• VikingHippie@lemmy.wtf
    8 months ago

    I don’t think that people deserve things for free

    First, your server isn’t getting anything for free, they’re working for their wage and tips.

    Second, when it comes to the absolute basics necessary to survive then yes, people who could not otherwise afford to live should ABSOLUTELY get things for free.

    people should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t affect others

    Stiffing your server DOES affect others, though.

    as a customer I should not be expected to tip as in pay the restaurants, employees or whatever

    True, but right now it’s the least bad alternative to starving and homeless servers.

    I do not go to restaurants and I encourage others to do the same

    Which is even worse for the servers since fewer customers means fewer tips and may eventually mean getting fired.

    You’re basically taking food out of the mouths of those who (used to) serve you and their children.