Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17

  • Electric_Druid
    1767 months ago

    Not exactly the question, but there’s no way I can enjoy Internet Historian now that we know he’s a Nazi.

    1717 months ago

    Linus Tech Tips.

    They were pretty good in the beginning but the drive to create more and more output diminished the quality of the individual vids. Hence, the latest controversy.

    • Magnor
      167 months ago

      To be fair they did slow down quite a bit lately. I have been watching a lot less so can’t really speak to the quality though.

      7 months ago

      It’s easy to dunk on LTT but they came back pretty strong after the controversy. It seems like marketing got the shaft and the engineers are way more free to spend time on their stuff.

      LTT is one of the only ones that cuts the over spec PSU and Mobo bullshit when doing PC builds, when others are wasting all the budget on non gaming stuff.

      Linus is VERY technically informed these days.

        7 months ago

        over spec PSU

        I’ve been building “over spec” since RTX 20XX came out because they keep tripping even platinum PSUs from good brands. I have seen it with 30XX and 40XX GPUs too. This doesn’t usually show up in test loads because they have a consistent load, it’s the intermittent gaming loads that cause transient spikes. Some new PSUs are built to take the spikes but many are not.

          37 months ago

          I’ll never not overspend on a PSU. I’ve always looked at it as: every time I turn on my PC there’s a chance it’ll explode. Why increase that chance to save $100?

            47 months ago

            Because a more expensive PSU does not mean a better one. The efficiency ratings also don’t tell the whole story as power supplies are more complicated than their power efficiency. Use one of the many power supply tier lists to ensure you get a good, reliable PSU. I’ve seen some very expensive ones be absolutely awful.

            16 months ago

            More expensive does not mean safer, it can be quite the opposite.

            Doesn’t help that places like the ltt tier list had PSUs like the entire Evga B3 series which several exploded when tested by tomshardware as BETTER than the N1 series which were crap according to it when that PSU passed jonnygurus testing without issues. Why you wonder? Well because the N1 is an older topology lol.

            I’ve noticed that now PSU reviews have turned into sort of a audiophile nonsense competition where people are only interested in better numbers without knowing what they actually mean and when they matter, last time I watched gamer nexus I cringed very badly when someone in their team mentioned in a vid that a low power factor could cause you stability issues wtf. (that is like saying that a high input lag will cause your pc to crash).

              16 months ago

              I guess I should clarify what I meant, since you’re the second person to point this out to me (no fault to you, I wasn’t clear).

              I’ll always pay for high quality in a PSU, even for non-critical systems. My main PC, home server, and shit box emulator machine on integrated graphics app run the same PSU, only the main PC is a higher wattage.

              An old friend bought an RGB PSU in like 2018 despite my best advice. I wonder how it’s holding up… bought the first of my three PSUs two years prior to that and still pushing electrons like new

                  16 months ago

                  You’re right, the PSU doesn’t care how much money I spent on it.

                  But a shitty $50 no name PSU is probably gonna blow up before the $150 unit from a solid company with a well established history of quality parts

                  I’m not saying more expensive PSUs are better, I’m saying that better PSUs tend to be more expensive. Obviously that exploding PSU from a few years ago isn’t better than a cheaper one simply because it cost more.

                  Never thought “I buy good stuff i have confidence won’t blow up” would be such a controversial take

      07 months ago

      To be fair, they dragged their feet on addressing it, sure, but then took massive steps to address it when they did. Top-to-bottom company-wide analysis and restructuring, limiting Linus’ role and voice, a complete moratorium on releasing videos while they made plans to slow the release output, and refocusing on quality-control with additional community input. Totally get if you still don’t like their videos, but I think they did everything possible to address everyone’s concerns.

      I actually like the WAN Show podcast more than their videos. I think you get a sense for their genuineness and passion as they discuss current tech news…

        7 months ago

        Did Linus ever really apologize for the “we didn’t sell the prototype we auctioned it” comment. I only saw him make excuses about miscommunication (blaming the company that lent the prototype). Or apologize to Gamers Nexus for saying they didn’t do “real” testing?

        I only saw a long corporate speak “we will do better” video.

          07 months ago

          Hard to cite sources at the moment, I’m on mobile. From what I remember, both of those things ended up being a little bit overblown.

