We are planning our first trip to Japan in this upcoming february after a long postponing due to covid. Would love some tips from others here! We have dates but no specific ideas while there yet. More specific questions:

Recommended budget per day based on general costs of food and lodging there?

Recommendations for places to go while generally trying to avoid touristy locales?

Train for getting around while there or is there a better option?

How important to study basic Japanese?


  • keisatsu
    1 year ago


    I’ve been to Japan twice, 2012 and 2017. It’s a bit difficult to estimate a budget as prices vary alot depending on what you are thinking of doing. Food for example can be decently cheap (ramen, sushi, convenience stores) but also expensive (Michelin-level dining). Back then I paid on average maybe 10-15 USD for dinner (2017). I dont remember too well and considering the global economy it might have become more expensive in general. I remember having katsudon in Akihabara for maybe 4-5 USD back in 2012 thinking it was insanely cheap for such a great meal.

    Have you decided on which cities you are going to visit? I can mostly recommend places in and around Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. If you are going to Okinawa I can give you a few suggestions as well.

    Trains are excellent in Japan and if you are travelling between cities you should get a Rail pass. I’ve also travelled by night bus between Tokyo and Kyoto, but I would not pick them over the trains unless you opt out from getting a Rail pass. Note that you need to buy the pass before arrival in Japan!

    The importance of speaking Japanese varies on the places you visist. If you mostly stay in Tokyo you will probably be fine speaking only English, but you will regularly run into people that can’t understand you. Alot of street signs have romanized text on them so you can get by decently well, but knowing Japanese helps immensely. If you travel outside Tokyo and if you visit smaller cities and villages in particular you will likely struggle without understanding Japanese.