My household is all Apple so I’ve been trying hard to adapt to the iphone UI. It’s critical for me to be able to use my phone quickly using only my right hand. Coming from an s21 Ultra which is a huge phone it was no problem. My 15 pro is much smaller but I seem to have hit something I may not be able to adapt to:

Back navigation often requires pressing a arrow in the top left or bottom left of the screen my thumb can’t reach. It seems apple is aware of this with the advent of the reachability gesture but this is still difficult, has extra steps, and completely disrupts what you see. The back swipe feature requires the user to start from the far left side of the screen farther than my thumb can comfortably reach.

I have a skiers thumb so crazy huge thumb reaches all day are problematic.

The volume and action buttons being on the top left of the phone present similar right handed usability problems.

It’s almost as if the phone is designed to be held in the left hand and used two handed?

I figured I would simply adapt to a new UI. Am I crazy and just need more time to adapt? Or is iOS seriously difficulty to use solo right handed?

I love everything else about the phone other than the thickness making reaching those far corners harder where they put the navigation farthest from you thumb.

The lack of a consistent back gesture or feature easily reachable from the right lower part of the phone is kind of mind boggling.

I guess this originated from two ideas? Keeping the UI consistent over the years and they started like a web browser with the back arrows in the top left… but phones are huge now. It’s unreachable. The second Apple wanted to not have a back option as it’s action would not me consistent in every situation and would create “Trust” issues. However their own back gesture, does different things in different apps now anyway.

As I imagine a lot of users need to use their phone one handed it seems like a really bad decision from a UI standpoint or is there something I’m missing?

Will I adapt or is the phone legitimately a lost cause if you need fast one handed use from the right hand?