          Prototype company had initially said that they could keep it. There was still a goof, as LTT said they would send it back, but it makes the logistics mix up a little more understandable.

          The kinds of testing that the two different channels do are very different. I do think it was disingenuous to say Tech Jesus didn’t do real testing. But also, if they were as close as they said they were before this whole thing, he could also have called up Linus and called them on their slapdash bullshit on the phone.

          And nothing has been released about that internal investigation. But that wouldn’t be the first time they promised to do something and didn’t. In this case, it’s highly possible investigation is still going on. Once it’s finished, they may even be legally barred from making the results public (IANAL). Either way, if it is truly being conducted by an important 3rd party, they’re doing the right thing.

            7 months ago

            Prototype company had initially said that they could keep it.

            That was the lie that Linus told that got me to stop watching LTT. The company sent Gamers Nexus the email chain where they clearly had been asking for it back and got the run around until it was auctioned. Then Linus had the gall to say, “We didn’t sell it, it was auctioned.”

            LTT is a big company. Mistakes were made. But instead of saying, we screwed up they tried to blame the prototype company when it wasn’t their fault at all.

            6 months ago

            Linus didn’t have a direct apology to the prototype company. He blamed them for his auctioning off their prototype. Saying, [sic] “Sorry, you made a mistake and we didn’t follow through correctly.” isn’t a real apology.

            The company responded by sending the email chain to Gamers Nexus to prove their side of the story.

              16 months ago

              So you didn’t watch the video, or pay attention to the part I linked to.

              Finally I want to apologise to Billet Labs for auctioning off their monoblock at LTX 2023.

              Literally verbatim from that video, followed by some further explanation about what happened.

              Is it a sufficient apology? Maybe not. But to say they didn’t apologise is completely false.

    1627 months ago

    Linus Tech Tips …

    Click baity as heck and most of the content are just ads or have misleading information.

    1207 months ago

    Sabine Hossenfelder, used to love her takes on physics until she fell in the usual expert’s trap of believing she can talk equally usefully about things OUTSIDE her expertise.

    First trans care, which missed a few important nuances. Then autism, which had a decades-old perspective and was at best “not informative”.

    Then hoo boy Capitalism where she made a huge tangled MESS confusing and conflating markets with monetary systems and credit, all apparently based off half-remembered textbooks from 1950 using long-disproven historical claims.

    A lot of criticism was sent her way. None was acknowledged, or apparently taken to heart. Repeatedly.

    From skillfully presenting physics with a “explain it like I’m 5” style, she’s now spouting any trending topic in a “explained by a 5 year old” style.

    • TipRing
      247 months ago

      This was such a disappointment, I really liked her explanations of quantum physics.

      227 months ago

      This, JFC so much this. The trans care thing was a serious blow to my interest in her videos. That capitalism BS. That killed it dead. Didn’t finish that video, haven’t watched since. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

      To be fair, I think her reputation might still be salvageable. But it would take sincere apologies, earnest corrections, and getting back in her ”lane” of experience. As a physicist she’s fine, but not so much as a physician or politician.

      76 months ago

      She’s always been a weird nerdy lady, but endearing. Her videos were never professional, a bit tacky, but very informative. But I too dropped her channel because she started talking about nonsense she had no business giving opinions about.

    1117 months ago

    Cinema Sins. Used to be 5 minute videos pointing out continuity errors or over-use of something (Iron Man 2 Bird Bonus Round) but then bloated into 20 minutes of nit picky bull crap.

  • @viking
    1087 months ago

    Mark Rober.

    He got louder, flashier, less techy and more talky and is doing a gazillion reruns of the same general idea over and over. Can’t really enjoy it anymore.

    1057 months ago

    Veritasium. After he put that uncritical commercial for the self driving car company on his feed I couldn’t take any of his content seriously anymore.

      447 months ago

      I stopped watching after the “speed of electricity in a wire” video. When I realised a video about something I knew about was bollocks, it made me question every other video that taught me about something I didn’t know.
      Even if that had been a one off, how would I know? The trust is gone.

          97 months ago

          Without getting into it too deeply the way he conflates induction and conductivity just to set up some kind of gotcha.

