So, I’m tired of all these companies having access to my information and data. I’m also trying to limit security concerns from hackers and general lowlifes. Is this possible? Is there anyone who teaches or guides on this (preferably on YouTube as im a bit of a visual learner).

  • velhaconta@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Is this possible?


    Will you have the same level of functionality and convenience? No.

    Will it be easy? No.

    There are tricks you can play with your firewall and other networking pieces to prevent devices from calling home. But those devices have to have local API’s exposed so you can still control them.

    Consumer HA companies rolled out WiFi cloud solutions because it was easy. Consumer could get started after buying just one device. Not need for a HUB and compatibility. Then they learned that cloud data can actually be pretty useful.

    Hopefully Matter will cut into this mess. Part of the standard is that all devices should have local control and cloud access should be only for added functionality.