I can’t really think of a reason for that as Reddit is hated somewhat equally by “both” sides of the spectrum. It’s just something I find interesting.

  • @Screwthehole@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Not really meaning for this to sound as arrogant as it’s going to, but… Lemmy is almost entirely populated by nerds so far.

    Nerds tend to be open to tech, maybe a little smarter overall. You know? You can tell by the grammar, the spelling. It’s a different group here.

    Reality is left leaning, and the stupider someone is, in general, the more likely they are to lean right politically. The rest of the right are the really rich, who tend to be up the psychological spectrum toward sociopathic, so of course they would have no time for caring for others’ needs.

    • magnetosphere
      15611 months ago

      Reality is left leaning…

      It really is. So much of conservatism involves pissing into the wind, and trying to argue against objective truth.

    • Billiam
      14811 months ago

      Reality is left leaning

      I know this was a joke Colbert made, but the truth is the reverse: the left is reality-leaning. It’s truly terrifying to see how divorced from reality the right-wing is, and how gleefully they just keep storming in that direction.

    • JoeCoT
      3611 months ago

      To an extent. But whenever there is a political discussion on Hacker News, the lib right response is very, very loud, and I try to remind myself I appreciate Hacker News for its tech news.

      I think the culture is just different. Lemmy was started and run by Tankies. Hacker News was started by Y Combinator, which incubates silicon valley startups. They’re going to attract different audiences, or at least different groups of people who will put up with different politics. I can’t claim to be particularly upset about the .ml domains being pulled and the center mass of Lemmy moving away from those instances.

    • @_finger_@lemmy.world
      1911 months ago

      The super rich are usually highly educated but they live in such a homogenous bubble that they’re opinions on the majority of society should be entirely discounted. They usually have a total lack of empathy for people and vote for politicians with the same attitude. I have met some super rich people who try very hard to go against the grain and not fall into that mindset, but something about the need for protecting your money and lifestyle usually promotes an untrustworthy and skeptical view of everyone in their lives including their own family.

    • @PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
      711 months ago

      The political vibe on Lemmy isn’t really a new thing. Reddit had it 15 years ago. Good forums and IRC channels had it before that. It’s been part of the “golden age” of every online social medium

      Eventually, teenage edgelords find start taking up too much space. Shortly after that, the far-right turn up to prey on them.

      The people who made the platform good in the first place leave and the cycle begins anew.

    • Entropy
      111 months ago

      Just cause I’m a nerd dusnt mean I can spell correctly

    • diprount_tomato
      -311 months ago

      Do you realise how dehumanising and ignorant you’re being? You’re just using stereotypes of your specific country to generalise everyone you disagree with.

      Underestimating your “rivals” never goes well, as reality is often more complex than “we empathetic genuises they dumb psychos”

      • katy ✨
        911 months ago

        It’s not the tech nerds funding the right wing; it’s the venture capitalists

              • @entropicdrift@lemmy.sdf.org
                411 months ago

                I’m not saying there are no right-wing tech nerds, I’m saying that your argument that tech nerds are right wing is overly reductive.

                You concede my point about FOSS but then try to muddy the waters from there by citing “their platforms started getting cracked down on and [their having] adopted cryptocurrency” to try to make your prior pidgeon-holing still work. Mind citing me a source for either of those claims? Neither of those seem to me to be issues plaguing the wider FOSS community, and as a participant I’m interested to hear about this news I’ve apparently missed.

                Silicon Valley is not representative of tech nerds in general. It is, like Hollywood, a small area filled with desperate people trying to turn their talents into fame and fortune. Insinuating that tech nerds in general have the same culture as Silicon Valley is like insinuating that actors in general dress, act, and think like Hollywood actors do. It’s ridiculous on its face.

                All this to say it really sounds like you’ve built up a stereotype based on what you read in the news rather than by engaging with the actual community in question.

              • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
                211 months ago

                overwhelmingly tech dudes with no social competencies.

                Ablism, real nice.

                I am really not liking what you are throwing down and I am not seeing evidence of your multiple assertions. I am fairly leftwing, been an engineer for 15 years, I don’t enjoy dealing with companies that are run by rightwingers but I am not going to do a purity test.

                Stop with the discrimination against the high functioning autistic at least. I am sorry your glowing rectangle provider who let you unlock it but that is hardly our fault.

                • @eldavi@lemmy.world
                  111 months ago

                  i’m high functioning; so maybe that’s why i don’t understand how people get triggered by broad brush statements. what made you think that this statement was ablism instead of a simple broad brush?

