YouTube’s Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge::The video platform now requires users to disable their ad blockers with an immovable pop-up.

  • BombOmOm
    1648 months ago

    Currently without issue using Firefox and uBlock Origin. No complaints from YouTube nor ads.

        198 months ago

        I’ve been having intermittent problems while using Firefox. Of course, all I need to do is clear the Ublock’s filters and re-load them.

        Oddly, my brother who uses the same ad-blocker as me and Chrome hasn’t gotten a anti-AdBlock nag screen for months. No idea why.

      • Traister101
        8 months ago

        That’s the majority of people?? Looks like the most recent number is 64% of people with 20% on Safari and the remaining ~17% split among the rest with Firefox (3%) not even beating Edge (5%)

          298 months ago

          Nope, that’s not what uBlock is saying. YouTube rolls out new adblock detection several times a day. uBlock can’t stop it instantly, it takes time for the devs to adjust their code. So for a few hours, YouTube’s detection works. If you haven’t been caught yet, then it means you’ve been lucky to get the rollout after uBlock already had a fix. Some of us aren’t that lucky. Last week, I got an early rollout several hours before uBlock had a patch. Turned off all my extensions, used default uBlock settings, all their suggestions, had no effect. A few hours later, uBlock had a fix and I didn’t see YouTube’s block anymore.

          218 months ago

          No, not at all correct. uBlock has stated publicly, on multiple channels, that YT is updating its detection script several times a day while they are racing to patch in a fix.

        8 months ago

        I had been using Ghostery Dawn for ages. Got the pop-ups. Couldn’t get around them. Switched to just firefox with ublock, no more ads. Can confirm it does work.

      148 months ago

      I was having issues requiring cache dump/updates daily both on a Windows 10 machine with FF/UO and on an ipad with Brave and Orion (which can use UO) including total cookie wipes. Win 11 machines never blinked.

      The last couple days or so, I’ve not seen the block message anywhere. Fun stuff.

      38 months ago

      Same here, chrome and ublock origin… did nothing special at all, never seen any of these popups.

      I assume it’s a slow rollout and we’ve both been lucky.

    • JackFrostNCola
      28 months ago

      I had to use element picker mode to select the popup to make it go away, but now i have two issues:

      1. I cant scroll down after a second of the page loading.
      2. Autoplay does not work on playlists
      -98 months ago

      Unless you’re doing something unusual, it’s probably because you’re browsing youtube without being logged in.

          -38 months ago

          It was first released in June 2014 as a chrome and opera extension. That’s what I meant. However I did say chromium which would be technically incorrect.

            108 months ago

            Your original post is absolute nonsense and reads like someone correcting / saying it doesn’t exist in Firefox at all.

            Op said “I use firefox with uBlock” and you went “ublock is from chromium” - which in the context you explained above is totally useless to the discussion - who cares where it is from?

    438 months ago

    It really isnt getting harder to dodge past the initial recent push. “Go to settings, purge cache, refresh list, refresh youtube” is just as many steps today as it was when this recent push started

      98 months ago

      I’ve still yet to see it… not even had to do any of those things. Something about my setup I guess neutralises it.

        38 months ago

        Me neither.

        • Windows

        • PiHole (AWS Lightsail instance)

        • Edge

        • TubeBlock extension

        Waiting for the hammer to drop. OTOH, I don’t watch much Tube.

        18 months ago

        I was, but they stopped appearing once I completely cleared browsing history and cookies. I also did another purge and update for good measure.

        The only pain in the ass was that I ended up changing the username of some of my accounts but forgot to update them in my account manager, so it took a bit to find and log into them. But that was completely on me and won’t happen if you’re not being an idiot like I was.

      88 months ago

      Big thing that helps is switching off of Chrome. I’ve been seeing a lot of people say that we should stop using Chrome and I just hadn’t gotten around to it. Once the YouTube adblocker started picking up Ublock Origin even after clearing the cache I hard switched to Fire Fox and installed Ublock Origin.

      I have not cleared my cache once and I haven’t seen a single ad.

        8 months ago

        Firefox + uBlock Origin + PiHole = I’m wondering what all the fuss is about. I haven’t seen a single adblocker warning on YouTube yet.

        Stop using browsers based on Chromium people, it’s not that hard.

