• @vividspecter@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    The most unrealistic part of this is a conservative christian actually reading the bible. Unless he is just using it as a prop which is on form with these types.

  • @Cruxifux@lemmy.world
    54 months ago

    People aren’t laughing at you because you’re Christian in Texas you morons, they’re laughing at you because you think you’re being persecuted for your religion when you live somewhere where 80 percent of the population is Christian.

      • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
        24 months ago

        Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, “Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.

  • @Red_October@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Thing is, they are. Not because they’re Christians (most people don’t care), not because they’re reading the bible (Most of them don’t anyway), but because they post shitty memes like this to feed their victimization fetish.

    • @Masterblaster420@lemmy.world
      14 months ago

      i care that they’re christians. i grew up in the bible belt south in the 80’s. fuck these people. they wanna ruin my life? i’ll gladly return the favor.

  • @yesman@lemmy.world
    14 months ago

    It’s easy to make fun of this, but the sentiment it’s expressing explains so much about how Christians and conservatives in general are motivated.

    The first premise is that conservatives in general are fixated on what’s “normal”. It’s very important to them that they’re in the mainstream and the majority. But they see faces that aren’t like theirs in the media, on the streets, and worst of all in power. Their favorite show expresses values they don’t hold. All the institutions celebrate black history and LGBT pride.

    This is a problem because if what’s normal changes, they’ll have to change to be normal. Or even worse, they’ll be excluded from the normal. This is a threat to their identities.

    This is how I understand irrational Conservative issues like the ‘war on woke’ or the ‘border crisis’. Trump speaks to this fear and anxiety in everything he does. When they say that “he’s come to save us” that’s what they’re talking about.

    • @Laticauda@lemmy.ca
      13 months ago

      Which is ironic because the progressive ideal is to leave the concept of “normal” behind entirely and embrace new different things instead of excluding those who are different.

    • @octopus_ink@lemmy.ml
      04 months ago

      if what’s normal changes, they’ll have to change to be normal. Or even worse, they’ll be excluded from the normal.

      Based on how much time I spend voluntarily associating with any openly conservative family members or coworkers these days (none), my anecdotal evidence is that this is already happening.

      They are bringing it on themselves, but there’s really no point trying to tell them that.

    • @Emmy@lemmy.nz
      04 months ago

      When they knock on my door. I laugh

      When I see them preach on the street. I laugh

      When I see them on tv. I laugh.

      When I see them voted into government. I stop laughing.

  • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
    14 months ago

    Yeah. We are laughing at them. It’s their own fault for being laughable.

    They’ve been doing far, far worse to everyone else for thousands of years, so a bit of online snickering shouldn’t hurt them. Like witch trials, the inquisition, the crusades, the holocaust, lynchings – that’s all fine, but their god forbid we make a few jokes online… that’s too far.

    Lol Prudence, fucking suck it up.

  • @Illuminostro@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    True Christians, who actually follow Christ’s philosophy, are few and far between.

    These people are Mammonites.

  • Lad
    04 months ago

    Made my own AI generated version for fun

  • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
    04 months ago

    If “true texans” understand the experience of being mocked publicly for their religion who’s doing it? Sure we can mock them online, but nobody here in the Midwest is mocking me for being proud of how cheap I get stuff or how friendly I am. Sure some people may but I don’t interact with them on a regular basis because I’m following my regional cultural values in that area.

    So my real question here is: isn’t this admitting that many Texans aren’t christians

    • @OpenStars@startrek.website
      04 months ago

      It goes much deeper than that, imho: “every accusation is a confession”. It bespeaks how they make fun of the ones that they do not agree with - and therefore imagine that the “other side” simply MUST be doing that to them (regardless of any evidence yay or nay to that effect).

      But to answer your question: yes there are a lot of “city folk” inside of Texas - mostly Austin and Dallas - but since they are concentrated into those areas, the state overall votes along with the rural base. Except that they fear that their children even in the rural areas are leaving Christianity in droves, so that too.

