• @Reddfugee42@lemmy.world
    1857 months ago

    “Things were fine before minorities started being able to express themselves without pushback.” - old white guys

    • @taggart_mccallister@lemm.ee
      807 months ago

      Exactly. When people say Obama hurt race relations it’s because those white people hated seeing black people succeeding where only whites could, triggering them into hating them more.

  • @vitamin
    1417 months ago

    What he meant to say was that Republicans would have continued to pretend to not be racist and stuck to their wink wink dog whistles, but electing a black man president drove them so insane that they regressed 50 years and returned to being openly racist.

    • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      17 months ago

      I even remember in 2016, most especially right after donnie won the EC, all the gaslighting cons were doing classic DARVO and telling everyone how they “had” to vote for the likes of donnie because they were made to do it because of something, something, Obama. [1]

      If they didn’t blame it on Obama, they blamed it on Hillary being “shrill” or something. I think Patton Oswalt summed it up pretty well when he talked about donnie being a racist palate cleanser:


      [1] Of course Tucker has gone further and said that people like him will be forced to go fascist because something something “woke”.

  • @spider@lemmy.nz
    7 months ago

    Electing Obama Trump has ‘taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations’

    fixed that for ya, Rudy

    • @Telorand@reddthat.com
      367 months ago

      Like, this is the laziest attempt at projecting I’ve seen in a while. It’s like watching someone become more bigoted as their facilities deteriorate from dementia, and it’s just sad to watch.

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        57 months ago

        They’ve spent years (all 8 years of his presidency, at least) claiming it was Obama - not the racist AF GOP - that is “divisive” and is “dividing” the nation. They’ve been saying the same about Biden, I notice. Given the underlying racism of the claim about Obama, I notice the attempts at Biden don’t have as much traction.

    • @PeepinGoodArgs@reddthat.com
      877 months ago

      “You think it’s accidental; I know it’s Marxist planned and executed over a long period,” he claimed. “Open border is not coincidental. The open border comes right out of Karl Marx. It comes right out of [communist activist] Saul Alinsky, who, by the way, Saul Alinsky and his acolytes taught Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”

      This shit? The insane musings of high profile Republicans.

      • Who the eff are all these marxists, communists, socialists, etc., wielding all this incredible power in the US and how do they stay so hidden? Deep state? But isn’t the deep state mostly rich white guys pulling the strings?

          • @Evilcoleslaw@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            I heard someone ranting about Marxist banks at one point. Like, just tell me you don’t know what words actually mean am I right?

        • @jonne
          187 months ago

          They’re so crafty that even the policy they’re passing is pure neoliberal dreck that’s to the right of Reagan. Nobody would suspect a thing!

      • Jaysyn
        7 months ago

        Lead poisoning is a huge part of why the 60+ age bracket is acting so erratically now.

      • @jonne
        167 months ago

        Ah yes, famed communist Obama, whose biggest accomplishment was shoveling huge amounts of cash to the health insurance industry in exchange for tiny concessions on the margins.

        • @Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
          37 months ago

          And who teamed up with Bush before his term started to give a shitload of money to wall st so the events of 2008 didn’t cause a transfer of wealth in the wrong direction. Who sat by as the banks foreclosed on a lot of people’s only homes. Or maybe it was communism that made the judges decide that banks had to have proof they owned the mortgage before they could take homes from people?

      • DigitalTraveler42
        27 months ago

        You know they’ve digested too many Nazi talking points when they start breaking out Saul Alinsky and start trying to link him to prominent Democratic leaders.

    • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world
      37 months ago

      I forgot how obsessed they got about Saul Alinsky. If there were a college major called “Being a Leftist,” his Rules for Radicals would be on the syllabus for the class on pre-internet organizing. But I’m pretty sure Fox News hosts said “Alinsky” more times during the Obama administration than all the DSA members combined.

      It’s like if they were discussing Boston Celtics history and just kept mentioning Antoine Walker. (No disrespect to Toine. Or Alinsky.)

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    667 months ago

    Yeah, because all those tiki torch marches happened under Obama? Hmmm… good people on both sides? Well all the Black Lives Matters protests… no? Not Obama either?

    • @jonne
      487 months ago

      See, if you just hadn’t scared those white people by electing a black president, things would’ve been so much better!

    • @schema@lemmy.world
      267 months ago

      It’s basic abuser mentality. “Because a black person has dared to become president, you forced us to be more racist and divisive.”

    • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      All the teabaggers will just never get over Obama. All those boomers that loved to whine about Carter and Clinton got so much more butthurt over Obama and seemed to talk about the former a lot less once Obama got into office. Gee, I wonder why. 🤔

        • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
          47 months ago

          I noticed even those people tended to be mostly occupied by Obama ever since his election - I bet it has something to do with melanin. I guess Hillary running resurrected some of that, which triggers their misogyny and that does battle with their racism. Also, some of the older ones would still grumble about how Nixon and Ronnie Raygun were so “unfairly” treated by the “liberal media”. The resentment among the teabaggers about Nixon is easy to underestimate, I think. I bet most of them would have rather he just stuck it out and did not resign, no matter what.

          Same thing with their view of Ronnie Raygun. They won’t listen to one iota of truth about the real Raygun and they will practically start spitting if you bring up Iran/Contra (which was worse than Watergate, and of course, Raygun’s administration was objectively the most criminal in history up to that point - I’m not sure if donnie’s admin surpassed it).

          But once Obama was elected, wow, they seemed to never let up with all the dog whistles and their brain seemed to be occupied with ODS primarily.

  • Ook the Librarian
    7 months ago

    Maybe it took Guiliani back 40 years. He was at about 1920 before but he seems closer to 1880 now.

    • @0110010001100010@lemmy.world
      127 months ago

      I thought crazy pillow dude was the cybersecurity expert. He hosted those cyber symposiums after all. Clearly he must know something us lowly IT folks don’t.

      • @SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
        167 months ago

        Speaking of which, did he ever pay out that 5 million dollar prize for the guy who proved his election interference data was literally garbage files?

          • @SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
            117 months ago

            I can’t imagine being so utterly convinced you have something that you’d offer a prize you don’t intend to pay for proving it false, AND THEN NOT EVEN BOTHERING TO VERIFY IT IS WHAT YOU SAY IT IS. I imagine someone sold him the data under false pretenses, because if Mike knew it was bullshit he might not have offered the prize. If that is the case, I wish that scammer all the best.

            • Flying Squid
              67 months ago

              My favorite part- the money he owes goes to a Trump voter. Even that guy knew it was bullshit.

            • @Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
              17 months ago

              There’s also a chance he just grabbed some random files himself, declared they proved it, and thought that since he had no idea how to show or disprove that, no one else would be able to. The whole conspiracy mindset really leans into the “there’s no way to know for sure” aspects of reality and projects that in many areas where it doesn’t apply because general knowledge isn’t enough to figure it out.

              Though the worst part is they can do this because there’s many cases where “experts” have abused the trust that used to be put in the scientific community, such as the ones behind the tobacco industry funded smoking safety studies.

  • @mriguy@lemmy.world
    307 months ago

    “We would have all stayed under our rocks if YOU hadn’t forced us to freak out by electing a black guy”.