Performatively pretending to support movements against oppression is just no longer, in any way, less frustrating than the conservative tendency to just outright support oppression, and that’s all liberals do.

Obviously, conservatives are evil and huge pieces of shit, but I’m at a point in my online presence where I just expect the most brainlet shit from them.

Libs, on the other hand, are just in an indefinite cycle of spouting bad takes that enable oppression, but due to ignorance, they think they’re actively helping fight against it.

As a trans person of color, bigotry from conservatives is phasing me much less nowadays, but racism and transphobia from libs now seems significantly more abhorrent.

Don’t expect me to explain the psychology behind it. This is just how it be like sometimes.

  • eight [it/its]
    7 months ago

    I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice

  • Infamousblt [any]
    7 months ago

    The reason that libs annoy me so much is because they think they know what’s best for me. Conservatives don’t give a shit about what’s best for me and they aren’t afraid to tell me. They want what’s best for them and who cares about me. That’s easy to understand and easy to just ignore.

    But the libs. The libs pretend they want what’s best for me. They don’t want to listen to me say what’s best for me though they want to tell me, prescriptively, what’s best for me without having any context by which they could have any clue what’s best for me. They just “know” it because they have a PhD or it’s common sense or they read about it in the Atlantic or whatever the fuck things libs do. They never want to listen to what the people who the claim to want to help actually say will help them. It’s maddening.

      7 months ago

      I’ve heard right-wing people say the same about socialists and communists, though. Especially ones with family from communist areas, like Cuba, or the former Soviet block will say, “socialists think it will be good but they’ve never been there to know how bad it is.” If you bring up sanctions or something, they’ll just say you’re diminishing their family’s lived experience. Some conservative Americans will say the same thing if some European criticizes them for not having universal healthcare. “Sure it works over there, but not over here where there’s too much diversity. You just don’t know our local experience”, blah blah blah. Just saying, it’s easy language to co-opt and people don’t always know what’s good for them lol.

  • bigboopballs [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Libs, on the other hand, are just in an indefinite cycle of spouting bad takes that enable oppression, but due to ignorance, they think they’re actively helping fight against it.

    god I just remembered the kneeling with cops “protests” from Liberals during the actual George Floyd riots in 2020

    • CindyTheSkull [she/her, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      Just to add on to what you said, but tying it with the bit from OP you quoted… I don’t think that was ignorance or them thinking they were actually helping fight against oppression. It was purely a performance to try to co-opt the liberation movement and remove its teeth in order to render it harmless. They weren’t being good-intentioned but stupid, they weren’t thinking they were “actively helping fight oppression” just in an ineffective way, rather they were using that pretense as a tactic to fight for oppression in a way that benefits them. And it was effective.

      Reverse Hanlon’s razor.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        7 months ago

        The hogs know they are evil and make no attempt at hiding how evil they are. They were honest in that regard. For most purposes liberals are exactly just as evil as the highs but they want you to love them for being evil in a more civil and polite way.

        • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
          7 months ago

          I’d say the prole hogs are more ignorant self-righteous types that who tend to calcify themselves in life and thought to the point their mundane day-to-day existence has become the majority of their life existence, leading to any sort of injections of novelty being rejected if its too avant garde or accepted if it’s similar enough to their lived experiences. Hell they tend to care more about shit that immediately impacts them like their budgets, hobbies, and slop to consume than what’s happening in DC or around the world. Example would be some of my gunfucker coworkers absolutely concidering the democrats as demons because they don’t want their hobby fucked with, or another coworker who was mildly transphobic completely changing his mind to being completwly okay with trans people existing because his favorite TV show back when he was watching it had one of the characters transition to masc and kept the show rolling like nothing changed (I think that was Eliot Page in umbrella academy, couldnt really tell you anything about it since i dont watch tv lol), and then all the other hogs who don’t even give a shit about politics but votes R exclusively because they look at the taxes taken out of their paycheck and fucking hate it. Conversely there’s always the ideologically brainwormed hogs, the evangelical nut jobs, the rare Qanon crank, the off-the-deep-end conspiracy cranks, and of course the ever-classic fox News watcher who’s perpetually mad at something that’s far away and doesn’t actually impact their lives but feels very strongly about it. Now excluding the conspiracy crank, these hogglets have told me straight up heinous shit they’d like to do - and coincidentally they’re either in management or they act like they’re in management.

          Liberals on the other hand sorta fall into similar categories of plain hogs that don’t really give a shit and hogs with brainworms the size of snakes that embody the DNC self-righteous piety and absolute faith in u.s legalism in the most insufferable ways we all know and hate.

          It’s fucking awful in the fact that every single person I’ve known will say they’re righteous and that their ideological outlook (no matter how incoherent) is just. Like even the worst people I know are convinced they’re the good guys and the other is the bad guy that only wants bad things for them.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Because conservatives will say shit like “I don’t hate black people I have a black friend.” It’s abhorrent racist bullshit but it’s vaguely honest even though their clumsy line about an exception here or there is probably a lie. Having a bad lie is just a scenic way to telling the truth.

    Liberals will say shit like “I don’t hate poor people I have a friend that used to be poor.” It’s that subtle twist that makes your skin crawl.

    If you invite two friends to your party and one says “I’m not coming” and the other says “I’m just running late” but never shows up which of the two disappointed you the most?

