###Welcome members of the NFCN

  • This thread aims to create a moment for you to ask questions about the division and its teams, answer said questions, or have a discussion about football in general.

  • All NFCN subreddits have been invited.

  • Please make sure to choose a flair so we know which team you’re a fan of.

  • Please keep it civil.

  • In case your interested, here are the previous NFCN Discussions we’ve hosted: #1, #2, #3

  • COYS234@alien.topB
    8 months ago

    Gonna rank them because why not?

    1. Kirk: Was looking really good until he tore his Achilles. He doesn’t do anything special, but he does the right things consistently and decisively, which when you have the Vikings’ weapons is exactly what you want.

    2. Goff: A slightly above average QB who is more of a product of his environment than a real difference maker. In the rare games where he’s pressured and forced to make tough plays, you start to see him look more like the Rams version. With that great OL and playcalling he doesn’t have to deal with that much.

    3. Love: Talented but flawed with plenty of inconsistency. He definitely shows flashes of his talent, and has been playing really well the last few games. Looking at the season as a whole though, he’s had some bad stretches too. At worst, I think he’s probably a below-average starter, but if he can clean things up he could easily push top-10.

    4. Fields: Insanely talented but very frustrating. In terms of arm talent and athleticism, there’s maybe 5 QBs more gifted than Fields. There is practically nothing on the field he can’t do physically. That being said, there’s also not a WR he can’t miss wildly, a read he can’t blow, or a silly pick he can’t throw.

    • Wisdomlost@alien.topB
      8 months ago

      Your assessment of Goff hurts my feelings because it’s so accurate. Give him a solid o line with a halfway decent run game and he can light defenses up. If you put him under pressure or make the team one dimensional he can still pull it off but it will be a struggle. He’s much better than he was in his last year on rhe Rams but I think we have seen his ceiling and it’s like 8 or 12th best in the league.