          • Annoyed_🦀 🏅
            7 months ago

            Op said it’s bollock, not because it’s confusing, so i’m curious what went wrong as well. I think Electroboom challenge him as well, but not sure the context and how it went.

        77 months ago

        There are a lot of videos that made me question the validity of his “science”. While I didn’t want to spend time dissecting a specific video but with the videos piling up I decided it would be easier to just not watch him. I don’t watch videos to question whether it’s bullshit or not, so I ended up watching videos where I don’t have to ask that question.

        67 months ago

        I’ll purposely seek out videos covering topics I’m (more) familiar with, from unfamiliar content creators that I might be interested in watching more of. It helps me gauge their accuracy, confidence, and ability to simplify without losing the underlying reasoning.

      7 months ago

      It was his video on IQ tests that set off alarm bells for me.

      IQ tests are not some method of determining intelligence they are very much linked to relative education/socioeconomic standing. His complete lack of criticism and neutral/positive support of IQ tests make me think he likes the result of his score…

      197 months ago

      “Oh and by the way, this is a sponsored video 🤷” and then spends half an hour sucking a company’s dick for money

      That and the shampoo ad killed my interest in the channel, and ever since then I’m extremely wary of everyone. Kurzgesagt is also up there, for producing propaganda for a billionaire’s charity.

        146 months ago

        God kurzgesagt really bothers me for their “technology will save us” ideology. I get bad vibes.

          26 months ago

          Guys, all we have to do is trust the technology that Bill Gates stands to profit from! Never mind the fact that Bill Gates funds my videos, just trust him, guys! The future might look bleak, but you don’t have to take any action! Ol’ Billy already is! Just trust him!!

            36 months ago

            Yeah, it’s really egregious. I don’t really like their videos because they all feel kind of biased like that… and just a lot of editorializing. To be clear, I’m not above technology getting us out of a jam, but I really don’t think we should expect it… We should really plan with what we know is possible.

          46 months ago

          Essentially, they’re funded by billionaires, and their videos show it. Here’s a couple videos that go into it:

          Their videos about the climate for the last few years essentially boil down to “shit sucks, everything is bad, a lot of people are going to die. But wait, here’s an interesting new technology that could save the planet! All we have to do is trust capitalism to make this technology happen, and we’ll be saved!”

          I’m of the opinion that we should be brutally fucking honest about the climate, and that copium like this only makes people complacent. If we stopped pumping out greenhouse gases right now, we wouldn’t avoid 3° of warming. Hundreds of millions of people are going to die as a direct result of anthropogenic climate change, and there is nothing we can do about that. If we get complacent, that number will be in the multiple billions. Cute cartoon birds turning into skeletons does not reflect the horror of climate change.

            66 months ago

            The Kurzgesagt climate videos explicitly encourage political action to combat climate change. I think they even encourage it as the most important thing an individual can do. They don’t push ‘let capitalism solve everything’ , they push ‘vote in green candidates + regulation’.

            I saw one of those videos taking them down for receiving Bill Gates money and frankly I think it’s a pretty empty hitpiece.

            Don’t get me wrong, the Gate’s foundation does push this ‘never question the market’ ideology, and any organisation that relies on their funding deserves to be scrutinized to hell and back. But Kurzgesagt does not push this ideology.

            ’ The problem with Kurzgesagt’ never found any factual issues with their content, AND the broad message of their videos is ’ lobby the government for regulation + here’s the technology’ . If Gate’s Foundation money has caused them to compromise their values, it’s not done a good job of it.

            Funding is not the same as editorial control, and the amount recieved from the gates foundation is not even a large portion of their income, so it’s not like they have much leverage.

            Gate’s Foundation and similar spend money literally everywhere, so I worry about people writing good orgs off so quickly.

          6 months ago

          here’s a thorough analysis:

          TL;DW: they assume technology will magically “fix” the climate crisis and no big changes to society or the economy are necessary. thus perpetuating and worsening the climate crisis by pretty much telling people “it’s gonna be fiiiiine”…when it really won’t be “fine”.

          edit: note, that most of their content is fine, just the climate “solutions” and stuff are…so optimistic as to be misleading. their physics and futurology stuff is fine. also way oversimplified in many cases, but fine.

