I’ve just looked it up and the A380 seems to only draw ~17W at idle. That’s better than I thought, but still 2-3 times a HDD.
I wonder whether the new generation will lower the idle power usage too, or only the performance per watt.
I’ve just looked it up and the A380 seems to only draw ~17W at idle. That’s better than I thought, but still 2-3 times a HDD.
I wonder whether the new generation will lower the idle power usage too, or only the performance per watt.
Ich kannte die Abkürzung LG für Letzte Generation auch nicht, auch wenn es im Nachhinein offensichtlich ist.
It likely depends on how much they pay for power and how many users they serve.
E.g. I’d really like AV1 support on my server (helps with slow upload), but the cost for power of a dedicated GPU is inacceptable in my country. The few transcoding reams I’d theoretically need in a worst case scenario are more than met with an iGPU.
Podman provides stronger isolation than nixos-containers because the latter only supports rootful containers. Losing access to nixos modules is a disadvantage, altough most services I’d use podman containers for don’t have any modules anyway.
E.g. I’ve used nixos container as a stop gap to use a major beta, because I didn’t manage to adapt the nixos package accordingly.
Protections of consumers and regulating ISPs is the job of the FCC. If consumer protection gets reduced and things like net neutrality get worse, pirating will get more difficult and/or risky.
E.g. until recently ISP’s didn’t have to really do anything if a user was caught infringing on someones copyright (e.g. through torrenting). This has now changed and the risk of getting disconnected massively increased. [1]
An example of the worst case might be Germany, where copyright owners can demand the information of a user who was caught infringing on someones copyright. This allows them to sue users directly for damages of sharing copyrighted material.
It is important for us pirates who decides what the FCC focuses on.
I’m regularly using ChatGPT to find the name of movies and books based on the few things I remember about them. It’s almost impossible with a regular web search, as I often lack the exact term used in a movie.
I wouldn’t use Mint or other desktop-focused OS for a server. Ubuntu’s advantage of newer packages gets largely negated by how long Mint takes to release a new major release, so I’d rather use Debian.
I do think Ubuntu is fine for servers too, like almost any other point release distro.
For newcomers I’d recommend docker and images like gluetun for setting up the VPN. It makes it easy to forward ports (for remote access) while keeping the torrent client behind the VPN.
Yeah, OLG Hamburg is known for making bad judgements. There’s a reason many companies choose to file a lawsuit at this court.
The reason noone seems to remember how bad CDPR games run at launch is that they actually invest time to fix them. Yes, they shouldn’t release them in this state, but after a while they are fine and age well.
Real-debrid does filtering based on the torrent name. Media uploaded to usenet is already obfuscated and split into many tiny pieces, the location of which are stored in a .nzb file.
This means eweka can’t filter downloads based on the title. Once media companies get a .nzb file, they can use copyright infringement notices to make usenet providers delete the files, but that does not work preemptively (like filtering based on torrent name).
Mir haben LLMs sowie (manche) Kollegen Schwachsinn erzählt. Macht auch Sinn, denn schließlich wurden beide mit dem Schwachsinn anderer Menschen “trainiert” (mich eingechlossen).
At some point Settings will support keyboard shortcuts by pressing them. They just didn’t come around to it.
The correct keyword to add a shortcut for “Control” is “Ctrl”. E.g. “Super+Ctrl+X”.
There are issue trackers on Cosmic’s github repos, and they welcome any bug reports.
The “Application” menu isn’t a list, but all apps are available to scroll through in the library home.
Suspend works, maybe search for an existing bug report (likely for cosmic-comp).
Might be a bug in cosmic panel. The .desktop file has the correct icon in it, as well in the launcher.
If you use a app image manager (or install a theme with more app icons), they should work flawlessly. Cosmic follows the freedesktop standard for .deskop file, so if you put them at ~/.local/share/applications, they show up like any other installed app. I guess an appimage manager is in scope for cosmic.
A bug worth reporting to the comsic-comp issue tracker.
PWA’s do have an icon in the app launcher.
How does it break? For me, date and time each take up two lines, but they are shown correctly imo. Or you want both to be shown in one line each, which could work for larger sizes of the panel?
I remember taking my first selfhosting/Linux steps a year or so after the launch of Let’s Encrypt with a Pi 3. At the time, most tutorials didn’t set up https at all, and if they did, they were self signed certificates (resulting in browser warnings).
Self-signed certificates are annoying and creating them was a series of copy pasting long, weird commands, usually using long exspiration dates (manual renewing sucks).
Not long after, guides started recommending certbot. Nowadays reverse proxys like caddy set up TLS automatically.
At least that’s how I remember it, given my complete lack of knowledge about Linux at the time.
Dass die Grünen bei 11% überhaupt einen Kanzlerkandidaten aufstellen wollen, erschließt sich mir nicht. Es wird keine Koalition geben, in der die grünen größter Koalitionspartner sein könnte.
Wie auch im Artikel beschrieben, ist eine Erhöhung der Alkoholsteuer unbeliebt.
Ich trinke auch gerne, und auch mal mehr als die beschriebenen 5 Getränke, dementsprechend käme mir eine Verteuerung von alkoholischen Getränken äußerst ungelegen.
Aber bei dem Verbot von Mischgetränken stimme ich dem Author voll und ganz zu.
Letztendlich habe ich bei mir beim Cannabis keinen Zusammenhang zwischen Preis und Konsum feststellen können (Konsum blieb gleich, Kosten gingen runter). Andererseits ist mein Alkoholkonsum in Bars/Diskos deutlich niedriger, weil teuer. Gesamtgesellschaftlich gibt es mit Sicherheit einen Zusammenhang.
Leider bin ich selbst vor inzwischen einigen Jahren auf solche (Fake-)"Wissens-"Kanäle hereingefallen.
Ein Beispiel sind “künstliche Kiemen”, die vor ca. 10 Jahren die Runde machten. Damit soll ohne Sauerstoffflasche unter Wasser geatmet werden können, da ein handlicher Filter den Sauerstoff aus dem Wasser herausfiltern soll.
Leider müssten dafür unrealistische Mengen an Wasser pro Minute durch den Filter strömen, um nur ansatzweise funktionieren zu können.
Zweifel hatte ich damals schon, nur erschien mir der Kanal sonst als größtenteils glaubwürdig. Heute halte ich mich für deutlich kritischer, nicht zuletzt wegen solchen Lügen, die ich nur zu gern glauben wollte — Leider klappt das auch nicht immer.
Edit: Das verstecken von Dislikes macht das Einschätzen von Kanälen noch schwieriger. Damals ließ sich zumindest ansatzweise die Qualität von Videos einschätzen, wenn ein Video überproportional viele Dislikes hatte.
There’ll be at least alpha 5 and 6, so early next year a beta might come out.