• IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    There’s only one way to understand Conservative politics and ideology

    They only make sense if you are a business person, have inherited wealth, have millions in your bank account, own vast amounts of property / businesses … or you are married or related to people like this.

    And I’m talking about the richest of the rich … as a wealth gauge, if you can give a good general estimate of how wealthy you are … you are not that wealthy.

    Otherwise all the rhetoric and talking points he spouts have absolutely nothing to do with your benefit, health or general welfare at all. Their policies and long term goals are gauged more towards taking advantage of you and removing as much of whatever wealth you have and giving it to their wealthy friends.

    If you can’t, don’t or won’t understand that … you deserve to live under the next Conservative government.

    • AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      And to put a number to this… I’m getting older, and I’m close to retirement, and I have a (low) 7 digit net worth between my home, savings, my business, etc. And I’d never vote Conservative. The people whose dicks PP is sucking are worth tens of millions or more.

      Want to know more? Go search for PP’s net worth and ask yourself how a public servant accumulates that much money.

    • psvrh@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      There’s only one way to understand Conservative politics and ideology

      It’s about maintaining the social order, with the wealthy at the top and everyone else farmed and milked for every red cent. It’s like socialism, but in reverse, where government policy supports the transfer of value upwards.