• onemanwolfpack21@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I Flus stays they could draft A 23 year old Tom Brady, and I wouldn’t care. Flus is the biggest problem. They can’t solve anything else until he is gone. He has shown that he does 2 things ok. Run defense and not lose the lockeroom. That’s it. Name 1 other thing he does well? It’s so frustrating that he is still here. The evaluation is complete. Sure, he could change. So could any player or coach. Facts are facts. He has the worst record of any coach in Bears history. If that’s not enough, he hasn’t won a single division game. If that’s not enough, how about all the blown leads. If that’s not enough, how about all the penalties. If that’s not enough, how about all the blown coverages and players that seemingly don’t know where to line up. None of the other conversations matter until Flus is gone. I can make this same kind of pros and cons list for Fields and Fields. I would certainly have cons, but he would have a lot more pros than Flus. If Warren wants to flush them all, I don’t care. But the absolute worst mistake this franchise could make is keeping Flus and then drafting another QB, and there is a growing narrative that it might happen, and it makes me sick.

    • Imhere4thejokes@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’ll give him THOSE 2 things you’re absolutely right, its a miracle he hasn’t lost the locker room because by this time during the Trestman yrs it was a pure diarrhea shitshow.