Like, not even the most hardcore tankie called the Russian invasion of Ukraine the “Russia-Azov War”. Wouldn’t it make more sense to call it the Israel-Palestine War? Or even the Israel-Gaza War?
(Yes, I know it’s less of a war, more of an genocide, but still.)
Yes. They want you to think they’re there to defeat Hamas. Even though they’re drawing up and executing plans to relocate/murder the entire population at the same time.
Yeah, it’s part of the media’s pro-Israel propaganda campaign to whitewash Zionist crimes and genocidal intention towards regular Palestinians.
Pay no attention to the grotesque amount of casualties, we are only going after Hamas
Also, it's the name so all of them were in Hamas anyway
It’s a bit of propaganda 101.
Israel-Hospital War
Israel bombed a ton of docked fishing boats on the beach. It’s pretty hard to imagine the logic there except “fishing alleviates our food blockade”
Also, why call Palestine by the Arabic name of their military, and Israel by the English name of the country? Why not the Palestine-Tzahal conflict?