      Mostly though, it is a “truthiness” statement - not meant to be factually correct so much as to evoke an emotional response. e.g. the Holy Bible, which they claim to revere, says things like “judge not, let you be judged in return” applied to non-Christians but also has enormous punishments for Christian LEADERS who are caught in things like infidelity especially with under-age children, both of which need to be swapped 100% in reverse in order to match their actions as depicted in this meme. As in, maybe people aren’t making fun of you b/c you follow the Bible, but b/c you claim to but then don’t?

  • @callouscomic@lemm.ee
    04 months ago

    Persecution Fetish.

    It leads them to teach their children that they need to be ready to die for their beliefs. It’s fucked up.

    • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
      14 months ago

      It’s also a religion self-defense. If you tell people early on that their faith will be “tested” they are much harder to reason with because all they are hearing is “Satan is trying to take Jesus away from you” instead of the logical arguments against these made up stories.

    • Echo Dot
      14 months ago

      That’s because it’s not worth reading, it’s very derivative and essentially it’s just a rehashing of Life Of Brian anyway.

      • Some of it can be interesting to read, but I doubt most people care about how you can see a shift in warfare from bronze over to iron. Or the fact it works as a primitive bit of anthropological history or atleast gives a good look in how the societies writing and translating viewed certain things.

    • @OpenStars@startrek.website
      04 months ago

      It’s got a lot of good stuff. Like, “the worker deserves their wages”, no wait let’s throw that out, and “take care of the poor & needy”, no let’s ditch that too, and “your breasts are fiiiiine gurl”, no wait let’s never read that out loud ever, anywhere.

      My favorite is “be skeptical - test everything”, oh no wait no let’s redact that too… (I just realized how that doesn’t mesh with the most important verse of all: “just do whatever we tell you, no questions asked, capiche?”)

      The hilarious part is not that they are reading the Bible - it is that they are not! Likewise for the Constitution that they showed up on January 6th to “defend”.

      • @fsxylo@sh.itjust.works
        04 months ago

        “Of course we read the Constitution! It says “we the people”! Well, we’re people, and everyone else isn’t! Just like God intended!”

        • @OpenStars@startrek.website
          04 months ago

          “Well-regulated militia” - oh wait no, forget that part, it’s impossible to allow any kind of regulation at all.

          “You can impeach someone for criminal offenses” - oh wait no let’s ditch that one too…

          No wait, I want it back again!

          I also want back the 3/5ths of a person thing, but let’s expand that to also include anyone with a college degree or lives in a city, suburb, or even those in rural areas who don’t support their local Republican church strongly enough.

          “One rule for me, while the polar opposite rule for thee” - it’s not hard to understand in the slightest. We all played these games as toddlers, the difference being that some of us allowed ourselves to grow up. :-|

    • @shikitohno@lemmy.world
      04 months ago

      I read it out of spite because of how often any random nonsense in my high school English class would be call a metaphor for Jesus and I wanted to be able to call BS on it when appropriate.

      Suggested to my mother that she might want to read it sometime, seeing as she taught catechism classes for the local church and she gave me the most confused look and asked me why on earth she would want to do that. The very same lady who insisted I had to continue attending mass and catechism classes until I got confirmed right up until the nun in charge expelled me from their catechism program.

    • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
      04 months ago

      My SO grandma reads Bible explanation books. Stuff is wild I read some and it talks about aliens and dimension compacting and all kinds of sci-fi stuff but packaged in a very weird way.

      • @kofe@lemmy.world
        04 months ago

        I’m taking a Jewish studies course where we’ve compared verses to other historical artifacts. It really is pretty interesting how much everyone wanted to claim “my daddy God will (or did) beat up yours!”

    • @RGB3x3@lemmy.world
      04 months ago

      Nobody does. But I’ve seen plenty of people who walk around with them to pretend that they do.