        16 months ago

        Whoa, I thought I was alone in disliking Kurzgesagt. What made me unsubscribe was a video that was very clearly sponsored by the game Cyberpunk but didn’t mention that anywhere

      • @fastandcurious@lemmy.worldOP
        87 months ago

        Yeah, the new SAT video was great and i still can’t for the life of me figure how those people managed to think about the problem and realize the options were wrong, really goes to show how intelligent people are always doing things with a very alert mind, even if the problem is very easy

  • umbraroze
    1037 months ago

    I used to watch iilluminaughtii several years ago, probably because I’ve been grabbing popcorn and enjoying watching someone dunking on multi-level marketing since, uh, 90s at least. Then I watched some video that was about some topic that I was kind of in middle of a deep dive, too (I can’t remember which exactly. Elan School, probably?). And the video was bland as hell. And then I was like “yeah, most of these other videos are kind of forgettable shallow pap too”.

    …and this year we found out about the whole landlordy corporate town fancier backstabby financial abuser helicopter-CEO situation. And the content mill situation. And the plagiarism thing. Can’t forget the plagiarism thing. …I was like, “oh this all just makes sense now.”

    • 👍Maximum Derek👍
      357 months ago

      Illuminaughtii was getting pushed into my feed so hard right before everything went down that I’ve started to cast side-eye on anyone that the algorithm starts to push hard.

      On the plus side, I found Cruel World Happy Mind because of all the awful stuff Illuminaughtii did to her.

        57 months ago

        her podcast (which is just the audio of her videos) keeps getting pushed to my Spotify feed. I don’t even use Spotify for podcasts nor I even listened to her at all on said platform. She must be spending a pretty penny in that algorithm push

    7 months ago

    Penguinz0. His content was garbage when I discovered him so I just avoided him but one day I got recommended his old commercial parodies and it was pure gold. His videos about Kate cooking were also great too. Nowadays, he’s a drama youtuber. He scroll Twitter, read about a random scandal, do the bare minimum research to not sound like a fool and then make a video about it.

      407 months ago

      I’m on the same boat. But my “what the actual fuck?” moment came when (for those unfamiliar with it) YouTuber Idubbbz came out with a sincere apology for many of his videos that used extremely racist or ableist terms. While aware that his apologies did not automatically translated into being forgiven by the memebers of the groups he insulted, Idubbbz still felt it was important for him to apologize.

      And in this situation, Penguinz0 just said that “Idubbbz shouldn’t have apologized and it felt like he was exaggerating the whole thing”. Way to inject yourself in something that did not involve him at all. Also, that really told me the kind of person Penguinz0 is: someone who dismisses others suffering when it’s not his place to do so and someone who just goes off his own gut feelings alone.

        97 months ago

        The level of self awareness in the idubbz apology blew my mind. I was an edgy teen and grew out of him, and while it took him a bit longer than me, he came around too. Was a weird and cool moment.

        16 months ago

        Same here. Had the worst bottom feeder energy to it. Just scraping up shit and shitting it out, with the worst possible takes he just takes up all the oxygen in the room. Charlie isn’t much better than XQC.

      46 months ago

      I miss his old gameplay videos. The deadpan monotone voice about extravagant things happening in the game was the best

    7 months ago

    Marques Brownlee (a.k.a. MKBHD).

    A few weeks ago he posted a new episode of his podcast with him and a few others. They talked about Nothing Chats and Sunbird, the iPhone getting RCS and the usual OpenAI drama. At some point Marques mentions the fact that iMessage with RCS will still be “unencrypted”. Following that they ponder over why RCS wouldn’t have this fabled encryption, such a weird thing that RCS doesn’t support encryption from the get-go, and after brainstorming for a bit someone adds the information that it indeed will be encrypted in-transit, but not end-to-end encrypted. And what comes next boggled my mind: Silence ensues. No-one says anything. You only see the faces of four grown-ass tech influencers that are stunlocked and completely unable to process what this neverheard difference between encryption methods might mean. It all just ends with “I’ve been trying so hard to figure out what that means. I can’t.” And then…then they simply move on, not even addressing for a second this knowledge gap and solving it right there on the spot. You can watch it if you want. What hurts the most is that Marques’ co-star, David, the guy that looks the most confused, made a 1+ hour history-lesson type video a few months ago about the history of the internet and the importance of HTTPS encryption.

