• MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Hey so I am empathetic to your point, but also have some disagreements.

    I voted for Biden, and will again. But both sides are bad. One side is definitely worse, but doesn’t change the fact that dems are status quo, pandering, old money pearl clutchers who greatly benefit off of for profit criminal justice, and the suppression of working class. They are not my ally.

    I’m really tired of the “perfect is the enemy of good” dnc party line, while we allow good enough to be enemy of better.

    Just my thoughts. Also alot of the liberals act like this is sports or some shit. If you browse the conservative communities and the liberal ones, both sides are literally just mirroring eachother, instead of going after the people who put us here in the first place.

    I’m a lefty, and american, and the politics here are rigged. I don’t really blame the people who sit out tbh. They’re up against a power, that quite frankly, will take a fair amount of upheaval to take care of. And no one wants to do that. It’s a shitty state of affairs.

    I really hope we can get money out of politics, and have viable 3rd parties…but tbh, the dnc would try to stop that, so…they aren’t my true ally, just cause the other side is worse.

    • Zink@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Our voting system (first past the post, winner take all) is keeping us in the two party system better than anything else the dnc could do. Let’s see them support ranked choice or similar.