Every time we talk about Justin Fields, the question is, can he become a franchise QB? I think we should stop using the phrase franchise QB, because it sets unrealistically high expectations in some people minds, because many people interpret that word to mean Justin Fields has to play at a Hall Of Fame level or be the next Patrick Mahomes.

So lets change the wording. Lets ask, instead, can Justin Fields play as well and have similar success to Lamar Jackson? Meaning, if we brought in coaches to build a system around Justin like Lamar has a system built around him in Baltimore, can Justin play to the same level that Lamar is playing at?

I suspect that a lot more people would probably say yes to that question, than would say yes to the question of can Justin Fields be a franchise QB.

Now, interestingly, Lamar Jackson probably is a franchise QB. So it is interesting that people would much more likely view it as possible for Justin Fields to play like Lamar Jackson than they would to play like a franchise QB. It goes back to my original point, that the word franchise QB comes with a whole set of unfair expectations with it, and that we should stop using it for Justin Fields.

  • burrito48@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Why would you have to be a HOF for a qb to be considered a franchise qb? There is probably around 30-40 qbs in the hall of fame. There have also been over 100 seasons.

    To me a franchise qb is somebody who gets a long term extension from a team to play qb while also building the roster around their skills etc.

    So JF could be one for bears if they extend him next year and don’t draft a qb in 2024. It’s that simple. People get too wrapped up in stats and comparisons to other qbs. It’s pretty simple to earn an extension. Just win games…that’s it. Justin hasn’t won enough so he won’t get extended.

    Now you can make excuses for him or pile on him, I’ve seen both in this sub. But teams have people making roster decisions based on wins. They don’t want to factor in if they did enough to surround him with good players or coaches. Their decisions are based on wins because if they win they keep their jobs.

    Also lamar and fields are different. Comparing them isn’t fair to either player. Different styles and the ravens organization is probably the best overall organization is the league. That pains me to my core admitting that since I live in MD but it’s true.

    If fields was drafted by an organization with a winning culture…he’d get a second contract. Bears are inept on offense and front office and always will be.