    Now, if we’re talking about visual quality and overall visual production quality, his videos were insanely enjoyable to watch. I also don’t want to shame anyone for not knowing something and I understand that this is in part the consequence of an ever growing company at this point. The channel is still growing and has reached 18 millions subs. Him (and his team) also cover a constantly growing tech sphere, from phones to laptops, from e-vehicles to supercars, from tech politics to tech blunders. But coming from a guy that has been a “tech influencer” on YouTube for 14 years, a guy that over the years had the chance to interview Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Sundar Pichai and surely had the chance to surround himself with experts on all sorts of topics, a guy that dedicated entire videos to Nothing Chats, the role of Quantum Computing in encryption or the dangers and potentials of the Metaverse, this kind of shocked me. I just couldn’t take him seriously anymore and I hate myself for it. But it’s like my grandma not knowing the difference between a normal call and a WhatsApp call, expect that he’s been talking about tech for more than a decade.

      457 months ago

      Tbf Mkbhd has never been smart or technical. He has good video editing that’s it. His phone reviews have always been pretty trash too. He kept asking for bigger batteries and now he whines that the phones are too big and heavy.

      It really triggers me that he has become the face of “black tech Youtubers” when there’s people like Jeremy Fielding out there

        117 months ago

        I know very little about electronics and really like Jeremy Fieldings videos. A very good channel.

        As for mkbhd. I don’t like his content on Elon musk products. He bought a Tesla and was in a bunch of their beta/early adopter stuff and makes videos with heavy praise. It gives me a bad taste about his ethics on these topics which extends to the rest of the channel.

        6 months ago

        Well, he’s played a role in getting me and I’m sure many others interested in tech in the first place (remember the OnePlus One days?). So I’d say he has a bit more going for him than just video editing, he summarizes tech really well and he just…sparks that tech passion in his viewers! But I simply can’t believe that in all these years he never stopped and pondered what in-transit encryption vs. end-to-end encryption might mean!

        To hammer my point home: This means he doesn’t understand why people would use Signal instead of sending a DM on Facebook or Instagram. Why any sane mind would pick Proton Mail over something like standard Gmail. He’s absolutely clueless as to what a data breach into popular password managers like Bitwarden or LastPass might mean. When Apple says things like (and imagining this in Tim Cook’s voice makes it a hundred times better) “What stays on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone.” or “end-to-end encrypted, meaning that not even Apple can access it”, he doesn’t understand any of it and just moves on. And mind you, these are Apple presentations we’re talking about, catered to the simple understanding of an average consumer.

        Yes, naturally everyone has to start somewhere, but I wish him and his team (c’mon guys, I KNOW you’ll read this!) would put a bit more effort into fillling knowledge gaps as soon as they come up, instead of just relying on their selective research each time a new video gets made and arrogantly thinking that in all other aspects they must still be ahead of 99% of all other people. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself: After one of his co-hosts asks people watching the podcast to tweet at him to explain it, Marques replies: “Good luck getting a tweet.”

        But hey, I hope these are only the first of many steps they’ll take in the big world of data protection, transparency, open-source, privacy and, of course, encryption ;)

        P.s. sorry for the wall of…text.

        Edit: clarification at the beginning.

        37 months ago

        FlossyCarter is my go to for phone reviews. He does a lot of stuff I don’t care about, but he does the “release review” that all tech youtubers do when they get sent a device, but then he follows up with a “real review” later and his likes/dislikes are often fair critiques.

      • @pineapplelover
        07 months ago

        I know I’m going to get downvoted to absolute hell for this but I kinda don’t like anybody who is an Apple fanboy. I used to be one like 5 years ago, however, I know have a pixel+graphene phone, arch linux laptop and desktop, selfhosted storage and media server, basically the tech nerd setup. I hate for the top YouTubers to be not a tech nerd but someone who promotes Apple fanboys who will just roll with the punches even if the company does something stupid.

        Anyways, thanks for the channel recommendation. If you haven’t watched Colin Furze yet, his shit is wild as well.

