• 84 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2019


  • Can you be serious for two fucking seconds? Jesus Christ liberalism is a terminal disease. Stop quoting a children’s TV show and actually contend with real life.

    Can you not think of any reason why the CPC in Xinjiang might be wary of weird AP reporters asking random people questions about covid and concentration camps on the streets? Have you literally not followed the RISE in anti-Asian hate crimes in the US? The accusations the US government flings at China every chance it gets?

    do I come into your house and start throwing your plates on the ground? And then kick up a fuss when you ask me to stop? AP should be grateful they are allowed in Xinjiang, this isn’t the century of humiliation anymore.

    “Arabic is not the only language that compiles Allah’s classics,” the lesson said. “To learn Chinese is our responsibility and obligation, because we are all Chinese.”

    Uhh what? Use your words and stop acting like a child. China officially recognizes 56 ethnic minorities, including Uyghurs. They all form the Chinese nation. Chinese does not mean solely Han. You don’t know anything about China, maybe that’s why your only arguments are drivel pulled from literal fiction. China is literally called Zhongguo in Chinese, which means Central Country. Chinese is Zhongwen, “language of the middle [country]”. What about these words gives you the impression of [Han] Chinese supremacy?

  • My mistake, I can see now your liberalism is terminal. The only thing we can do is pull the plug. But before I do, allow me this one pleasure:

    Freedom of movement is a human right. You know that, right?


    Uhhh I was referencing Soviet occupied countries like Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Czechia, etc.


    Cult leader, no democracy, public executions


    I am safe near you right now because I agree with you


    Religion plays a major role in people’s identities


    Sure, tax the churches. Do all that. However, if someone wants to practice their religion, let them be.


    Is it not for free media that criticizes the government?


    Do economically protectionist policies justify suppressing an individuals right to free information/education?


    I can have e2ee conversations with my friends via Signal


    Can a Chinese individual say “Fuck the CCP and Jinping the Pooh” on Signal? No, cuz Signal (an open sourced application) is banned in China.
