very detailed analysis based on partial analogy with the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum (very roughly same CO2 levels as today) suggesting that short term (say 100yr) rise could be quite a few feet, and long term (say 1000yr) rise could be over 200 feet.
Try drawing say 10 and 200 ft elevation contours on the eastern seaboard and Gulf!
I agree. My first reaction when it broke about them blocking news was ‘I don’t see them or use them as a news aggregator anyway, so who cares’; let them take their click bait promotion and dwell time algorithms elsewhere.
Although I just saw this.
These are beef cattle according to the article, not dairy cows. We know the answer on meat.
That (wilful?) cognitive dissonance is very widespread unfortunately.
I am having a hard time trying to get an investment advisor (of all people) to understand that these assets will be stranded, and I do not want any money getting close to them. All I get back is things like ‘lovely sunny day’, ‘they’re not that bad’, ‘you can have some fun with climate investing’ (all quotes).
Unfortunate choice of photo agreed, but it’s call Death Valley for a reason.
There’s good availability of potato peelings and sawdust here, and a mix of those with a bit of “real” top soil works really well.
Send them where the fashionable pitchforks are heading - tell them the weather is trans. That’ll work.
“The carbon dioxide problem is the defining problem of our life, of our existence,” Varanasi says. “So clearly, we need all the help we can get.”
All $hit highly processed “foods” anyway. Better off without them.
Just this: echo 'Suella Braverman' | sed s/S/Cr/
Why I left there decades ago and have never gone back.
I remember bring so hopeful when they first landed it, and were getting it back to port. Remember Elon saying something like ‘it feels like the dog that caught the bus’. Seems so long ago now!
I just finished The Deluge by Stephen Markley (all 900pp!)
It’s basically a US-centric “narrative” of the 2030’s, told from the PoV of about a dozen different characters, with the thread of climate change prominent throughout.
Really it’s hard to describe it as good or bad, an enjoyable read etc. It is certainly well written, and characterisation is exceptionally good and detailed, but for me it was by turns scary, amusing, depressing, profoundly sad and wrenching in its humanity. I have no reason to doubt its accuracy based on the science.
It took me almost a month to read because I had to take breaks to get my “cognitive dissonance” recharged.
I would definitely recommend it.
It would make a good streaming series on Amazon Prime or Apple TV.
Stephen Markley’s The Deluge has some interesting dialog amongst the protagonists debating ways to go about this (set in the 2030’s when things get really dire, but ~nothing has changed).