    • AphoticDev
      28 months ago

      This. I’ve gotten this popup about four times since this happened, telling me the video player was blocked because I had an adblocker still. Each time, I purged cache and updated and it went away.

      168 months ago

      YouTube had a good humble beginning before monetization fucked everything up. It was a bad idea to begin with. For now, best stick with piped and all the apps that use piped as backend. NewPipe and LibreTube. Want to support a creator? Go buy merch or something. Dont give Google a second of your time.

          28 months ago

          I read this as monetization being the bad idea, and that is basically the same thing as being capitalismed to death.

            38 months ago

            So the amount of up front investment required for something on an infrastructure level is massive. It’s the type of thing that really needs to be centralized, because it isn’t just storage. It’s massive amounts of bandwidth, a distributed content distribution network close to your end users(which is even harder on a global scale).

            Don’t get me wrong I don’t think the purely profit driven nature of YouTube is healthy at all. It’s an active detriment. But it’s hard to think of another practical way that isn’t hellaciously expensive.

              38 months ago

              Introducing… PeerTube. Bandwidth is not a problem because if a video gets popular people will be watching it and therefore sharing it to their peers Infrastructure costs don’t matter because channels would be on small instances That would not cost much to run, etc. A single company need not pay millions of dollars to host something like this when each individual who wants to be a content creator can put up a few dollars a month like maybe four or five and do it. That way the cost is distributed and not a burden on one entity.

              • Dark Arc
                8 months ago

                The issue with PeerTube, is monetization.

                You need to be able to tell anchors that draw people in and make their living from YouTube like LinusTechTips, Phillip DeFranco, and MrBeast why PeerTube is the platform for them… and losing all the money YouTube gives them is a big problem in any argument (as much as they might not like some of YouTube’s policies themselves).

                Also, storage costs are going to explode if PeerTube gets popular and maintains the “anyone can upload in 4k” that YouTube allows. Linus did a video about how expensive 4k video is compared to the 1080p videos that have been dominate in the platform for most of the platform’s life, and how that increased cost has contributed to discussions of changes (at the time) which have evidently manifested as adblocking and promoting premium (speculatively, this is in part because Google feels regulars are going to hurt its advertising business badly and they need to get subscribers that could keep the platform afloat – going back to “old models” before the Google advertising money machine made the Internet “free”).

              28 months ago

              I totally get that they had to find some way to financially support the massive infrastructure that was necessary to do what YouTube does.

              I was fine with an ad every now and then.

              I was fine with an ad at the start and end of a long video.

              Ads on a 30s video? Ads on an Ad? Multiple ads at the start, multiple ads in-between and at the end? Jesus h. Christ. Removing the dislike button?

              That was when I switched to ReVanced.

        • Dark Arc
          18 months ago

          Yes, they bought it (in 2006). However, it wasn’t what it is today, and IIRC it was “in the red” (losing money). It was in the red for years after Google bought it as well. There’s not a lot of good information on this unfortunately with regard to the current state. The last update we had was in 2015 that YouTube wasn’t making money

          That’s 9 years of operating at a loss, and probably the 9 years people think of most fondly… We were getting the service at a loss to Google.

        -98 months ago

        I switched back to ff in 2018 but then switched back to chrome after it deleted my bookmarks sporadically for the 5th time. I’ve logged bugs about it too.

        8 months ago

        I will when they finally fix dragging tabs between windows

        Edit: I’m not saying the operation isn’t functional, I’m saying it lacks certain small visual feedback aspects like popping a tab out into a new window while dragging. This in and of itself isn’t breaking, but Firefox had a lot of rough edges like that every time I used it, and I’m using this specific one as a benchmark to judge if I should give the browser a shot again

            -78 months ago

            To some extend, yes. But convenience and workflow trumps both.for example, I moved to DuckDuckGo a while back. Not because of privacy, but because Google kept removing customisation options, and it’s search results where getting worse and worse.

              8 months ago

              I mean, no ads on youtube is HELLA more convenient than ads on youtube

                8 months ago

                I agree

                I’m using chrome, sponsorblock and adblock+. Google hasn’t told me to turn it off yet.

                Maybe it’s because I’m in the EU?

