• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
    1 year ago

    The difference is that you’re the one who sealions in to my threads and starts making personal attacks. I just reply to your smears, but you’re the one who always initiates. And nowhere have I made any purity tests for anyone, that’s just a thing you made up. But I’m sure you’re going to claim I’ve somehow misrepresented you once again.

    • APassenger@lemmy.one
      1 year ago


      Come on now. You attack without much provocation at all. But there’s no hate or purity tests?

      That’s a damn lie.

      What you’ve missed (clearly) in a lot of this is I could be an ally on some topics but you can’t stop lashing out in some “righteous” crusade.

      If persuasion were a battlefield, you’d be killing your own.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
        1 year ago

        Show me a single example where I sealion into your posts and start attacking you.

        What you’ve missed clearly is that your tactic of attacking people who disagree with your and namecalling doesn’t make your an appealing ally for anyone. Maybe you should take your own advice, do some self reflection and stop lashing out at people while accusing others of being mean to you. Just a thought.

        I’ve been using lemmy for around 4 years now, and we’ve had pleasant and constructive discussion here that whole time. Then a bunch of redditors showed up and started flinging feces.

        • APassenger@lemmy.one
          1 year ago

          Ah. The source of your anger.

          The local Overton window shifted. You’d found a bubble you liked and now it’s different and more perspectives are flooding in. Not all perspectives are informed, but you are being credibly challenged now.

          The big fish in a small pond finds itself in a different body of water.

          I’m not insulting people until very recently and it’s only you. You cast a wide net with your anger and it’s helping no one. And it hurts your cause.

          I never said you sealion me. Not once. You keep seeing things as said that aren’t. And then you complain about reading comprehension of your sparring partners.

          It’s shameful. And I’m not using that lightly. You act shamefully. It’s fucking embarrassing the way you’re trying to advance ideas by insulting people.

          Other people are here. Adapt.

          If we need to have a thread about maladaptive rhetoric so you cam deem my discussion on topic I’ll point out that posting a single clown emoji or vomit one is not topical, either. It only further lowers discourse and makes you into an easily discarded clown.

          And I doubt you want that.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
            1 year ago

            No, my complaint isn’t about the Overton window shifting. In fact, I’ve repeatedly explained to you what my actual complaint is which you continue to ignore while making straw man arguments.

            My complaint, once again is about people such as yourself sealioning into threads to make personal attacks when you read something you disagree with. I’ve explicitly said that I welcome disagreement and genuine discussion that’s respectful and informed. And I’ve asked you repeatedly to consider doing that if you’re not happy with the type replies you’re seeing when you start trolling.

            You never said I sealion you, but you keep trying to make some sort of equivalence between you jumping in to start fights and me reacting in kind. In other words, treat others the way you want to be treated or grow a thicker skin.

            The only thing that’s shameful here is what you’re doing and your utter lack of self awareness.

            I have no intention to adapting to reddit style trolling where people drown out meaningful discussion with namecalling and personal attacks. Again, respect is earned, and if you want to have a respectful discussion then engage with people respectfully. It’s not a hard concept.

            • APassenger@lemmy.one
              1 year ago

              I’m not jumping in to start fights. I jump in to ask why you’re doing it.

              There’s a difference. Clown faces (a pattern, not an instance), vomit emoji… all that is is you doing something for your feels and to feel better than. They do exactly zero for anything a normal, mature peraon would hope to generate.

              You say you want meaningful exchange and you doggedly defend yourself as you bring the discourse down to single emoji and knee-jerk judgments.

              You’re creating an unhelpful dynamic. Being likeable helps. Being right is “logically” enough. For persuasion, it is a distant second on a good day.

              Being more likeable and less glib can help. Or, You’re not here to help. You’re here to feel better than. Your choice and you get to choose, but be consistent. If it’s the later, don’t criticize it in others, please.

              Let’s go one further and I’ll ask other than when I told you themat you required evidence and you were being a hypocrite, when did I demand evidence over and over? Or do you not know what sealioning is?

              I’m not demanding evidence. I’m asking why you’re so darn incivil to so many people. You look like an unsympathetic Don Quixote and it helps none of your points.

              And if you’re not here to persuade, why post so many of a specific kind of article.

              Again. I don’t follow you around. I’m in certain communities for a reason. And then you shit all over them.

              It’s daft, touched-in-the-head kind of behavior.