          • katy ✨
            411 months ago

            I wouldn’t call them nerds because they’re venture capitalists not nerds. Nerds implies some sort of technological or engineering skill or ability. Steve Jobs would qualify; not these two.

          • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            211 months ago

            Well first off software isn’t just flowing rectangles connected to internet tubes. Many of us work in Industrial/Chemical/Civil control systems. Like me. There is a lot of thought that goes into making sure what you flush doesn’t just pour on the ground. I made a decision early in my career that it was more important to me that we don’t drown in our own waste vs making sure slack integrated well with outlook.

            As for how I would go about changing stuff the answer is I do it everyday. Can do it a lot faster if the rest of you people stayed the hell out of my way.

  • @Knusper@feddit.de
    16911 months ago

    There’s been tons of right-leaning Reddit alternatives before, but they always quickly devolved into Nazi spaces.

    Lemmy was the first one that I’m aware of, which told Nazis to fuck off right from the beginning.

    • @BitSound@lemmy.world
      1811 months ago

      That’s the important bit. The creators of Lemmy needed to be hard leftist to keep it from being taken over by right wingers before it could become popular. Now it’s big enough that the community isn’t as leftist as the creators, but will still reject turning into another voat.

    • @Cheems@lemmy.world
      1311 months ago

      Unfettered echo chamber of right wing ideals will always devolve into fascist authoritarian and nazism

      • diprount_tomato
        311 months ago

        Surprise surprise, echo chambers devolve into more extreme versions of the original views

        That’s literally just how echo works

    • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
      111 months ago

      They just have their own instance and are defederated by some but not all, which is the best solution as it means they stick to their part of the fediverse instead of hijacking subs that weren’t right leaning in the first place.

    • diprount_tomato
      -411 months ago

      I’m sorry but what is considered to be “Nazi” in this platform? I’ve seen even socialists being called Nazis

      • @Knusper@feddit.de
        911 months ago

        I do not speak for this platform, but what I mean with Nazis here, are people who support the exclusion, inhumane treatment or exploitation of arbitrary groups of people, generally for the Nazi’s (perceived) benefit and in spite of basic morals.

        • diprount_tomato
          -311 months ago

          And what would exclusion, inhumane treatment and exploitation mean? It’s key to clearly define the concepts before applying the label to someone, as if they stay undefined everyone can have the label applied

          • @Knusper@feddit.de
            811 months ago

            Right, so another policy from the early days of Lemmy that I thought was quite vital: No endless discussions on what precisely constitutes Nazi behaviour.

            It’s truly not hard to not be a Nazi. And if someone is even roughly in the ballpark of being a Nazi, the community as a whole just doesn’t care to have that person’s input here.

            Which is a roundabout way of saying that I do not think, it’s relevant to clearly define these terms.

              • @PostmodernPythia@lemmy.ml
                411 months ago

                If you’re worried people will think you’re a Nazi, maybe it’s not the other people you should be worried about.

                • diprount_tomato
                  111 months ago

                  What if you just have no idea of what my views are and I hate Nazis probably as much if not more as you do?

      • @vzq@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        111 months ago

        I’ve never had a productive conversation that started with “please define what counts as a Nazi for me”.

        • @sab@lemmy.world
          111 months ago

          No argument there. But given that they mostly popup in the context of “I think all nazis…”-circlejerks, that’s kinda to be expected.

    • @Thorny_Thicket@sopuli.xyz
      1411 months ago

      I’m afraid future will be conservative nevertheless due to the simple fact that they’re the only ones making kids. I’m liberal myself but I don’t have kids and will never have so my traits don’t pass to the next generations. The conservative neighbours with 7 kids on the other hand…

        • @DrQuint@lemmy.world
          3011 months ago

          Politics aren’t genetic.

          But they ARE communal. Where you grow decides 90% of what you believe in.

          It’s actually why I disagree with the top comment chain that smarter means more left leaning. I think it’s more that left leaning communities have better education standards and lead to smarter generations. Cause and effect reversed.

          • @HakFoo@lemmy.sdf.org
            1311 months ago

            The ability to propagate the politics depends mightily on the success of the community though. It’s sort of the other side of the ‘brain drain’ principle-- if people have to leave the community for educational or economic opportunity, they’re probably not going to be able to reconstruct the same echo chambers.

            Even when you see a preserved group within a larger population (think of Chinatowns and Little Italies), they’re inherently getting a lot more cultural exchange than back in the home country.

            A lot of the most self-destructive policies (neglecting education, running the environment into the ground, skate-where-the-puck-was-in-1972 economic policy) are just begging for decades of brain drain. The kids are going to leave because there’s simply nothing there but the Gizzard Extraction Plant, and that got automated in 2032.