                If it starts becoming a problem, I intend to look into writing a pull request to fix the firefox UX issues

                  28 months ago

                  Fair enough! In that case I also wouldn’t be pressured to jump ship, in fact the only reason I jumped back to firefox in the first place was because chrome couldnt handle the amount of tabs I had and they started crashing

            8 months ago

            Popping out a tab doesn’t turn it into a draggable window, but just into cursor basic cursor held object. This gives no visual feedback on what is actually happening and makes the whole operation much less visually clear

            It’s a small thing, but in the times I tried Firefox, I noticed a lot of these rough edges to the point that it became frustrating to use. I’m using this specific one as a benchmark for when I’m willing to give it a shot again

          118 months ago

          Strangely nit-picky. The reason this matters to you is because you are used to it. It’s so small an aspect of the browser though that you would forget about it quickly. Imo of course. I never even noticed this when I changed and I use the function many times a day.

    288 months ago

    So they are cracking down on Adblockers and increasing the price of Premium as well.

    I wish there was an alt platform that we could use, because even the FBI recommends using an Adblockers (and TBH what sane person would roll without one?)

      48 months ago

      YouTube do not care if you buy the products or not, they care that they can tell the customer that you have seen it.

      38 months ago

      This made me think!

      Would someone who was enjoying Internet services all the way from infancy (with no ad-blocking devices/apps), think that the amount of ads we have nowadays was the norm and that there was nothing weird or absurd about it?

        28 months ago

        I think they would be disgusted with it. I personally remember the Internet from the Dual Up days, and the amount of ads now is absolutely egregious.

    • Dark Arc
      -148 months ago

      The FBI does not recommend using adblockers so that you can avoid ads on YouTube. That’s just 🤦‍♂️ worthy.

      Every adblocker I know of can be disabled on specific sites.

      I know this is an unpopular opinion here, but Google is within their rights to show ads or make you pay. It costs more than it probably should, and they serve more ads than they should, but their platform is unique and expensive to run; most uploads do not make them money.

        • Dark Arc
          8 months ago

          More like just get off my lawn. Constant bitching and moaning about completely optional services and spending a few dollars to use them is getting to me.

          Yes, Lemmy is free, yes the Internet is historically free (because of ad driven content), but Christ things actually do cost money folks and services have a right to charge what people are willing to pay.

          If you don’t like it… Don’t use YouTube, seek out an alternative, build an alternative, tell your creators you’ll only watch them on PeerTube (which probably won’t work because they want to make money) or floatplane or whatever.

          This isn’t some crusade for Google. I’m just sick of this crap being in my feed and all these comments. This isn’t “technology”, it’s one service charging money 🙄

            • Dark Arc
              8 months ago

              I don’t have anything nice to say to you, so I’m just going to leave it at that.

              For everybody else, consider how venture capitalism allowed for an otherwise completely non-viable product to come into existence. This isn’t a monopoly, it’s a product that could not exist any other way because of the expense of running it the way that it’s run.

              You’re totally welcome to take your business elsewhere and it’s totally possible to live without YouTube. The fact is for most people (perhaps up until this point) there hasn’t been a significant motivation to create an actual alternative and get funding for it (or enough wrong with YouTube that people will actually pay what it costs to run a “YouTube without ads”). Rumble exists because the right wing wanted a similar service where they could talk without Google’s moderation policies.

              I’m not endorsing Rumble, but alternatives can be started if the funds are put in place to do so and there’s a market for it. Like Lemmy, people just have to use the alternative over the existing dominant option (in this case Reddit).

              PeerTube is an option as well of course, but I don’t see it taking off due to the expense and the inability for big creators to monetize on it. Floatplane has a better chance in that respect.

        48 months ago

        That’s not how I intended the phrasing here.

        No one doubts Google is not entitled to money. The level of ads is excessive, and to be fair, we are served too many ads in our daily lives as-is, constantly, billboards, radio, Cable TV (to which you pay for the priviledge of watching ads), Gas Pumps, ect. It’s everywhere and nauseating, and I’m starting to personally doubt the efficacy of them. People have become numb to them.

        But they go on a crusade against Adblockers since the amount / type of ads is excessive, and then raise premium pricing : “The Solution”.

        It’s almost like they have a monopoly and the moves as of recent are anti-consumer.

        The FBI recommends an ad-blocker actually because of malicious… Google Search, yes that same pesky Google, not filtering out dangerous websites in their search results under the “Suggested” part of the search (these sites spoof their web addresses and hope you click on them to deliver a malware payload on your system.)

