
  • el_tigre427@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If you listen to people who know ball, the issues with this team have less to do with talent and more to do with coaching. Week in and week out we see penalties, missed assignments, and general mistakes everywhere on the field. Fans fall into this trap thinking a QB can mask all those issues. The ones who can are few and far between. It sucks but nothing is going to change and Poles’ biggest mistake was this coaching staff. They’ve made his picks look like terrible choices (some may have been), the money he spent this off-season look like wasted dollars, and failed to develop a quarterback with immense promise (you can dislike JF all you want but you can’t dismiss the fact he is the most talented prospect at the position we’ve had possibly ever). I’ve been here many times, boys. It truly sucks.

    • lkn240@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      The Chargers are not a good team. Their defense stinks and the entire fan base wants Staley gone. Their offensive line is suspect and they don’t have great weapons.

      They kicked our ass last night because they have a very good QB and we don’t.

      Once you have a guy like Herbert you can potentially fix the team in any given offseason because he papers over so many holes. If the Chargers had our QBs they’d probably have zero wins this year.