“Good luck with the future, gentlemen,” County Court Judge Kellie Blair said to the pair, as she stepped off the bench at the end of hearing.

  • @Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml
    1018 months ago

    Shit’s getting really bad. I mean I’m not sure what I think on the judgement, but the fact that there’s people here walking around with Nazi symbols and openly literally becoming members of the National Socialist Network. How has it all gone so wrong and so… Weird.

    • @PocketRocket@lemmy.world
      368 months ago

      We’ve always had odd balls, arseholes, pointlessly angry people, racists, homophobes, all varieties of people out on the fringe of generally acceptable behaviours. Modern technology has allowed them to find community and sort of glob together much easier, be much louder and more visible, spread their particular brand of thought.

      Just my musings anyway. They were always there, the regular people were just more numerous and those on the fringe couldn’t find each other so easily.

      • @PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
        398 months ago

        I think we surpassed the “finding community” part long ago.

        These days white extremists are manufactured by other white extremists on social media – the closest thing we’ve ever built to mind control.

        The underlying grooming strategies aren’t much different to the ones Islamic extremists have been using on budding young suicide bombers for decades, they just throw in a few more memes.

        Oh and most importantly, profits. There’s a lot of ad impressions and user engagement on the path from human being to far-right terrorist, eventually culminating in gun-based mass murder that is like Christmas for the gun lobby and for-profit media.

        • IWantToFuckSpez
          8 months ago

          The brain washing Nazi funnel starts at the main stream media especially the Murdoch media empire. Social media just finishes the job.

        • @DogMuffins@discuss.tchncs.de
          108 months ago

          I think there’s also just good old poverty and hopelessness.

          It seems like life is just getting harder for younger generations. No homes, shit jobs, fix the planet for us, etc etc.

          Frustration and feelings of persecution breeds this kind of tribalism and manifests as some kind of hatred.

          • @PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
            48 months ago

            Targeting young, disillusioned men isn’t a new invention – Islamic extremists have been doing it in the Middle East for decades.

            But America has brought modern convenience to the process. Fresh meat is easy to find and they only need a few hundred bucks to buy a gun for maximum damage and minimum risk.

    • @kool_newt@lemm.ee
      28 months ago

      We live under states, the right to use violence to protect ourselves and our community has been taken from us. The state is allegedly supposed to protect you so you don’t need to use violence, but as we can see, the state has failed at this.

      There should not be NAZIs openly walking around – they should not be able to make it out of their neighborhood.

    • stilgar [he/him]
      18 months ago

      It has gone so wrong because liberalism has failed. We need political movements which serve the people, not the corporations.

  • SeaJ
    538 months ago


    “In both your cases your prospects of rehabilitation are good,” she said.

    Does not really jive with this:

    Sewell’s reprieve came nine months after he was also spared jail by a magistrate for a separate incident, when he repeatedly punched a Channel Nine security guard at the network’s Melbourne headquarters while on bail, as Hersant filmed.

  • interolivary
    368 months ago

    “Good luck with the future, gentlemen”

    What the, and I can’t stress this enough, utter fuck? “Good luck with your future hate crimes, gentlemen”

    • IWantToFuckSpez
      8 months ago

      And one of these cunts was already convicted for assault (which the other Nazi filmed) but didn’t had to do jail time because of “his lack of criminal history”. So the excuse now is they have good prospects for rehabilitation. So the fucking judge thinks a violent repeat offender has a good chance at rehabilitation by doing community service. This judge is insane. Bet if it were anti-fascists they would be doing hard time.

      • interolivary
        8 months ago

        She’s not insane, she’s a fascist.

        If it was insanity, it’d be easier to understand her actions – she might not be completely completely in control of herself or aware of what she’s doing. She knows what she’s doing.

          • interolivary
            78 months ago

            Whoop, good point. I did read the article, it’s just that my native language has no grammatical gender so it’s like stupid easy to slip up with this stuff

            • teft
              48 months ago

              As someone who has to learn the grammatical gender of nouns I feel for you. I’m constantly fucking up in my second language.