        • Dark Arc
          8 months ago

          Gas Pumps

          That one drives me especially crazy. I just want to pump my gas in peace.

          It’s almost like they have a monopoly and the moves as of recent are anti-consumer.

          I mean they do in a sense… But also complaining as a non-paying customer that you should have to pay is going to get you nowhere.

          (Edit: I’m going to leave this part in, you were just asking for an alternative. My memory has blended other comments and a general “ugh” feeling in all these threads. So, this really isn’t aimed at you)

          If you really want to make a change, stop using YouTube, create content elsewhere, try and convince the creators you watch to upload elsewhere. The thing is, most creators that are big enough for the average person to be watching are doing it because it makes them money, and Google is the best place to get that check. You could try floatplane, but my guess is it’s going to be more (not less) expensive than Google and/or might not have people you want to watch on it.

          Google considered making 4k premium only because it’s so expensive. Linus tech tips did a nice video showing how 4k disrupts YouTube’s business model and imposes much higher costs. Instead of doing that, they’re raising prices and blocking ads. A more altruistic Google could reduce the ads once the adblockers are working, I kinda doubt they will, but it’s still a possibility.

          The days of “free YouTube” (like so many other free Internet things) are over, it was a great deal. It’s not as great of a deal now. Maybe someone can actually afford to put up a fight now that it’s actually got to make money, maybe not. It’s still (IMO) a pretty dang good deal for all the content you get, and premium helps support the creators you’re watching (at least according to Linus) by a “significant” amount vs ad supported views.

          The FBI recommends an ad-blocker actually because of malicious… Google Search, yes that same pesky Google, not filtering out dangerous websites in their search results under the “Suggested” part of the search (these sites spoof their web addresses and hope you click on them to deliver a malware payload on your system.)

          Yeah you’re right on this one. I actually misremembered the reason, so I’ll take the facepalm for myself. Still, I haven’t used YouTube with ads in a while, but I remember YouTube ads being more like TV ads/a bit more reliable (and a bit too repetitive).

        • Dark Arc
          18 months ago

          I’m not sure what you’re advocating for here. Government regulation to cap the price?

      158 months ago

      But that’s the only benefit of premium (on YouTube itself). I guess there are still YouTube originals but that kind of died as far as I can tell.

        8 months ago

        Yes. And? You think they care? Premium isn’t there to benefit you, it’s there to benefit Google. As soon as the money stops coming in, they’ll look for other ways to squeeze it. We’re already seeing it with streaming providers shoehorning ads into their paid services. It’s not that much of a stretch.

        118 months ago

        The only benefit now, but what if they start to serve 30 non-skippable ads without premium and ONLY 5 with premium, what a deal! Right? If you hate ads you can just buy higher tier for ONLY $5 more.

        Let’s just keep fingers crossed for ublock…

      8 months ago

      They’ll introduce premium platinum for 2x the price, and then normal premium will be changed to YouTube supporter class, with select advertisements

      But they’ll do this very quietly, and everyone will get grandfathered into YouTube supporter if they don’t do anything. So in public they’ll still say YouTube premium has no advertisements, even though they’ve moved the goal posts

        • Terrasque
          18 months ago

          But on the good side, they offer 3 months of “reduced” cost ( but still more than old premium cost) for those that upgrade now

      • Dark Arc
        8 months ago

        More realistically they’ll bump up the price of premium a bit more and then have a reduced ads tier for like $6-7. But, I also have my doubts about that. The business model is significantly different than other “streaming services”.

    198 months ago

    Probably jinxing myself here, but I have yet to have a single problem. Linux, Firefox, ublock origin.

  • zkfcfbzr
    148 months ago

    μBlock Origin works for me still (Firefox), but I had to remove my custom filter to remove Shorts from the Subscription page - seems like they can detect it if I have any YT-specific rules.

    I’ve got FreeTube set up as a backup in case μBlock does ever fail - but its lack of tabs really make me not want to use it as my primary access yet. I think they could benefit a lot from creating a browser-based UI, kind of like what Plex has.

    118 months ago

    Stop using butt adblockers. There’s a reason why UBO has the highest amount of downloads, is a recommended extension, and is the highest rated extension on both chromium and firefox.