  • Doubledee [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    Yeah when I was radicalized I reached a point where I had to stop listening to NPR because I would yell at the radio while I was driving. Never reached that point with chud talk radio, I just stopped listening because I eventually realized there was no point. It didn’t make me viscerally angry the way the ostensibly nuanced liberals did.

    7 months ago

    I just watched a video basically saying this from “Second Thought”, calling American liberals “The most dangerous thing in the western hemisphere”.

    But for me, yeah, it’s like, I know what to expect from conservatives and don’t give their words a whole lot of weight, but when people you think are your allies spout horrible stuff, that just hurts more.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    7 months ago

    Conservatives seem to be more overt in their political positions and when they have false beliefs that back up their political positions, it usually isn’t wrapped up in smug condescension where they expect you to immediately fall in line and admire how moral their position is. There’s just much less pretense and hypocrisy with conservatives imo.

    A conservative will hate trans people because they don’t like queers and some will even outright say as much. Others will do the whole “protect the children” schtick.

    But a progressive will tell you that they support trans people while posting that genderqueer-coded Putin in makeup image without a moment’s reflection and if you ask what Biden has done to actively protect the rights of trans people, they’ll go on a spiel about how Trump is worse and the Democrats would have done something if only they held a majority in the government and if only they actually bothered to fucking appoint Supreme Court judges when they had the opportunity to (including putting RBG out to pasture before she kicked the bucket).

    Progressives have a huge entitlement complex and they feel like they’re entitled to your vote, your admiration, your support, and your recognition of their moral superiority.

    They give me the ick.

    I’d rather deal with someone who just outright says that they hate migrants from South America rather than people who start personally attacking me and making accusations and excuses and tortured ideological justifications for why Trump’s concentration camps at the border were detestable but Biden’s ones are totally permissible.

    I’d rather deal with a person who says “I hate you and everything you stand for - I am in opposition to you” while they fuck me over than I would a person who tries to pretend that they’re my friend, that they’re doing the right thing, and that they aren’t fucking me over while they fuck me over. And worse still is they aren’t just pretending that, they actively try and convince me of it and they get outraged at me if I don’t buy into it.

    Progressives, except for the ones who are verging on becoming baby leftists, are really fucking sleazy imo.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    7 months ago

    It’s worse because of the insidious nature of liberals, danger unknown is worse than danger known

    To quote famous socialist philosopher Riddick “It’s always the punch you don’t see coming that puts you down”

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    For me they’ve always been more annoying.

    Conservatives can be mask-off hateful and make it easy to hate them back. Liberals lean heavily into their attempted guilt trips and the presumption of being on the side of oppressed people while doing everything they can to support the major oppressive systems.

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    I agree with others in this thread, although I think it’s worth noting that conservatives and socialists don’t have much reason at all to interact with each other. What is the point?

    Liberals at least pretend to be progressive, and we call them out on their bullshit and then they get mad, and so on.

    Plus, a lot of the “more extreme” (by lib standards) communities on Reddit for example have been purged (us included) and they mostly interact with each other for the more part (like on hexbear, or in the case of the right on patriots dot win)

    So all that being said, of course libs annoy us more, they are the primary shitheads who we interact with in social spaces both online and off.

    • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      Searing hot take but your average maga brainlet is closer to us than an average self described liberal.

      Maga is wrought by experiencing material conditions in the US but having no coherent ideological framework to describe them (along with a reflexive aversion to communism).

      If you can find a way to introduce the theory, and there are many entry points— getting fucked by the boss, the depravity of the deep state, politicians only benefiting the rich etc. they can be brought around. they at least see and acknowledge that there are serious underlying problems

      You will never convert a “progressive” liberal, they have it too good

      This by the way is why the democrats are turning into “the party of people who went to college” as Matt C put it

      • sexywheat [none/use name]
        7 months ago

        Yeah, that rings true. Reminds me of hearing second-hand from people canvassing for Bernie during the primaries that talking to republican households was a million times easier than Buttigeg or Kamala libs who were just on a different fucking planet entirely. The republicans were just normal working class people who want health care, but the pete-eat libs were just fawning over how much he reminded them of Obama in how he spoke (which as we know was deliberate and intentional)

    • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      To build on that, I think it’s because “we” actively challenged and continued to grow our understanding to better fit the values held as a liberal. To us, the path out of liberalism is clear if you’re willing to really hold true to values like freedom for all and a sensible form of governance.

      The contractions are everywhere, and instead of doing anything to show they do sincerely believe what they say, they make excuses or expend no effort to try and make their beliefs a reality. They’d rather blame everyone to their left and right after doing their one act to effect change, voting, than challenge themselves and their institutions.

      Ultimately I think having someone who pretends to care about the same things as you be such obstinate shitheads is much more bothersome than someone who doesn’t. Stolen valor or something

  • keepcarrot [she/her]
    7 months ago

    It really depends on if you mean liberal establishment, or the ordinary level of liberalism that exists in all members of our society, of which most politically uneducated people are going to be “libs” perjoratively, but not libs generally. At some point or another, the majority does have to be engaged. :/

    The establishment (the state?) is super fucking annoying and smug and seems to be unable to reckon with any critique. I’ve noticed they only respond to people who insult them with “ah, an ad hominem I see” and never the longer more conversational/academic responses.