PauliExcluded [she/her]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2020


  • I’m trans and my wife is trans too. We recently fled a red state to a solid blue state because of all the anti-LGBT legislation that was passed. It is absolutely terrifying to watch your rights slowly be stripped away and to see your community become more hostile to you everyday. It really sucks that our only choice for president is an old guy who supports genocide and is apathetic at best to LGBT and women rights and an old guy who supports genocide and is actively hostile to LGBT and women rights.

    Sure would be cool if Biden did literally anything to support LGBT rights on a federal level pain

  • At my last job, our product depended on an open source project by one of the company’s former employees. I came across a massive bug in our code base that was related to this open source project. Despite the fix for the open source code being like 3 lines, management kept saying, “but we don’t want to help our competitors who might use this.” (No one else used it.) At one point, management asked me why don’t I fix it off the clock because then it wouldn’t be “company resources going into an open source product”. My response was basically “fuck you, pay me.” It took me a literal month to finally convince management.

  • LTT is facing backlash for a couple things.

    1. They’ve had a lot of recent factual errors in their videos
    2. They received a prototype water block from a startup, used it incorrectly, and released a video trash talking it. Then, they sold the prototype at an auction rather than returning it despite the startup asking for it back.
    3. A former employee came out recently with reports of sexual harassment and a toxic work environment during her time there

  • No, it really doesn’t mean much. Claiming it’s fruitless to try to make a lifestyle change because most people who try fail isn’t helpful to anyone. About 85% of former smokers relapse within the first year, but if a friend of yours wanted to quit smoking, would you tell them “oh, you shouldn’t even try because you’ll just fail anyway”? I would personally encourage them and try to be a support system they could lean on! Likewise, if I had an overweight friend who wanted to lose weight, I’d support them!

    When I was obese and losing weight, I appreciated my friends who supported and encouraged me a whole lot more than the “friends” who tried to sabotage me by telling me stuff like “weight loss is impossible for most people.” (And both groups of friends had underweight, overweight, and normal weight people.)