• werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Let’s change the crime to a pie… I take a pie and leave it out in front of my house on the front of the fence (aka firewall). Now the pie is special because It comes with instructions on how to make it under the plate.

    Mr Gary is walking his dog down the street. His dog torrent smells that pie and grabs the plate carefully bringing it to Mr Gary. Mr Gary is a little embarrassed but hey it’s outside the wall so what could it hurt.

    They get home and Mr Gary eats the pie with his good ol friend torrent, and he notices the recipe. He loves the pie so he gives the recipe to all his friends. Sure the ingredients do cost money but in the case of software they do not. Now everyone is enjoying this new pie flavor and not buying it from Mr Nintendo the pie makers and plumbing company. So Mr Nintendo sues Mr Gary for all the pies that would have been sold. 14million dollars based on the pecan recipe previously sold.

    So who is at fault? Fucking Nintendo! Don’t leave your brand new pies out in the public you dumb asses!

    • werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Now, judge Dread suggests…“the fence is still in Mr Nintendo’s Property”… 🤔.! Really?

      Then why does Mr. Google and all his friends go up to my fence to collect cookies when I leave my fence open? Shouldn’t I be able to sue their ass just because I can’t quite close my fence to them?