        -117 months ago

        Saying he isn’t smart is ridiculous and rude. He very clearly is smart within his particular skillsets and in business, or else we wouldn’t be here talking about him. He’s also subjectively entertaining and relatable, which is why he gets more views than many other tech YouTubers, black or otherwise.

        Also, you do realize that “bigger” battery doesn’t necessarily mean physically bigger right? People wanting bigger batteries are usually referring to battery capacity, aka higher charge density.

        It’s so weird that you’re triggered by a YouTubers popularity; I wasn’t aware that such homerism existed in that space. Stay triggered though I guess 😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️

    • BarqsHasBite
      367 months ago

      He never struck me as being actually knowledgable about tech. He knows the consumer level stuff, just enough to review things. But anything deeper than that he never touches.

    • dinckel
      16 months ago

      Production quality wise, the videos are always exceptionally well done for a Youtube channel. I just really cannot stand his content.

      He markets himself as an unbiased first look channel, but for example, any time a new phone comes out, he’d praise an iPhone for all the same reasons he absolutely fucking decimated an Android phone for. It’s very similar to other products he takes a look at. The podcast is also filled to the brim with similar conversations, and it’s just unpleasant tech-bro culture

    737 months ago

    VSauce. They used to be THE shit years and years ago. Their content now has been… Rather sparce and uninteresting.

    I don’t mind content that takes a long time. Ahoy and Lemmino are great. But VSauce just became… Feeling like a waste of time.

      367 months ago

      Seems like they never recovered after the whole YouTube Red exclusive stuff they did. I was glad they came back, but you’re right, it just doesn’t hit the same.

          47 months ago

          Is that the one where we got to watch his Ayahuasca trip cause of so I almost say it was worth it just for that.

      136 months ago

      Remember when they had all 3 channels firing on all cylinders? Vsauce for mind blowing science videos, Vsauce2 for awesome shorter format wtf internet widget videos, and Vsauce3 for gaming science stuff. One of the best eras of YT.

      107 months ago

      I think Vsauce is a lot more grifty than he looks. If you look at the really early videos they were very different and he changed his content wildly in order to find something that makes the most money with the least work. The science education happened to be profitable but as the Meta started favouring more than 10+ min and science vids became mini documentaries he just dropped off and started reviewing science toys and do compilation videos. Right now he is doing a lot of shorts because they are being pushed by the algorithm.

        87 months ago

        I started watching VSauce well over 10 years ago, so I’ve experienced how his content changed first-hand. I feel VSauce dropped off when Michael became an internet meme, when VSauce made it “big”. They got their own studio, their own merch box, and I thought this was going to be an upgrade to the content between VSauce 1, 2 and 3. But then Michael made that YouTube Red series and that was basically a brick wall.

        Only Jake Roper still made some good videos for some time, but that stopped eventually too. Mindblow stopped, Build It, Draw It, Play It stopped. Instead of seeing anything that would justify having a studio and a team to work with we basically got, like you said, Michael reviewing toys from their merch box, and Kevin doing some math philosophy once in a while.

        Mindblow is technically back but… it lacks any energy or soul that the original Mindblow had. It’s sad…

        06 months ago

        His side gigs are super grifty. Curiosity box was a straight scam. Two months delayed and full of shifty products that break or fall apart trying to assemble them.

      36 months ago

      Vsauce2 is still good and mindblown just recently came back, Kevin basically said on his podcast that the mindblown videos just take too much time to research for something that’s presented extremely fast and short, since he’s not a tabloid making wildly innacurate reporting on science papers.

      7 months ago

      Lemmino are great

      idk I didn’t like latest Lemmino topics. I’d like seeing a new video on a space mystery

        57 months ago

        But he already made those in top 10 format. There isn’t much “mystery” to talk about without hyping up certain things like science journalism tends to do a lot.

        He could make a documentary that goes into deeper details about one of the things he already mentioned in his older top 10 videos…

          16 months ago

          I didn’t watch the top 10 videos because this format doesn’t appeal to me. Topics like why there is a universe/anything at all, what is beyond the observable universe, how the universe will end, etc are the greatest mysteries and deserve their own videos.

