I’ve had the Pro max for about a month now and have used the button maybe once. Could be that I need to change it from the flashlight which is what I have currently but it’s honestly been a nuisance more than anything. It’s minor but whenever I’m trying to adjust the audio in my headphones by just hitting the volume button from outside my pocket I just end up clicking the side button instead of volume up. If you guys use it, what do you have it set as?
All the time
I have it set to toggle rotation lock so that I’m not fumbling around when trying to show some pics
Use it for triggering the flashlight several times a day. Where I live there is dark most of the time during winter.
Not once except when I got it. I need to find a use.
I use it to instant open reddit from every point in the phone.
Pro max for a month. Nope
I feel like I’m one of the few that can reach the button comfortably since i hold my phone with my left hand (even though I am right handed). I currently have it set to open the camera app which allows me to take photos super fast.
It is much more useful if you make a shortcut or a shortcut menus that opens up.
I have mine triggered to my medical card so when I get to the dispensary im not fumbling on my phone looking through files or photos
Never. Turned it off
I use it all the time for the flashlight.
Switched it to camera and use it all the time. Basically a dedicated shutter button. Plus I actually now use the quick video function they introduced a while ago.
I have a bunch of options set up in a shortcut:
Toggle do not disturb
Todays calendar
New safari tab
Text my wife I’m on my way home
I have set up as a shortcut where it opens a menu and displays a few options (toggle silent, toggle rotation, toggle flashlight, ask ChatGPT, turn on room lights)
It essentially acts like a second control centre but fully customizable to anything you like
I have it set to the mute button. I use it about as much as I used the mute switch.