          • @_finger_@lemmy.world
            611 months ago

            In some ways yes but it can have the opposite effect too. I know lots of left leaning people who grew up in super religious/conservative families and hate everything about their beliefs.

          • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemm.ee
            311 months ago

            What top comment chain? They’re all talking about Reddit censoring leftists, not talking about the intelligence of any faction. The most I’ve seen are people making fun of the right, but that’s to be expected.

              • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemm.ee
                211 months ago

                Okay. I read that post, nowhere did it come off as patronizing at all, and it holds people accountable foe having basic knowledge which is an expectation of most adults in society, so I don’t see how the anti-intellectualist garbage is in any wa valid here.

        • diprount_tomato
          011 months ago

          If you take in account that they’re raised in their parents’ household it’s not ridiculous

      • Bibliotectress
        1711 months ago

        I don’t know. I think it depends more on where they grow up and who/what they’re exposed to (in person and online). At the high school I work at, we have a bunch of lgbtq+ teens whose conservative parents have no idea they’re queer or go by a different name. But I also don’t live somewhere like Wyoming with a much higher conservative population. I live in a college town in a (barely) blue county surrounded by red counties in an ultimately very blue state.

        I hope we find a way to kill the online radical right pipeline and continue to expose more teens to other ideas, other cultures, and other ways of life, and maybe it won’t matter so much who their parents are.

        • @Thorny_Thicket@sopuli.xyz
          111 months ago

          Yeah it probably will. We’ll see in the next few decades. Aging population and low birthrates are much bigger problems that most people realize. Increasingly small amount of workers has to cover the living costs of the increasing numbers of retirees.

      • @JTode@lemmy.world
        911 months ago

        The thing about that is, if they’re ignorant, their kids will be ignorant too. And what that adds up to is just the same thing we’ve got: a large group of people who are subject to whatever momentary persuasion happens to reach them on any given day, and a political/ruling class that can work with that just fine, so they are taking steps to hamper education sufficiently that this can endure for an indeterminate amount of time before we all burn.

        What those large populations do react to, is missing a meal or three. And so far, these aristocrats seem to understand that whatever else they try to pull, they must always service the fundamentals: bread and circuses.

        See you at the coliseum.

    • JackFrostNCola
      811 months ago

      Well by definition right?
      Progressive outlook means your open to new ideas, exploring new territory, open to concept that challenge what you think and know, and gives you the ability to push boundaries, make new discoveries and try new things.

      Conservative outlook on the other hand means you are content and safe with the familiar, doing things the way they have always been done because its tried and true, however this means if they feel unconfortable or threatened by ideas which are going to change the way the live and how things work which makes them dig their heels in and get defensive.

    • @Klear@lemmy.world
      311 months ago

      The progressive/conservative axis has nothing to do with the economical left/right, it was only forcefully merged in the USA because they have only two parties.

      • @lieuwex@discuss.tchncs.de
        211 months ago

        I find it so ironic that the comment above you is literally saying that being progressive means challenging what you [think you] know, but you are being downvoted by (I assume) people who call themselves progressive, without any discussion.

    • blanketswithsmallpox
      2211 months ago

      I wonder if there are demographics by IP already? TBH most of the threads I’ve been in have felt very US Centric. I also came with the great reddit migration too though.

      • HotDogFingies
        11 months ago

        On my feed, at least, I have my frontpage set to whatever the kbin equivalent to “all” is. I see lots of other languages beyond English populating - particularly German. The Lemmy instance I chose when I initially made my way to the fediverse operates out of China. They’re chill over there.

        I dunno. I think if you’re only finding people discussing the US here, then you’ve probably accidentally pigeonholed yourself based on your own interests. The fediverse is diverse.

        • blanketswithsmallpox
          211 months ago

          I mean yeah. Being only English speaking with gringo Spanish doesn’t let me understand memes in German or any of the other various non-english speaking magazines lol.

          English is the defacto lingua franca though. Particularly on the web. The diversity I’ve seen still heavily leans English, and western, which makes plenty of sense.

    • TWeaK
      1211 months ago

      Lemmy was initially created by communists.

      It’s still in the process of being created, and the communism is a bit less in your face now alongside there being other contributors to the code, but that’s how it started.

        • TWeaK
          -111 months ago

          Are you arguing that Twitter is right wing because it is US-centric, and not because of Musk’s leveraged buyout?

