axont [she/her, comrade/them]

A terrible smelly person

  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2020


  • what is with chuds claiming to be the biggest weenies on planet Earth. Do they think it makes them sound sympathetic? It just makes them sound like complete nerds who lack conviction.

    “the dastardly libs shoved me in a locker and stole my lunch money.” powercry-2

    Like I’ve been at protests and had glass bottles thrown at me, guns pointed at me, had my life threatened and I’ve been called slurs I hadn’t ever heard before. I’m estranged from half of my family due to my communist proclivities and non-binaryness. Just get over it, this is part of having an outward political identity, you dorkwad. Also maybe if normal everyday people are booing and kicking sand on you, you should probably stop to realize maybe you’re a piece of shit and you deserve it. The people who’ve threatened me at protests have all been resounding pieces of shit and I welcome their inept fascist hatred. I don’t want to be liked by fascists.

  • That could be, hadn’t considered it. I’ve thought about her for a long time though.

    The two towns are very interconnected although now that you say that, little pockets or families tended to stay in one place or another. The place she moved from is a dead lumber mill town that once threw a parade because a Chili’s opened up. She moved to a white flight town made up of former residents of the nearby larger (and more black) city.

    She also moved to the white flight town right as the housing market collapsed in 2008/09, where America was starting to build its current, even more predatory real estate system. She could have been talking about that, she could have been talking about the lack of churches in town, or the fact there are traffic lights.

  • Yeah I also worked grocery for a long time and this is true. They also really hate being told they parked wrong, or they parked their stupid car in front of the shipping area, or they’re triple parked.

    They hate reading too. It doesn’t matter if a giant sign indicates something, they’re still going to ask or get mad.

    One time we had to rearrange some shelves to make room for a bakery expansion, so that involved changing where stuff was located. There was a ton of confusion at first, but most people acclimated. One very obese elderly woman apparently was unable to find anything so she had to do several laps around the store finding stuff. At the register she was clearly exhausted, but had enough energy to scream at us, getting more belligerent until she made the claim we were attempting to kill our elderly customers (even though 99% of them were elderly). We tried calming her down but she demanded to use the phone to call the cops on us. We refused, but she came back the next day with a cop who interrogated us. America

  • I worked at a grocery store for about 5 years in a completely white southern town with an average age of 68 years old. I don’t even know where to start.

    Nearly every day I’d hear the n-word get spoken casually. Often it was in the context of something like “why’d this price go up? It’s all that n-word’s fault” (they meant Obama). Why did they think this was ok to say to the 22 year old shelf stocker? We didn’t take orders from Obama himself. “Uhh lemme be clear. Twinkies are going up 30 cents.”

    We also repeatedly got requests to see the manager, even if he wasn’t there and maybe I was the acting manager (since sometimes only two people would be working). Just endless complaints about the most minor things. The store’s AC is too cold, the aisles are too narrow, we should take expired coupons, there are too many Latinos working that day. Just endless parade of white goofy ass problems from people who could barely walk. Like literally barely walk, and then they’d get into their cars to drive home at 70 mph. More than once we had customers who’d shit themselves in the bathrooms and leave piles of feces everywhere.

    I got so many pamphlets and DVDs too of insane conspiracy theories. I used to have a stack of the Loose Change movie, the one about 9/11 being a hologram or whatever. A bunch of them were very odd Christian evangelical home movies or church movies or something. Like there was one centered entirely around how thirsty people are in hell, a bunch of short vingettes about what led people to go to hell. Including:

    • a woman who goes to college and becomes a liberal

    • a man who wears an earring

    • A woman who gets an abortion

    They’re all shown being tortured in hell by demons with pitchforks. It’s nuts. And it’s terrible production quality, like they were filmed in the back room of a church or something.

    I had a giant stack of Chick Tracts too, the pamphlets about how Muslims worship the moon and Family Guy makes you gay.

    My favorite customer ever though was a lady who came to the register crying. I felt kinda bad so I asked her if she was ok. She said it’s fine, but she was experiencing culture shock. She had just moved for the first time and didn’t understand our culture or how to do anything. “Everything’s so different here” were her words. And so I did feel really sympathetic, thinking she had just made a huge change to her life at an elderly age. So I ask her where she moved from. Turns out she moved 9 miles, from the neighboring town, and within the same county. She didn’t even change zip code.

  • The way liberals are talking you’d think they’re 2009 era conservatives who think they’ll all be thrown into FEMA camps. They grossly overestimate the ability or desire of the feds to coordinate anything of that scale domestically. America is a lazy oaf. We’re drone strikes and bombing runs, we’re not coordinated crackdowns. Local police departments are full of murderous pinheads and the feds aren’t much better.

    America will probably keep doing oppression like it always has unless something sincerely threatening happens, and white suburban liberals are not the threat they believe they are.

  • Everything about the project 2025 panic reads to me as DC lanyards scared someone’s coming for their job. Also anyone who works fake non-profit grifts or ancillary functions of the Democratic party.

    Because the most consistent demand in the 2025 document I read is firing nearly everyone in the bureaucratic fake job class and replacing them with conservative nepo babies. So of course it’s going to sound like a sudden immediate panic, because the people who feel most threatened are goofy lanyards with media connections.

    I think that panic shot a ripple down to every six figure white liberal. They all know they have fake jobs with titles like “regional analytical trends manager” or “social media content aggregator.”

    Everyone else who is already under America’s bootheel already knows the game. America is already a fascist bloodthirsty empire with no qualms about exterminating whoever it pleases, for whatever reason. No document or plan is necessary. If America wants people dead, it’ll happen. This feels really reminiscent of the “first they came for the communists” poem. Except the last line is now “and then they came for the wealthy white liberals with wine cellars”

  • The game is clearly unfinished and that’s a tragedy. It has no story resolution, the last few tiers of upgrades are underwhelming, and the last few missions are literally more annoying versions of missions you’ve already completed. The last 40% of the game is just retreading what you’ve already done and it’s not great

    I mean it’s still great because it’s MGSV, but it’s such a noticable dip in quality

  • Masterpiece, sublime

    • The first 60% of MGSV

    Really great

    • God of War Ragnarok
    • Red Dead Redemption 2

    Very mediocre with some good parts

    • Horizon Forbidden West
    • Fallout 4
    • The Last of Us 2
    • Elden Ring
    • Cyberpunk 2077
    • Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
    • GTAV

    Doodoo Slop

    • The second 40% of MGSV
    • Starfield
    • Assassin’s Creed Mirage
    • Spider Man 2 (swing mechanics are fun tho)