• soloner@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I’m not the OP but was also homeschooled similarly. For me it was being culture shocked by how many different nuanced perspectives are out there. Growing up I was provided more of a black and white view and very little social interaction to teach me otherwise - until college haha.

    It actually was a nice revelation realizing not everyone is so prejudiced and bigoted about everything. However, the damage was done and I still had to work a lot to undo it and “catch up” to how to normally interact. Now I’m well adjusted so it’s all kinda in the past for me, but I won’t do that to my kids.

    Prob one of the other difficult things for me is being taught homophobia and having to learn how shitty that is and the guilt that I still live with to this day because of beliefs I used to hold. That sucks.