          I would argue that US social media platforms are (now) right wing because of aggressive financial attacks meant to break up open social engagement, as this is bad for business and sociopaths looking to exploit people for profit. Reddit was left wing, until it was bought and sold. Same with Twitter.

          However my comment was merely rejecting the idea that Lemmy is left wing because it is not US-centric. Lemmy was started by tankies, who say they’re left wing and have some left wing ideologies, but really they’re more authoritarian fascists, and fascism is in fact right wing. However as Lemmy grew it became apparent that this stance would impede its growth - particularly in western markets - so the main devs have tried to minimise their political views and keep the program neutral; now those views are primarily concentrated at lemmygrad.

          Lemmy is not US-centric, but that’s not why it’s left wing. Lemmy is left wing because rational empathetic thought is naturally left wing. Lemmy is full of communism because it was started by communists/tankies.

          • @Cruxifux@lemmy.world
            311 months ago

            If you think Marxist-leninists are fascists, or like fascists, then you don’t really understand what either of those words mean man.

            • TWeaK
              111 months ago

              The US is not inherently nor totally right wing, and Twitter was predominantly left wing until fairly recently. It might not have been full left wing socialist, but it was certainly left of centre.

                • TWeaK
                  111 months ago

                  Both parties in the US government are indeed right wing, but not everyone and everything in the US is right wing.

                  Communism is unfortunately a dirty word in the US, and socialism isn’t far behind it. It doesn’t help that there have been numerous foreign governments that call themselves communist that the US has labeled as enemies and fought against. As a result, an American labeling themselves communist is often ostracised. However, many people do in fact hold those ideals, albeit quietly and/or without naming it such.

                  An American politics forum is of course going to mirror American politics.

                  However Twitter and reddit as a whole were left wing. Not as in reading Marx, but in being for the good of everyone, with the core principle of serving the needs of the many rather than the desires of the few. They were also incredibly liberal. They’ve since been taken over by pseudo right wing authoritarian interests, gradually since around 2016.

        • @Silviecat44@aussie.zone
          -211 months ago

          Most of comments on popular communities boil down to “capitalism bad communism only solution”. Very in your face and everywhere

          • TWeaK
            411 months ago

            Yes, and I would say that’s because of lemmy’s communist/tankie roots. Which is a philosophy based in left wing ideology, however in practice it is more authoritarian fascism, which is right wing.

    • @Klear@lemmy.world
      411 months ago

      Is it? Just look at the comments here - the thought is about political left and right and yet almost everybody is talking about conservatives, that’s a sure sign of Americans.

      Plus I bet a good portion of the extreme left here are Americans disillusioned with their government, swinging hard into the other extreme.

    • Ignacio [he/him]
      211 months ago

      Prove it, because I only see US-centric posts while browsing /all.

      And no, America is not the US.

        • Ignacio [he/him]
          111 months ago

          The thing is that I don’t have those issues on Lemmy, because I usually browse by /local, both on this server and on beehaw. But I had to block lemmy.world with my user on Kbin due to that problem you were pointing out. And miraculously, I can see content from Kbin, lemmy.ml, blahaj, beehaw sopuli, and so on, because there is no way to browse only local content on Kbin as it can be done on Lemmy.

      • Muddybulldog
        11 months ago

        How many of your subscribed communities lie outside of lemmy.world? Very possible you’ve pigeonholed yourself. World almost certainly has a heavy US bias as it was the largest instance with open registration during the exodus.

        Lemmy is made up of a ton of instances, many of which have quite limited US-related content. Posts from smaller instances may not rise to the top of World but they do elsewhere. Whereas World posts are going to rise across most instances, due to sheer volume. Where the posts come from is not as indicative of diversity as where the comments and votes come from.

  • @marciealana@lemmy.world
    11411 months ago

    Reality has a well known left leaning bias.

    Conservatives and their politics do not have equal status. In this climate, “both sides” is toxic and suggest each is equally supported and viable. They are not. The right is an incredibly hateful minority end should be treated as such.

  • @OptimusPhillip@lemmy.world
    9711 months ago

    This actually makes a lot of sense. A lot of people are using Lemmy either because they prefer federated web platforms to centralized, which makes it antithetical to corporate interests, or because they’re opposed to Reddit’s API policy, which was a blatant move to squeeze more money out of their users. Either way, Lemmy’s appeal is very anti-capitalist, and since opposition to capitalism is a generally left-wing philosophy, I can totally see why most Lemmy users would be left-wing.

    • @ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      This is my thought as well. Lemmy isn’t what everyone is looking for. It’s a free open source software project for creating a decentralized federated network of content aggregators. For most people that sentence doesn’t make any sense nor do they really care. They just want a site they can doom scroll for hours.

