• FALGSConaut [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      They just want to kill “zombies”, what’s wrong with that? (Ignore the fact that chuds have started referring to homeless people, people struggling with addiction, and other marginalized groups as zombies, I’m sure that level of dehumanization won’t lead anywhere horrific)

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        Boom! Brains everywhere! It’s politically correct if you shoot a zombie in the face Boom! Make it explode! Relieve your working routine stress to the bloody bone

        They used to be human That’s why we like them so much We can go cannibal with no sense of shame!

        We are no savage We no pay To see gladiators kill We are more human than that We are different We shoot zombies in the face! Shoot zombies in the face!

        Zombies are slow, predictable, old-fashioned We ain’t scared or surprised watching them in action A creative dead end Why are they still a trend?

        They’re our ex-neighbour! They’re that fucking pretentious bitch and your stupid bully boss They preserve your traits! Semi-human so we can hate them as much as you can

        They are all that we are afraid to be Anti-human Anti-human

        We are justified We have permission We are licensed cannibals By killing them, we declare We are different We are better I fear, I hate, I need my green neighbor!

        The more brutal you go The more relieved you’ll be It’s tolerated to go ape on them They’re filthy former human beings

        • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
          9 months ago

          I once heard someone say that zombies in horror movies represent the bourgeoisie’s fear of the protletariat in mass revolt.

          I don’t know how well that analysis holds to all zombie movies but everytime I hear some reactionary calling protestors or homeless people zombies, I remember it.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    This is what a coworker of mine was saying would happen with that recent emergency broadcast ping. He came to me very solemnly and asked if I wanted to go somewhere peaceful to spend my last moments. He was convinced there would be a radio wave that activated a zombie virus inside every vaccinated person.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        One time he asked me very seriously if I wanted his help reporting my mother to the police because she had an abortion 37 years ago. Like he said it in a concerned, helpful way

          • axont [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
            9 months ago

            he grew up poor and ethnically mixed, one side of his family Latino and the other side white. Told me he never quite fit in anywhere, was rebellious as a kid and joined gangs. Got an assault charge or something at 18, spent some time in jail, found Christianity. Once he came out he became obsessively fixated on UFOs and something in his head clicked regarding UFOs, treatment of Latino people, and American enforcement of poverty. He’s apparently come to a conclusion that UFOs are a government program to distract people away from Christianity, and this is why poverty and hatred are widespread. Says the only solution to that is love for everyone, and I do believe he means it, not in a cynical way. He just doesn’t fully understand what he’s saying. He also fell deep into Qanon and believes there are Satanic pedophiles everywhere who snatch kids out of parking lots to harvest adrenochrome

            He’s one of the most deranged people I’ve ever met and yet you’re right, he’s deeply compassionate and nice. He’ll give anyone a ride in his truck, he donates food to his church. He’s pleasant and friendly in conversation. He even has a few trans friends?

            Believe me, I am a little scared of the guy though, because there are some weird cogs moving around in his skull

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        No it’s not terrifying anymore, I’m used to him saying deranged things. He tells us a military coup will occur any day now, but he means it in a positive way. “patriots will soon be in control” is a phrase he throws around.

    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      That kind of behavior is always the thing that throws me. Like, they believe this shit clearly designed to make you hate people and view them as enemies, but somehow are still nice about it. It is very rare, but people like that feel like they’re just misguided. They could be comrades if we could make them think a little better, but that’s really hard to do

    • nothx [any]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      So wait.

      Are you unvaccinated and he figured you would go along with it?

      Are you vaccinated and he doesn’t know, so he figured you would go along with it?

      Or are you vaccinated, he knows and wanted to live out the fantasy? Give you the old double tap?

  • culpritus [any]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    Everything bad happening in USA society is actually because of vaccines! (or cultural marxism or trans people or …)

    galaxy-brain smuglord

  • Wheaties [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    You know, in a real apocralypse, I think these larpers would be surprised at how many people don’t go full Fallout-scavenger and instead work together to ensure a better outcome for everyone involved. Even with all the yankee brainworms, I still think the drive to do right by others is more powerful for most people.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      Look at Gaza where a real apocalypse is happening right now. The people aren’t turning into zombies and preppers and killing each other in a darwinian struggle. They aren’t selfishly hoarding food and water and medical supplies and holing up isolated in bunkers. They are on the street, helping provide medical attention and transport, making huge batches of broth and soup to hand out to the population, praying in their mosques and churches, etc.

        • I love that there’s a real world analog to this that happened around the same time the book was published, where some teenage boys were lost at sea, stranded on an island for over a year, and not only all survived but helped fix one of the boys’ broken legs and nursed him back to health.

          I would like to add: death to the west and all it’s preconceived notions of “human nature”

  • Adkml [he/him]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    The funny thing is they’re still saying this two years later, we’ve been 3 weeks from all the vaccines kicking in at once for years now.

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    The idea that the mRNA vaccine that could get translated into protein and then never degrade and keep making spike protein is (more ridiculous than believing a virus would do that) is more ridiculous than believing HIV would link up with COVID and become airborne+attack your immune cells. It’s more ridiculous than wanting to kill off all the tax cattle and be stuck with a bunch of angry anti-vaxxers with no military to insulate you. Even on their own terms all they were doing was laughing at people who died who disagreed with them (like us). It was so anti-intellectual because any conventional understanding of immunology includes an understanding of mRNA and a functional understanding of mRNA translation. To the point where if I quoted the top google result for “half life of mRNA” and said “Our estimated median mRNA half-life in human cells is 10 h, a number that scales linearly relative to division time when compared with bacteria and yeast[1]” they’d be like “oh, okay.” It’s not like there’s an alternate germ theory from the Austrian school of economics compared to Marxist immunology. If their only argument was about pharma companies being cartoon villains then we’d agree. They had no response to the first world hoarding vaccines and hiding muh copyright. I never saw anyone demand ELISAs for abundance of spike protein in vaxxed uninfected vs vaxxed infected vs unvaxxed uninfected vs unvaxxed infected because they were never going to do be convinced (especially vaxxed uninfected over time). The results wouldn’t matter. They just love to do this shit. It’s the same with the hundreds of cryptos that pass through /biz/ where you’d thank me later and I tried to warn you. It’s second only to “what’s even the point because of my wrist circumference?” in terms of popularity. There’s more to life than confidence games. Not a whole lot more, but bits and pieces you might enjoy if you gave it a try.

    [1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC403777/

    • puff [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      I agree that antivaxxers are bonkers. I’ve had over 20 vaccines in my life for flu, COVID, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, rabies, hepatitis, meningitis, etc. and experienced no significant adverse effects besides temporary injection site soreness, temporary headache, and temporary lymph node swelling, all of which were minor and were far better than getting the diseases listed above. That said, the FDA and CDC did a shit job during COVID explaining masks and vaccines. At the start of the pandemic, Fauci went live on TV telling people NOT to wear masks because he’s a fucking idiot. Similarly, FDA told everyone the mRNA COVID vaccines were 90% effective without explaining that they were referring to efficacy against severe illness and death, NOT against transmission. So when vaccinated people starting catching COVID (albeit with less severe infection compared to non-vaccinated people), it just confused a lot of people who then concluded that the vaccine must not work for anything. FDA and CDC are useless fucks who do nothing but rubber-stamp big pharma, and I say this as an extremely pro-vaccine person. FDA also helped cause the opioid epidemic by letting Purdue say their oxycodone was not addictive (would be funny if it weren’t so sad) and they caused the baby formula crisis by not allowing plentiful and healthier European baby formula to be imported. Fuck FDA.