I brought this up a couple of days ago stating that we don’t know how much power Kevin Warren has and was laughed at. I thought he only had control over the management (stadium, revenue being brought in, etc) side of the bears, but maybe not. Thoughts?

  • CherryCokeSlurpee@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If he keeps Flus then Poles is just as bad as him. It will be a glaring sign that he’s cool with continuing to lose. Anyone who’s watched the Bears know Flus is horrible. 6-22 record speaks for itself. I’m sure some of us here could pull off a better record than that. Bears have hired vanilla coaches since Ditka and outside of Lovie, they’ve all been fucking horrible. It’s like playing not to lose before the game even starts. They keep the hires safe and boring, then we watch opposing coaches school us and make our team look like a joke