I brought this up a couple of days ago stating that we don’t know how much power Kevin Warren has and was laughed at. I thought he only had control over the management (stadium, revenue being brought in, etc) side of the bears, but maybe not. Thoughts?

  • itsmb12@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Honestly of the 4 major sports, i think NFL GMs are the least important GMs of all. So much of having a successful team is coaching and scheme fit, to the point all NFL GMs need to do is negotiate and pick players that fit the scheme well and thats it, while most of it is up to the coaching staff to properly develop.

    That being said, idc who is the GM, i just want flus and the coaching staff gone. This team looks no better than last year, while having a MUCH better roster on paper, all thanks to them. As long as Flus and Co are employed we arent winning more than 5 games a season.