We have a simple home(1 floor. 1bath. 2rooms) We live in a calm neighborhood, we don’t own extremely expensive things. And he wants a camera inside our home? For what? This camera can also record audio. We have a child together, we work and we come home. Why do we neeed a camera inside? I feel like it’s an invasion of privacy! I love being silly inside our home. I love yelling. I love singing annoyingly when I’m alone. Should I feel disrespected? Should he feel disrespected? He’s bringing out the “what do you have to hide card”.

  • BasilExposition2@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I have a camera in my basement that faces the backdoor in the basement. The idea there is if anyone breaks in that door- we would see them. There is also one outside that door as well (loads of them now).

    I also have a few in the attic. Thought we had a mouse issue- turns out it was a bat. Allowed me to call the right guy.

    I guess I would want to know where the recordings are. I use Blue Iris and my network is pretty well locked down. I don’t record to the cloud or anything.

    I do have an outdoor shower near that basement camera. I am the only one that uses it. Honestly, the video quality of most of these cameras is good but not the great. Even if I was naked and I was paparazzi material, the video would be worthless.

    It is probably less of a risk than the video alexas, googles, and zoom machines we have around the house.