• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • First, don’t post any personal information or any identifying information. No pictures of local scenery, or any text describing where you live or your culture or ethnicity.

    Second, don’t reference any accounts you’ve previously had. Never give any info to reference accounts. Also, create multiple accounts to spread out your information in case you post any identifying information, so it’s difficult to piece together. All my accounts across multiple platforms have less than a year of activity.

    Third, don’t post anything inciting. If you’re going to post stuff that’s likely going to be picked up by filters, use a euphemism or leave it as an implication. It takes effort to dox someone, or to pin an account to an actual person. Don’t make it “worth it” for them.

    Fourth, use browser based solutions, and not dedicated apps. and don’t use a browser where you can log into like chrome. Firefox is a good alternative.

    If someone really wants to find you, the info is always out there, whether it’s your chromium browser linked to your google account that’s recording what you type, or your Apple OS, etc. but to requisition and to compile that data takes time and effort.

  • Israel is an imperialist nation allied with and supported by the United States. In exchange for intelligence, conducting operations to weaken their rivals, destabilize the Middle East, and lobbying US politicians, the United States uses their influence to protect Israel from international condemnation.

    It is imperialist in that it controls not only all land through military power, but also that utilities providers in the region in both Israel and Palestine are controlled by Israeli corporations. The Palestinian government not only has zero bargaining power, and is fractured with the east side acting as lap dogs and the west side having multiple representatives. Through this major imbalance of power, there is hyper exploitation of the Palestinian people, as the Palestinian state is severely weakened.

    The only thing keeping the Israeli state in check, is optics, and the will of its people. This is evident by the disparity between the speed of its expansion and its domination over the area. It can easily begin and finish a campaign to exterminate Palestinians but they don’t because the state will then lose support of its people and the international community.

    To solve this, class contradictions must be intensified between Israelis and the Israeli state, while being resolved between the Israeli people and the Palestinian people to create a coalition of the proletariat.

    Sanctions on Palestine must be lifted. Israel must lose the support of the United States.

    Finally a revolution must be held to smash the Israeli state, replaced with a dictatorship of the proletariat and nationalize all industries.

    So, I dunno about you guys but my stance is “Israel bad”.

  • First we need to make clear what you mean by social hierarchy. Social hierarchy manifests in different ways, the most prominent of which is class, as currently defined by their relationship to the means of the production. There are other aspects (which we call intersectionalities) which don’t necessarily manifest in a hierarchical sense like race, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc. which will become more prevalent once class is eliminated, for sure. (More on this in a bit)

    Now recall earlier where I mentioned that communism is an extrapolation of capitalism from feudalism. During the transition to capitalism, the capitalists eliminated the nobility class, by seizing state power. Extrapolating from that, the transition to communism (into socialism) will seek to eliminate the capitalist class by seizing state power. (Which is easier said than done because this is a multiplayer game and you have to defend against imperialists.)

    Once we eliminate the capitalist class, what is left? Only the proletariat, as well as intersectionalities and prejudices left over from capitalism and imperialism that we must acknowledge and resolve.

    And only once those are resolved, can we reach communism.

    So the answer to your question is “bit by bit, starting with the capitalist class.”

  • Communism is an extrapolation of capitalism from feudalism. To summarize, Marx saw how the nature of class struggle led to the overthrow of the nobility leading to the advent of capitalism, and extrapolated how class struggle will lead to the overthrow of the bourgeoisie leading to the advent of communism. (The process of getting there is through socialism)

    It is only within complex societies where there is a distinct hierarchy, that class struggle is intensified, and there can be a communist revolution.

  • Crime is directly related to not necessarily poverty, but income inequality. So in a given area where class contradictions are intensified, there will be more crime.

    Also note that correlation is not causation. One theory regarding causation is that this is the fallout of COINTELPRO, when the CIA and local police had disrupted revolutionary movements to prevent unification against capitalism, through provoking infighting and promoting drug abuse.

    In other words, crime is artificially increased to create a lower class, and contradictions within the proletariat are exacerbated to prevent unity.