We have a simple home(1 floor. 1bath. 2rooms) We live in a calm neighborhood, we don’t own extremely expensive things. And he wants a camera inside our home? For what? This camera can also record audio. We have a child together, we work and we come home. Why do we neeed a camera inside? I feel like it’s an invasion of privacy! I love being silly inside our home. I love yelling. I love singing annoyingly when I’m alone. Should I feel disrespected? Should he feel disrespected? He’s bringing out the “what do you have to hide card”.

  • SnooDoggos4906@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    For some reason the vendors seem to really push interior cameras. I personally don’t want that either (excluding things like a baby monitor). Maybe he has just bought into the add that it will somehow keep your family safer? It is easier for sure.

    Have you discussed it at all? Just say you wouldnt want to see yourselves online somewhere if you get hacked. I assume it is ring or wyze or blink or similar….

    Offer alternative. Like exterior door cam or something if he’s being protective.