      The people who choose to use Lemmy are people who care about open source projects, care about decentralization of online platforms, or both. These types of people by their very nature support groups of people coming together collectively to do something big.

      A collection of people working together towards a common goal without a strict hierarchy. You could say these people are community focused. Maybe we could call that communityism or something. Where people make rules as a group, or a union you could say. So yeah, no idea where the left lean is coming from.

      • @mexicancartel@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        611 months ago

        “communityism” was somewhat the goal of reddit by having subreddits but still site owners has all the control over you. Lemmy is a free software and many free software projects interact with the userbase with such a community. Before this reddit thing, Free software enthusiasts used lemmy. Same goes with mastodon users before twitter was bought by elon. Now i can see when whatsapp does something shit(maybe) and people porting over to federated and decentralised E2EE matrix for instant messaging.(or maybe they just switch to telegram)

    • @Jeanschyso@lemmy.world
      1111 months ago

      Honestly I came here just a few days ago, right after Reddit admins removed that r/place guillotine. I wouldn’t say that I am very far to the left, but I do enjoy living in something close to a social democracy. I wouldn’t be happy in a place like the United States for example.

    • @too_much_too_soon@lemmy.world
      611 months ago

      Maybe Lemmy was like this at the very start and is what helped Lemmy kick off, but I think a lot of people are looking for an alternative to Reddit. I think you’re going to see a lot more people coming here for the content, not the politics of it all.

    • HotDogFingies
      311 months ago

      This has been my running theory as well. Wonderful to read all of the input on this thread.

    • diprount_tomato
      011 months ago

      Well, I don’t oppose capitalism and here I am, trying to evade echo chambers and reading everyone’s points

      • @OptimusPhillip@lemmy.world
        211 months ago

        To be sure, you don’t have to be anti-capitalist to want to use Lemmy. I’m just saying that it’s very appealing to anti-capitalists.

    • KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
      1211 months ago

      It’s in the name really.

      And no, I witnessed this with the internet itself post 2000. Get off my lawn 😜

    • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemm.ee
      -611 months ago

      That’s not really true. The right created Gab, and Ruqqus, and Voat. And they managed to hijack the U.S. legal system which the left can barely understand, let alone influence in any appreciable way.

      • @PostmodernPythia@lemmy.ml
        711 months ago

        A good chunk of the left (not the Dems, the actual left) understands the US legal system. It’s just that it’s hard to win in a pay-to-play system when everyone who can pay is against you.

  • arthurpizza
    8611 months ago

    I think you’ll find a lot more leftists interested in platforms that are not powered solely by money and profit. Lemmy, much like Mastodon and other federated platforms, only need instances to run to be usable. It doesn’t require millions of dollars to keep it afloat.

    Generally speaking centrist and right wingers, especially in Western countries, tend to be very capitalist. They only understand the value in terms of money.

  • BuckFigotstheThird
    11 months ago

    "I’ve noticed that lemmy as a whole has much more moral, empathetic individuals than reddit (outside of political servers of course)

  • Move to lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Anti-corporate platforms don’t generally appeal to people that built and uphold the existing corporate status quo.

    The first wave here were anticapitalists, anarchists or communists. The second wave are the most anti-corporate “liberals”.

  • @ristoril_zip@lemmy.zip
    6211 months ago

    reddit had given into the “work the refs” strategy of the American right wing. That artificially elevated the voices of the right and suppressed the voices of the left. It’s actually the case when you look at surveys and voting behaviors that right wing ideas are abysmally unpopular.

    So when we’re on an actually free platform that doesn’t have an “engagement” based algorithm driving anger and division, with no one putting their thumb on the scale (or people who try getting defederated), “leftist” ideas come up.

    The confusion reflected in the OP is the obvious outcome of the post Fairness Doctrine “both sides” media landscape. There really aren’t as many right wing people as left wing. We are legion.

  • diprount_tomato
    5711 months ago

    Probably because this migration may be related to the anti-corpo sentiment, which is more common in leftist circles

  • @dangblingus@lemmy.world
    5111 months ago

    Left wingers: “The right is full of neo-fascists who want to exploit natural resources, subjugate minorities, project their own pedophilia habits onto us, roll back the clock on women’s rights, and are willing to lie, cheat, beg, borrow, and steal to get it all done!”

    Right wingers: “The left is ANNOYING!”

  • @sol@thelemmy.club
    5011 months ago

    Left and right are two stupid categories built up by propaganda, get them out of your head and start to think on your own terms