    108 months ago

    I’ve just installed Yattee for IOS. It works great. There was a post for this a day ago? Also for other platforms. Fuck YouTube.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    78 months ago

    Weird. I’ve been running AdBlock and AdGuard for years and nary an issue with youtube. I just never see ads there.

    FWIW it was only when I added a vpn to my mix that I started being made to submit to captchas whenever I do anything like search

    • ΛdΛm_𝒷
      68 months ago

      That’s because they’re targeting Desktop users only, I think and I hate to say it, we’ll inevitably face 3 choices in the future

      A. Watch YT with all it’s ads B. Quit using YT C. Pay for premium

      All these awesome privacy frontends that we use will be killed, just like Libreddit & Teddit, and ads on YT will be unbearable, long, repetitive, that even non techies will start thinking of ways to avoid them…

      The only effective solution I see, is that content creators have the balls to selfhost their content using Peertube, or migrate to Rumble or odysee…

      Many content creators like LTT straight out refused to offer another way to view their content, there is no reason why anyone wouldn’t want to Sync their content to other platform, unless they care that much about that ad revenue, which shows they support this business model

      sorry about the grammar, slept for 2 hours…

        88 months ago

        LTT is happy to let you pay for their mediocre content plus mediocre extra behind the scenes special boi crap on Floatplane

        • ΛdΛm_𝒷
          18 months ago

          They charge for FP ??! So these people on the podcast are paying to comment ! I didn’t know that…

          hmmm, that’s fine I’m not against content creators creating ways to monetize, I’m against supporting the ad business model and gaslighting people into believing “it’s working”…

          As for the content quality, I only watch LTT to see what crazy ideas and experiments they come up with, I never learned anything tho, because they don’t show you how they did it, Linus just says we’re going to build a server, and boom, it’s already done… ( they do it off camera ), I mean like details, installing the distro, and how to navigate it… Etc ( his team does it for him )

          • Karyoplasma
            18 months ago

            You are looking for niche content. The last place to search for that would be a big YT channel since their videos are tailored for the general audience. I don’t know what you expected lol

            • ΛdΛm_𝒷
              8 months ago

              Well, don’t you think skipping major steps ( mind you ) renders the entire process irreproducible, or prone to error and failure ?

              I don’t know what you expected lol

              a Blog post would be appreciated, say : hey we skipped this ( very technical and confusing ) step, here’s the boring blog, enjoy…

              I’m just saying, their content is mostly entertaining, not educational, that’s how I find it personally.

        • ΛdΛm_𝒷
          38 months ago

          From their Github

          ⚠️Why do I get TOO MANY REQUESTS errors? ⚠️ As of July 12th, 2023, Libreddit is currently not operational as Reddit’s API changes, that were designed to kill third-party apps and content scrapers who don’t pay large fees, went into effect. Read the full announcement here. One of the project maintainers is working towards keeping this project alive to some extent: #836

          Some instances might still be operational, but limited…

          I deleted my Reddit accounts, once Infinity stopped working, and I open reddit links in Tor ( same with Tiktok and others ), they’re not gonna have it their way

            8 months ago

            Hmm, well my personal instance works fine and has for months, no limitations that I’ve encountered. Guess I’m just lucky

            • ΛdΛm_𝒷
              28 months ago

              Yea you’re, I tried some instances they work for a while and then they give that message : too many requests

              what happened to Reddit is just disgusting, they broke the law and they’re roaming free…

                8 months ago

                I wonder if it impacts public instances because it’s rate-limiting the requests, where it’s just me on my private instance so it’s not hitting the limit.

                If so then it’s pretty easy to spin one up in docker and get around the issue.

                Of course leaving reddit entirely is always better.

                Also I’m not tuned in – what laws did they break?

                • ΛdΛm_𝒷
                  28 months ago

                  Maybe, but I don’t wanna try anymore, you could patch Infinity with Revanced patches and keep using it too, but I dont wanna do that either…

                  Of course leaving reddit entirely is always better.

                  Yeah, I gave up…

                  what laws did they break?

                  I think it’s called CCPA ( a US data law ), Reddit violated that law, when they restored users’ content, im guessing this law guarantees the right to be erased… ( US data laws sound good on paper, but they never work in reality 😂 )

                  Also they can’t just go to their terms of service and change stuff based on the situation, they even tried to stretch the meaning of some clauses in their TOS just so they can cover it up, it’s all in r/announcements, just scroll back to June 2023