
    861 year ago

    I’m so sick and tired of every single website and service trying to push an app on me. No, I don’t want to download your stupid shitty app, I’ve got dozens and I don’t want another one that I don’t use that interrupts me to push stupid notifications. Now get off my lawn!

      221 year ago

      Hell yeah. I was furious when I learned that you “nEed To InsTalL tHe McDoNaLds ApP FoR tHe CoDe!” for their monopoly-game. Wtf?! Just give me my fucking mcsundae-coupon right now, goddamn.

      131 year ago

      Same. I have to use for a contract, I swear they made their website as mobile un-friendly as possible because they push their app so hard. Like, I use you to submit one invoice a month I don’t need an app to do that, fuck off.

        121 year ago

        They can’t track your every interest to sell to other assholes if you don’t use their software though.

        Now, don’t you feel sorry for the poor companies who can’t make money off of you when you’re on sites completely unrelated to theirs?

        It just breaks my heart.

          01 year ago

          The issue of companies wanting to force apps while you don’t want another app. Instant apps are a halfway point between a webpage and having to download an app, the app’s never actually installed on your phone. It’s not much different than a site with heavy CSS.

            31 year ago

            Screw a midpoint. Those sites push their apps by sabotaging their websites because they have financial incentives to fuck with people and they can scrape more data with an app. No middle ground, no compromise.

  • Neirin
    701 year ago

    Threads is view-only without the app, so no using it on PC. Probably because they wouldn’t be able to get as much data. I would never use it anyway but it’s so stupid.

      251 year ago

      You can at least view threads without logging in? That’s better than instagram usually forces login. Still won’t use it.

        191 year ago

        And instagram is still a lot better than Twitter which just redirects you to nothing at all. Now I just wish news sites would stop linking to twitter because I can’t look at any of the garbage that’s been posted.

        41 year ago

        instagram usually doesn’t for just viewing profiles or posts but anything past that it’ll prompt you and there’s a big ass banner at the bottom asking you to sign in

          61 year ago

          After viewing a few posts it almost always blocks and asks me to login. For years. I just don’t go on Instagram anymore as a result. Twitter and reddit, take notice

    • Wow. Did not know that. That’s crazy. Let’s cripple something running on a more powerful processor and with a bigger screen and full keyboard? That’s just backwards and terrible.

        1 year ago

        Not backwards for them maybe. They will frame it as being a mobile-optimized experience that captures your (whatever), but of course it is monitoring your gyro right now to determine whether you’re sitting upright, lying in your bed, or … something else.

      61 year ago

      I feel like an idiot for not knowing this, but website do you go to to read Threads?

      I tried going to “” but it’s just a link to download the app?

    • Same with tiktok. they used to let you watch videos without the app, now they won’t let you unmute the video. one of my frineds keeps trying to send me tiktoks and i’m like, this is worthless.

        161 year ago

        No, it works. You just slide a puzzle piece over, then it reloads. Then it plays muted, you have to unmute it and then it’s half-way through so you have to restart the video. There see, easy! And by the time you get to watch it in a tiny ass screen you have already seen it muted about 3-5 times give or take.

        • @angrynomad
          11 year ago

          Look at the untrackme app, it intercepts app intents like TikTok and uses proxy app sites

      • I don’t have an account and I watched videos with sound today on both mobile and desktop and honestly that shit is better without sound.

    401 year ago

    This is the meme that made me create an account here. Barely using reddit now, but I noticed these last days they were pushing lukewarm content to the top. And a lot of content on phone web browsers was/is locked, could only read the first 2 or 3 answers.

        31 year ago

        Oh my. That website is even better. Why isn’t that website the default in mobile browsers? I’m new, and I’m reading that now I need to create a new account in world (I’m in ml). Right?

      61 year ago

      And the quality of discussion gets lower every time I go on. Has been for years, incrementally, but the rate really increased after June 30. I used to be able to get pretty far down through 4 or 5 worldnews threads before I ran into something so stupid I closed the entire window, but now it happens on just about every thread I open.

        21 year ago

        It was some posts, a lot, not all of them. Maybe it was a bug at one time when they started to implement their new API changes. I don’t know, and I don’t care at the moment. :)

    221 year ago

    I’ve mainly used Reddit on PC and only used apps for porn (because in-app autoplay is so much better). Them disabling NSFW from API completely makes it completely useless for latter. Really hoping lemmy becomes the new big thing where you can scroll, comment, and jerk off. Possibly at the same time.

    131 year ago

    This is extremely true for modern social media sites. Normal news sites used to push their apps too, but I guess this fad has passed.

    • sebinspace
      161 year ago

      Social media? Bitch, this is the average restaurant experience now! OH We HaVe OuR meNu On OuR aPp

      Yeah and you have no goddamn signal here GIVE ME A FUCKEN MENU

        61 year ago

        Yeah. Fuck restaurants that expect me to scan a damned qr code for a fucking menu.

          91 year ago

          And even then, I’m fine to browse a menu on a mobile-friendly site (as long as the restaurant is diligent about providing reliable wifi for anyone who might not have great signal). But when the code has me download a PDF, they can fuck right off. First of all, I don’t need the menu sitting in my cache or download folder. And when the PDF was clearly formatted for physical printing… Good lord. I’m not pinching and zooming this shit.

        • I used to feel that way but recently I was in Europe and was everywhere. It was pretty great honestly. Instant app so I didn’t need to install anything. My party could split the bill however we wanted ourselves. If you had GooglePay or ApplePay it was one tap to pay. Pay and go whenever you want without having to flag anyone down. It was optional if you wanted you could ask for a bill.

          As much as I hate installing restaurant apps I can get behind this experience.

    1 year ago

    I actively avoid sites that do this, if I find that I’m on the site enough to Warrant getting the app I’ll get the app. I actually didn’t realize that Reddit enforced this until about 5 or 6 months ago because they didn’t enforce that when I first started using reddit, I had already moved over to third party applications before they implemented the system. Not that it matters much anymore, I uninstalled any apps I had for the platform and blocked it for the house. I’m done with it

    • thanevim
      41 year ago

      I wish I could act so decisively on that, but I still need Reddit access for the wisdom of others on solving issues.

      So instead I just make sure I only browse it with Firefox, using uBlock Origin to prevent them from getting ad revenue.

        1 year ago

        That’s where I’m at with reddit, and where I’ve been with Facebook for years. Though, interestingly, Slim Social for Facebook has gotten around this quite well for Facebook, for everything except for messages until very recently, where you have to ask for the desktop site. Maybe someone can come up with something similar for reddit…

        • thanevim
          41 year ago

          Wisdom is starting to gather here. But in the meantime, there’s still the crazy issue with some silly software where I have to Google search and find the only helpful answers are in various Reddit threads

  • TheSaneWriter
    41 year ago

    Yeah, it sucks because you can do really cool stuff with web apps these days but no, instead I need 140 native apps for basically every mobile service because their mobile websites are abhorrently designed and basically only exist to point you towards the app.

      • TheSaneWriter
        31 year ago

        Oh, I’m fully aware. That’s honestly the kicker, they could host those apps on the web and have me be able to access everything through my browser, but no, instead I have to install their stupid apps just so they can harvest my data.

    31 year ago

    Ugh for the longest time the investment firm I use had one product locked away on their app. Thankfully I checked today and I can sign up and use it on the web!