            16 months ago

            Top 10 videos aren’t typically my thing either. But Lemmino is next level. His top 10 videos are very well informed, and before he started making actual documentaries, only got longer and longer. It got to the point where every entry in a top 10 vid was like a mini documentary on its own.

  • PonyOfWar
    697 months ago

    Never would have called him a favorite of mine exactly, but a channel I used to watch was Shadiversity. Had some interesting videos on medieval life and castles. These days he seemingly only does “let’s test this wacky weapon” videos and has a terrible second channel where he whines about “woke culture”.

      227 months ago

      Tangential fun fact: the guy from “Shadiversity” and the guy from “Drawing with Jazza” are brothers. This is incredibly odd to me because I don’t think that they look or act alike at all.

      • Gnome Kat
        127 months ago

        I find that connection hilarious cus Jazza is way more popular and talented with true artistic ability, where shad is an anti-woke dipshit who gets mad at the mario movie and plays with swords.

      7 months ago

      I lost interest after he sang the praises of the Goblin Slayer rape scene. BuT tHe GoBLiNs nEeD tO bE sCaRy! You can “make monsters monstrous” without adding explicit rape scenes to your mid-tier manga.

    • FaceDeer
      67 months ago

      I actually appreciate that he’s taken care to keep the two channels separate, I just didn’t bother to subscribe to Knights Watch and so it doesn’t bother me.

      I guess mileage varies on the “wacky weapons” vs “medieval history” division, though. I like both so I’m fine with them being mixed.

      47 months ago

      After a certain point, what else can you cover about the medieval period thats interesting, entertaining, understable to a general audience, and can fit in a youtube video?

      I still think he needs to collab with Jill Bearup on boob armor, though.

      • PonyOfWar
        57 months ago

        That’s fair enough, though I do think there are a ton of interesting medieval topics he still could have covered. I’m the kind of guy who likes watching multi-hour essays on ancient civilizations though, so I might not be “general audience” and he moved pretty much in the opposite direction of what I like to watch. Finding his second channel was what sealed the deal for me though, couldn’t take him seriously after that.

    637 months ago

    Joshua Weissman. He started out super chill, most of his recipes were pretty approachable, the editing wasn’t over the top, the b-roll stuff at the end was tasteful.

    Now it’s like he’s catering to a whole different crowd. The editing is over the top and jammed with memes, he’s more idk, psychotic isn’t quite the right word, but it’s way less chill, he’s constantly saying stuff like “if you don’t use XYZ ingredient then what are you even making this recipe for?”, his recipes are more over the top, and he has a much more elitist opinion of himself and his food. The change happened so quickly too, it was kind of shocking.

  • PP_GIRL_
    597 months ago

    CinemaSins. They were always kind of bottom-of-the-barrel, but their early videos pretty much just amounted to narrating the IMDB trivia pages so it was harmless. I went back and checked in on their channel for the first time in 8+ years and holy shit they’ve gotten bad. Videos running a quarter the length of the movie they’re doing with word-salad voice over that doesn’t even make sense.

    Also: “[female actor] isn’t 18 in this scene” was just as fucked up in 2012 as it is in 2023.

      137 months ago

      I agree, I don’t think that CinemaSins was ever really good, but it definitely got worse over time. His content has been criticized to death and there are some good commentary videos covering the issues with his channel. I will plug CinemaWins as a pretty good “counter” channel. I don’t watch it because I’m not really into that kind of content these days, but the videos that I have seen are worthwhile if you’re looking to fill a similar hole.

    • @pineapplelover
      07 months ago

      It was kinda funny when I watched their maybe 15 minute takes. They kinda pull stuff out of their asses, intro to long? Sin.

    597 months ago

    I have the opposite problem where Youtubers who I watch because I enjoy their unedited, off-the-cuff content keep deciding to put more effort into their channel and start producing videos that are scripted and edited well, which I find way less interesting and watchable than their stream-of-consciousness rambling was. WolfeyVGC is a big one. He theoretically has a second channel for low effort content but he rarely posts to it.

      197 months ago

      You might like Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t if you like that style of video. It’s a crass low brow approach to botany and ecology presented by a Chicago Italian. Been going for years now and has improved his quality but it’s still off the cuff rambling.