              • interolivary
                48 months ago

                Grammatical gender just feels so, well… pointless. Like, why should I have to care about what someone’s gender is when I’m referring to them? If someone’s gender is actually relevant somehow I can just use words like “woman” etc. to specify (eg if I need to point someone out in a crowd or whatever), but it’s rarely relevant at all. Defaulting to “he” isn’t too great either even though I do it myself too sometimes because it’s so common and it was taught in school too etc., but it’s neat that “they” is more popular nowadays.

                I should actually probably just fucking ditch gendered pronouns altogether and use “they” most of the time – would feel more natural, and as bonus it would annoy conservatives

      • mPony
        68 months ago

        I guess anti-fascists must be bad for business, or something.

    • @jonne
      8 months ago

      The judiciary has always been sympathetic to fascists. That was true in Weimar Germany as well. It’s the reason brown shirts felt safe to beat up people in the street, there were no real consequences.

    • @Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml
      58 months ago

      It sounds like it’s in the context of sentencing and in the context seemingly of some discussion about their chances at rehabilitation so I imagine it was meant in that sense. “Good luck on your journey towards being not being a piece of shit any more”. Doesn’t sound like that journey is progressing very well though considering they immediately declared their innocence after entering guilty pleas and then spouted anti Semitic and homophobia remarks to the press outside court and walked off.

      • interolivary
        28 months ago

        Oh yeah that was how I took it, but you pointed out the problem yourself. It was either an astoundingly stupid decision, or a malicious one.

  • @VulcanDeathGrip@beehaw.org
    328 months ago

    I like the TLDR bot but it could still use some fine tuning. It misses out on nuanced gems like: “Outside court, Sewell and Hersant told journalists they were innocent of the charges, despite entering guilty pleas.”


    “They spouted homophobic and anti-Semitic slurs and walked off.”

  • qaz
    308 months ago

    In 2017 Sewell attempted to recruit the perpetrator of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings into the Lads Society.

    That’s just openly endorsing terrorism.

    • @PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
      278 months ago

      The far-right do openly endorse terrorism. The funnel starts with people like Elon, Tucker, Peterson and Rogan and ends in Discord channels where mass shooters that hunt minorities are openly celebrated.

      When they’re not doing that, they’re brainstorming ways to breed more far-right terrorists, which almost always involves memes and identifying vulnerable communities.

      • qaz
        8 months ago

        I’ve seen the dog-whistle memes and LGBTQ+ bashing but usually it’s not as blatantly unsubtle as this. (Well from what I’ve seen so far)

  • DessertStorms
    268 months ago

    Hey now Australia, I know we’re all in a race to the bottom, but give the rest of us a chance… 🙄

  • Jake Farm
    168 months ago

    Australia is already run by organized crime. I guess fascism isnt too much of a stretch after that.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    88 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Thomas Sewell and Jacob Hersant were on Friday convicted of violent disorder, over their role in a 2021 incident where far-right extremists ambushed hikers in regional Victoria.

    “Good luck with the future, gentlemen,” County Court Judge Kellie Blair said to the pair, as she stepped off the bench at the end of hearing.

    Sewell previously spent about six months behind bars in the early stages of the case, after he was denied bail due to fears he would commit further offences and intimidate witnesses.

    Hersant, who served three days of pre-sentence custody, was also allowed to walk free on Friday but will have to complete 200 hours of community work.

    Sewell’s reprieve came nine months after he was also spared jail by a magistrate for a separate incident, when he repeatedly punched a Channel Nine security guard at the network’s Melbourne headquarters while on bail, as Hersant filmed.

    On Friday, the court heard the pair were with about 25 other men from Nationalist Socialist Network and the European Australian Movement in the Cathedral Ranges State Park on May 8, 2021.

    The original article contains 495 words, the summary contains 177 words. Saved 64%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    58 months ago

    This happens in every settler colonialist country. They let nazis walk because they’re ultimately on the same side.